Here’s Who Rick Perry Supports For President!

Rick Perry

Former presidential candidate and Governor of Texas Rick Perry believes there’s only one “intellectual giant” left standing in the GOP race – Ted Cruz.

Responding to recent poll numbers indicating Cruz could be in for a big win in Wisconsin this week, Perry said Donald Trump’s closest challenger remains “the adult in the room” when it comes to economic or foreign policy.

“Ted Cruz is without a doubt, the intellectual giant that’s left on the stage here,” Perry claimed.

He took a shot at John Kasich as well, portraying him as a less than serious contender.

“Although Kasich is there, it’s a two person race,” Perry explained.  “It’s between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.”

He went on to spell out a scenario in which he sees Cruz winning the nomination:

So what I expect is it’s going to be difficult for anyone to get to that 1237 delegate count, to get the nomination. I think we’re headed toward a contested contest, if you will, a contested convention. And at that particular point in time, I think Ted Cruz is very, very well situated to get the nomination.

I think by far when you look at these numbers now and look at the things that Donald Trump has said that has offended a host of people across the country, women in particular this last week, then you’re going to see Ted Cruz be a very, very strong contender, and I think he will thrash Hillary Clinton in a general election. And I think you’re starting to see that from a lot of folks.

She is truly a flawed candidate, and Ted Cruz is going to do quite well.

Watch the segment below …

In addition to the above interview, Perry has said Trump’s rocky week is likely to force his longtime backers to rethink whether they will vote for him.

He believes women especially are reconsidering their support of Trump.

“I mean, even if he stops digging, it’s so deep that I think most voters out there are like, is this person really thoughtful enough, is he mature enough, does he really care enough to learn the issues?”

Earlier in the campaign, Perry’s endorsement of Cruz helped propel him to a big victory in the state of Texas. As our own SooperMexican points out, “Perry is very popular among conservatives all over America after two of his own presidential runs.”

Comment: Will this latest endorsement of Cruz as the lone “intellectual giant” in the field reap similar benefits for Cruz when it comes to conservative voters?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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