Sean Hannity Sought Legal Advice from Michael Cohen on Media Matters Boycott

hannity cohen boycott

The real reason Sean Hannity solicited attorney Michael Cohen has been revealed.

Yesterday, we learned that none other than Fox News host Sean Hannity was a client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, and fixer. Hannity has since come out and explained that he was never a real client of Cohen’s, and only sought informal advice.

It turns out that Hannity really might have only sought casual advice from Cohen on a business matter – namely, how to survive a liberal-led advertiser boycott.

Media Matters is taking credit for Hannity seeking out advice from Michael Cohen.

Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair reports:

SHERMAN: But what I have heard so far is that at some point last year, Sean Hannity hired Michael Cohen to help defend him against left-wing groups that were calling for boycotts in the wake of Bill O’Reilly’s ouster from Fox News under pressure from advertisers and left-wing groups.

My sources said Hannity got very, quote, “paranoid” and hired Cohen, and perhaps other lawyers and/or private investigators to look into these groups that were calling for boycotts and trying to get Hannity off the air. Now, this could be very interesting because oftentimes private investigators are hired by law firms because it allows attorney-client privilege to be maintained. So there is a scenario in which if they seized Michael Cohen’s documents inadvertently we might be able to learn to what degree did Sean Hannity try to go after his enemies with shady tactics like private investigators.

Well, that would explain it. Fox News is no stranger to outside boycott efforts aimed at advertisers. Just ask Laura Ingraham.

If this is all there is to the Hannity-Cohen relationship, it’s a big nothingburger. There are no mistresses. There are no payoffs. There is no smoking gun. Just an aggrieved sect of liberals trying to take down a conservative news anchor.

In other words, just another day in our topsy-turvy politics.

Would you be surprised if Hannity sought out Cohen’s help on an advertiser boycott? Tell us your thoughts below!

4 thoughts on “Sean Hannity Sought Legal Advice from Michael Cohen on Media Matters Boycott”

  1. It never ceases to amaze me how great is America’s hunger for celebrity gossip to be elevated to breaking new status occupying all media outlets. How can such a trivial matter like Hannity’s public and private association with Cohen be of any importance to public opinion in the ongoing Cohen vs FBI tug of war? Other than the questionable search and seizure of Cohen’s documents? Suddenly Hannity has been implicated in Muller investigation. That’s crazy!

  2. “shady tactics like private investigators”
    The use of private investigators by conservatives is a shady tactic. The use of private investigators by liberals is to be considered just another aspect of investigative journalism.
    Transference at its finest.

  3. I believe Hannity has the right to defend himself against left wing organizations looking to deliberately sabotage his conservative show over nothing! If I were in his shoes, I would have probably done worse like permanently shutting down their left wing orgs., because they are unconstitutional by going after free speech simply because that doesn’t fit their leftist narrative. I’ve had just about enough of these alt-left organizations looking to shut conservatives down!

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