Senator Mitt Romney repeatedly hammered the President over a transcript of a phone conversation between him and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, referring to Trump’s actions as “deeply troubling.”
“I did read the transcript. It remains troubling in the extreme. It’s deeply troubling,” Romney relayed to reporters. “Clearly what we’ve seen from the transcript itself is deeply troubling.”
When is Mitt (?-UT) going to make it official and switch his party affiliation?
To the contrary, the transcript revealed there was absolutely no quid pro quo involving investigation of former vice president Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Nothing inappropriate was mentioned on the call, and no threats were made.
Romney is flat-out echoing Democrat talking points on the subject. Which is … deeply troubling.
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Mitt Romney says the transcript of Trump’s call with Ukrainian president is “deeply troubling”: “If the president of the United States asks or presses the leader of a foreign country to carry out an investigation of a political nature that’s troubling”
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) September 25, 2019
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Prior to the release of the transcript, Romney was critical of the President over hearsay involving the conversation.
“If the President asked or pressured Ukraine’s president to investigate his political rival, either directly or through his personal attorney, it would be troubling in the extreme. Critical for the facts to come out,” he said over the weekend.
The facts just came out, Mitt. And the facts don’t suggest he withheld military aid to force Ukraine’s hand on investigating the Bidens. In fact, the transcript clearly shows there was no mention of any US aid package to Ukraine on the call at all.
The entire basis for this impeachment inquiry has imploded on the Democrats. Perhaps that is what Romney is truly ‘troubled’ over.
Even more troubling is that, after attacking Trump with fact-free analysis on the matter, Romney then set about defending House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for pursuing impeachment.
“That’s not advice I’m going to be providing to the House or to the Speaker,” he said. “She’s able to do what she feels is right. That’s up to her. At this stage the process is to continue to gather information but clearly what we’ve seen from the transcript itself is deeply troubling.”
RELATED: Romney Refuses to Endorse Trump In the Primary or General Election
.@jmartNYT: appropriate for the House to begin this inquiry on impeachment?
ROMNEY: “That’s not advice I’m going to be providing to the House Speaker, she is able to do what she believes is right…clearly what we’ve seen from the transcript itself is deeply troubling.”
— Alan He (@alanhe) September 25, 2019
Romney recently announced that he would not endorse any presidential candidate in the 2020 race, including President Trump.
After accepting Trump’s endorsement for Utah senator in 2018, Romney wrote a scathing op-ed indicating the President had failed to live up to the “mantle” of the presidency.
Trump has said Romney’s repeated criticism of him stems from the fact that “I won big, and he didn’t.”