Rasmussen Poll Shows Biden Approval Down – Is The Honeymoon Over?

biden approval down

According to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports, it appears that President Joe Biden’s job approval rating has begun to slip, with more likely voters disapproving of his job performance than approving.

Like most new presidents, there’s typically a “honeymoon” period, where the new leader enjoys strong approval ratings.

Could this slip coincide with the border crisis and an unpopular Democrat agenda?

RELATED: Biden Appears To Backtrack – Says He’ll ‘Reestablish What Existed Before’ At Border

Biden Approval Down

On Tuesday, Rasmussen Reports’ daily Presidential Tracking Poll showed Biden had a 48 percent approval rating and 50 percent disapproval rating.

Rasmussen reported, “The latest figures include 31% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -10.”

Biden’s approval rating sat at 52 percent on Friday, meaning the president has dropped four points since.

Biden’s “strongly disapprove” has gone up one point, from 40 to 41 percent, since Friday, while his “strongly approve” rating went down two points, sinking from 33 percent to 31 percent.

Rasmussen Reports Presidential Approval Index

While the shift is by no means seismic, it is very early in Biden’s presidency.

Why has Biden’s approval gone down?

Border Crisis Taking A Toll?

Rasmussen found that 57 percent of non-GOP, non-Democrat respondents agreed with the statement: “President Biden himself… has caused the [border] crisis with both his rhetoric and his policies.” 

President Biden seems to be slowly beginning to understand how much he has fumbled this.

Last week, in an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the host said directly to Biden, “Do you have to say quite clearly, ‘Don’t come’?” 

Biden replied, “Yes, I can say quite clearly: Don’t come over.”

“Don’t leave your town or city or community,” Biden added.

RELATED: Illegal Immigrant Admits That If Trump Was Still President He Would ‘Definitely Not’ Have Crossed The Border 

Back To Trump’s Border Policies? 

On Sunday, Biden was asked by a reporter about what can be done about the chaos at the southern border.

The president’s reply was interesting and perhaps telling. 

“A lot more,” Biden replied to the reporter, “We’re in the process of doing it now, including making sure that we reestablish what existed before, which was they can stay in place and make their case from their home country.”

Biden appears to be referencing Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which Biden reversed earlier this year.

Will Joe Biden’s apparent turnaround – at least in rhetoric – on border policy also turnaround his sinking numbers?


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51 thoughts on “Rasmussen Poll Shows Biden Approval Down – Is The Honeymoon Over?”

  1. I don't understand how so many people are so easily fooled. Biden is a much bigger liar than Trump ever was. Maybe it's because he has a large following of liberal media and power hungry socialist willing to help spread and support his lies,

  2. All the Democrats know how to do is SPEND MONEY and if you don't have it, JUST PRINT MORE! Haven't you heard, the dollar is now being DEVALUATED! We don't have gold, silver or platinum to back it up. Take a look at a dollar bill from the 50's and compare it to a dollar bill of today. The bill from the 50's says it's a "SILVER CERTIFICATE" and is backed by either gold or silver. Look at the dollar bill you have in your pocket today. It says it's a "FEDERAL NOTE" which means, it's not backed by anything, therefore it's a worthless piece of paper.

  3. The "cut and paste", dumbed-down lib at it once again. You're slipping though, you didn't ramble on about Trump this time. Is the obsession subsiding? No, it's still just as strong as ever. You merely posted more dumbed-down, indoctrinated lib nonsense.

  4. If Pelosi and Schumer were to impeach Biden THEN they will have a case that I guarantee they will win. Hell I think that if they would impeach them selves they would win that impeachment also.

  5. Have you ever had an original thought or is everything you post just cut and paste liberal propaganda? I'd emphatically wager that it's the former. Libs are incapable of original thought, they have to be dumbed-down, indoctrinated and told what to think. Hilarious.

  6. And yet, here YOU are, by choice, like a fish out of water, on a CONSERVATIVE-leaning site, engaging with the "scklock flock"! What, did A). The intolerant leftists kick even you off their sites, and you had nowhere to go but here? Or B). Do you just like to complain? Answer: A + B.

  7. EVERYTHING you spout is questionable, "Nansi-girl", because everyone knows the MOTIVE behind everything you regurgitate is to push your radical leftist agenda. And you'll use anything you can to do it. You lefties are, like an open book, so easy to read. Do you earn brownie points down at your local Marxist club? Of course, being you, you're the only member…'cause even fringe leftists stay away from you, the "drag" of the party…

  8. So, you've once again changed your username? What happened to "Anansi"? Is it in the waiting room of your schizophrenia, keeping "Bevan" and "Simon" company? What will you call yourself next month? Hey, I have a recommendation…how about "Leftist Dupe"! Now, that would be accurate, pal…

  9. Biden is going to have to be suicided because he knows to much about this conspiracy and his handlers are having trouble keeping him from blabbing the truth to everybody because of the mental state that he's in now. and Kamala thinks that she can just laugh her way thru her vice presidency like Biden conned his way for all them years of being payed for doing nothing.

