BREAKING: Senate Republicans Release Obamacare Repeal Bill

After months of waiting, Senate Republicans finally released their version of the Obamacare repeal bill, called the “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017.”

The bill, which is only 142 pages in length, is very similar to the House-passed bill. It will repeal many of Obamacare’s disastrous taxes while phasing out the Medicaid expansion that keeps Americans dependent on shoddy government health care.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is plowing full steam ahead with unleashing this bill, and wants a vote on the bill by the July 4th congressional recess. Here are more details via Politico:

The bill is expected to repeal Obamacare’s mandates and Medicaid expansion and impose significant cuts to the long-term Medicaid program. Republicans also want to reshape the Obamacare insurance subsidies to help low-income people buy insurance, but it is still unclear whether additional language to prohibit those plans from covering abortion will be allowed under Senate rules.

H/T Politico

We’ll find out more about the bill when the Congressional Budget Office analyzes it next week. Even so, Americans should be skeptical of the CBO score, as the government agency gave Obamacare a glowing review, which turned out to be wrong.

Let’s hope Republicans can come together and get this bill passed as soon as possible. The media and the Democrats are ready to pounce, and will waste no time in calling Republicans “killers” and “poor-haters” because they want to get rid of Obamacare.

Republicans should pass this bill and destroy Obama’s legacy once and for all. The last president lied to the American people to justify his health care takeover. It’s time for Republicans and Donald Trump to make him pay for his disastrous policies.

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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