Rush Limbaugh Exposes the Incriminating Details From the IG Report the Media is Hiding

Rush Limbaugh IG Report

Rush Limbaugh explained to his radio listeners on Wednesday the massive cover-up from the “drive-by media,” and dishonest reporting about President Trump, will likely “get someone killed.”

Limbaugh notes that the real reason for all the hypocritical, misleading, and outright false reports on the Trump administration’s treatment of illegal immigrants, is to deliberately bury the more damning revelations from Justice Department Inspector General Michel Horowitz’s report about the partisan handling of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation by the FBI. (RELATED: Trey Gowdy Slams FBI Following IG Report on Handling of Clinton Investigation).

El Rushbo opined, “This story is getting buried, by the way, which is also one of the objectives of the border story and the detaining children story.”

Here’s the part of the Fox News report Rush Limbaugh read on air, entitled, “IG confirms he is reviewing whether Strzok’s anti-Trump bias impacted the launch of Russia probe.”

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed Tuesday that he is investigating whether FBI official Peter Strzok’s anti-Trump bias factored into the launch of the bureau’s Russia probe.

During a joint hearing before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees, Horowitz testified that his office was reviewing Strzok’s anti-Trump text messages as part of a separate probe related to the Russia investigation.

“It clearly shows a biased state of mind,” Horowitz said, referring to text messages written as the FBI probe of Hillary Clinton’s private email use was wrapping up and the Russia probe was getting underway. …

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., questioned Horowitz on whether that apparent bias influenced the initiation of the investigation into Russia interference in the 2016 campaign and potential collusion with Trump’s team.

“That’s a matter we’ve got under review and are looking at right now,” Horowitz said.

Limbaugh noted, “The text messages that we have seen with Strzok, those with Lisa Page, indicate the Hillary Clinton investigation was never gonna amount to anything.” He continued, “Strzok and Page admitted this was a nothing burger, but that the Russia thing? That was real. Even though Strzok also texted at one point that he didn’t think there was gonna be anything to it. But Horowitz is admitting that Strzok’s bias against Trump is now a central investigation into just how much did his bias have to do with the actual investigation of Trump and Russia beginning. I think they’re gonna find that it was a lot of it.”

Then, Limbaugh cited former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy of National Review’s column, which detailed “the overwhelming evidence of criminal behavior of Hillary Clinton and, by extension, [Former President} Barack Obama.”

Limbaugh added, “Yet the inspector general report doesn’t even comment on it. They comment on the FBI’s investigation being half-hearted and lackadaisical, and they admit that may be because of bias. But here you have the collection of real evidence of all of the serious violations of law, and nothing was done about it. Despite the fact that the IG report catalogs how the FBI exonerated her before they even interviewed her, exonerated her even before the investigation began. But the evidence presented in the report itself is so conclusive of criminal behavior and the IG didn’t even comment on that — and there’s one reason for it.”

What’s going on here? Limbaugh argues that the media is protecting Obama: “You cannot investigate Hillary Clinton without including and snaring Barack Obama! Barack Obama was knowingly sending classified data back and forth with Hillary over her unsecured, unofficial server. He lied about knowing that. Any investigation of her would have nailed him. The point of all this has always been to insulate Obama.”

Limbaugh also took issue with the 15 months it took Horowitz’s team to generate the report. It’s circulated for a month while people named in the report got a sneak peek, and thus an opportunity to try to change Horowitz’s mind on some of his conclusions before final publication.

Limbaugh concluded, “You know what struck me? It took this guy 15 months to put together a report of things we have known for six months! In other words, the delay aspect of this report is something I don’t think enough people are talking about. This whole thing being delayed as though they just now learned all this as a result of their exhaustive investigation? They knew it too!”

Rush Limbaugh IG Report

In the meantime, we’re in another news cycle talking about families of illegal aliens, and the IG report is no longer front page news. Democrats and the media will never let a good crisis go to waste.

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Thomas is a movement conservative and American patriot. He has a vigorous blue-collar, Jacksonian attitude with a skeptical eye ... More about Thomas
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