  10. **** ****TIME TO IMPEACH BIDEN AND HARRIS!**** ****

    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?

    I urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.


    Can you continue to tolerate gasoline prices, product prices all going up, the WH being run by Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? Literally destroying our country, allowing thousands upon thousands of illegals into our country bringing in God knows what diseases?

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    Keep in mind:  SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

  11. Spartan_Warrior

    I won't extol hate, anger or disgust in Joe. Instead I will state what I see as truth. He says he is a good Catholic, but a practicing Catholic would see that he isn't following the word of the Lord or the teachings of Jesus Christ. He isn't a Servant Leader, he would never lie down to protect his sheep (us) & he no longer understands the meaning of our Constitution & our Bill of Rights or the truth that our rights are granted by God Almighty, never by a man or gov't. His son Beau & I served our Nation to protect this it from enemies both foreign & domestic. Joe took this oath freely just as Beau & I did. Sadly, Beau died defending this nation & I came out damaged & I can say I would do it again. In 47 years Joe has failed to serve is constituents, but suddenly people thought he would be moderate & finally accomplish something? Well, some people were correct & we are seeing it play out right before our eyes! 1st Amendment, trashed as this WH and media put people in fear with the likes of Lord Faucci. 2nd Amendment under assault because of tragedy in Boulder. Now, look at "the People's House" surrounded by walls that the majority in the house say don't work, but funny it was about a riot at the capital, yet ZERO action on BLM & Antifa, & then they call 73 million all the names in the book to label one group as White Supremacists. Funny, has anyone actually heard what officer killed Ashely? JOE, Look to light and ask forgiveness, it is all you have left!

  12. I've changed my names for this president. Instead of "Sleepy Joe" I now call him Slippy Joe, and instead of "Hidin Biden" it's Slidin Biden. How on earth anyone thought this man was fit to run the U.S. is beyond my comprehension. Buckle up people it's going to be a horrible 4 years.

  13. Biden calls on Senate to 'immediately pass' House bills that would close gun background check loopholes
    In response to Monday's mass shooting at a supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, President Biden on Tuesday urged the Senate to "immediately pass" two recent House-passed bills that would close loopholes in the background check system for gun purchasers.
    While Biden acknowledged it's still unclear what weapon(s) the suspected shooter may have used to kill 10 people, the president said he doesn't "need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common sense steps that will save lives in the future." He said he wants to work with Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, but specified that closing background check loopholes is "one of the best tools we have right now to prevent gun violence."
    Despite the tragedy in Boulder and another recent series of shootings that left eight people dead in the Atlanta area last week, it still seems unlikely Biden will be able to secure the 60 votes required to pass the bills, at least as quickly as he hopes. Republicans are generally wary of major gun reform legislation, and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), one of the upper chamber's crucial moderate Democratic votes, has said he prefers a different proposal, as well. 
    Get Rid of the Filibuster,
    Majority of American Voters Support Reasonable Gun Control Now!

  14. How can you have a honeymoon with a president who has 3 states of mind-unconscious, semi conscious and brain dead. He is a senile old man taking this country down the sewer hole of irrelevance and disorder. 2022 cannot come soon enough.

  15. Biden Team Prepares $3 Trillion in New Spending for the Economy
    A pair of proposals would invest in infrastructure, education, work force development and fighting climate change, with the aim of making the economy more productive.
    The plan would spend heavily on clean energy deployment and the development of other “high-growth industries of the future” like 5G telecommunications. It includes money for rural broadband, advanced training for millions of workers, and one million affordable and energy-efficient housing units. Documents suggest it will include nearly $1 trillion in spending on the construction of roads, bridges, rail lines, ports, electric vehicle charging stations, and improvements to the electric grid and other parts of the power sector.
    Good plans for America by the Biden Administration.
    Bulldoze the Senate filibuster and GOP opposition to Making America Great Again.

  16. rangerrebew1947

    "President Biden seems to be slowly beginning to understand how much he has fumbled this."

    Lyin' Biden doesn't understand any such thing, he is incapable of understanding it. His puppeteers and handlers get it and understand the heat is on. How to get him out of the way is the real problem and he is incapable of understanding that either. He is in this delusional world where everyone worships the ground he stumbles on.

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