Report: Trump Wants To Create New ‘Patriot Party’

Trump Heading To Georgia For Rally On The Eve Of Historic Runoff Elections

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday evening that President Trump is interested in creating a new third party once he leaves office.

The reported name? The ‘Patriot Party.’

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Aides Claim Trump Has Mentioned Creating New Party

The Journal cited “people familiar with the matter” who say Trump has discussed creating a “Patriot Party” and that “several aides and other people close to him” have said the same. 

Trump has a widespread appeal with both independent voters and those who have been politically apathetic, meaning their loyalty to the Republican Party is primarily situational.

Give them Republicans they like – Donald Trump – and they might vote Republican.

Give them Republicans they don’t like – Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and the entire GOP establishment – and there is a good chance they won’t vote for the Republican candidate.

Mitch McConnell’s Actions Could Be Deciding Factor

Mitch McConnell should think long and hard about whether he wants to push impeachment.

Trump has feuded with Republican lawmakers in Washington in recent months, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at the top of that list.

On Tuesday, McConnell accused Trump of supposedly inciting the January 6 Capitol Hill attack and said moving on with impeachment in the Senate was a matter of conscience.

The Wall Street Journal notes that it isn’t entirely clear if Trump was merely talking out loud about creating a new third party or actually serious about putting in the work that such an effort would take.

Could Trump Make A Third Party Viable?

Third parties in the United States have struggled historically, with Ross Perot’s Reform Party making the strongest showing in modern presidential politics, in 1992.

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That third party effort did well in part because it had a strong personality leading it in Mr. Perot.

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One can say many things about Donald Trump, but most would agree – friend or foe – that he is a strong personality.

A new party led by Donald Trump could cripple the Republican Party because he might be able to attract countless Americans who would have otherwise voted Republican.

In pushing for impeachment, Mitch McConnell and GOP leadership should be careful what they wish for.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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