I originally had mixed emotions when I heard that Energy Secretary Rick Perry was going to step down.
Once again, the media puts out allegations that aren’t true, so they need to be corrected.
Perry addressed recent reports that he was planning to resign in November in a Politico interview, claiming that the rumor that he was leaving has been out there for months, but that’s all it is–pure speculation.
Perry: “No. I’m here, I’m serving. They’ve been writing the story for at least nine months now. One of these days they will probably get it right, but it’s not today, it’s not tomorrow, it’s not next month.”
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Someone over at Politico either tried to get the scoop or manufactured this story so they could easily retract it later. That’s the time we live in. The Politico reporter cited three unnamed sources who also denied his plans of leaving the Trump administration having anything to do with Ukraine.
A spokesperson, Shaylyn Haynes, denied the report at the time.
Haynes: “While the beltway media has breathlessly reported on rumors of Secretary Perry’s departure for months, he is still the Secretary of Energy and a proud member of President Trump’s Cabinet. One day the media will be right. Today is not that day.”
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On Saturday, Axios reported that Trump told House Republicans his July 2019 call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was at Perry’s request, and Perry confirmed that he asked Trump to call Zelensky–but said it only concerned the country’s developing energy sector, not the Biden family.
Perry: “Absolutely, I asked the president multiple times, ‘Mr. President, we think it is in the United States’ and in Ukraine’s best interest that you and the president of Ukraine have conversations, that you discuss the options that are there’”
You can always predict these lying Democrats in the media and the lying Democrats in Congress will always try to paint any patriot, anyone serving the Trump Administration, and anyone who is a Republican, in the worst possible light. They make up outright lies in their futile effort to tarnish these Americans.
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Perry, at one point, had suggested abolishing the Department of Energy, so it is poetic that he serves as Secretary of Energy. Remember, this former Texas governor has first name contacts with folks throughout the energy business around the globe.
I would never print anything that had three unnamed sources as my line of information. I just couldn’t.
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