Liberals Respond Hypocritically To Pro-Trump Protest At Robert De Niro Musical

Robert De Niro musical

Liberals have been absolutely unable to hide their hypocrisy after a Donald Trump supporter had the nerve to silently hold up a pro-Trump flag during a performance of the Robert De Niro-directed “A Bronx Tale: The New Musical” on Saturday.

A man stood up at the end of the performance at the Longacre Theatre and held up a flag reading, “Keep America Great!” and “Trump 2020.” That was all he did, and most people in the audience paid him no attention – but liberals immediately took to social media to proclaim their offense.

“The times we live in,” Joe Del Vicario tweeted. “It’s sad that people can’t enjoy a beautiful show and embrace its unifying message without politicizing it.”

Last week, De Niro politicized yet another awards show when he yelled “F-ck Trump” onstage at the Tony Awards. But hypocrites like Del Vicario likely didn’t take issue with that. (RELATED: Robert De Niro Launches Profane Attack on President Trump at Tony Awards).

Over on Instagram, Brian Strumwasser – a hair department supervisor on “A Bronx Tale” – was more blatant in his bigotry. “Whoever the low life scum bag who thinks it’s ok to post their political views at a Broadway show and disrespect everyone there who paid to watch a show that is ALL ABOUT INCLUSION was thankfully removed from the theater Saturday night,” Strumwasser wrote. He ironically added, “Robert De Niro is one of our directors and has started [sic] in the movie and was able to make 6000 people roar and cheer @thetonyawards for saying ‘F*CK TRUMP.’ If @realdonaldtrump wants to visit @bronxtalemusical maybe he himself will learn what racism is and how we deal with it. #f–ktrump…#dontf–kwiththebronx.”

Strumwasser has since deleted the post – but not before someone was able to screenshot it.

Mind-blowing hypocrisy, indeed. Do these people truly not realize their double standard? The Trump supporter at “A Bronx Tale” had the courtesy to wait until the end of the musical, and he didn’t disrupt the performance – he simply stood and held a flag.

Meanwhile, De Niro has taken every opportunity to publicly spew obscenities and hatred at the President of the United States, literally holding audiences captive as he politicizes award shows and commencement addresses.

The First Amendment does not apply differently to people with whom you disagree. Unfortunately, liberals just don’t seem to understand that.

By Ann

Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers... More about Ann

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