Rand Paul Slams Chuck Schumer, Says Trump Should Sue Him for Defamation

During an interview on Fox News Tuesday, Senator Rand Paul became incensed over Senator Chuck Schumer’s recent comments, advocating for President Donald Trump to sue the New York Democrat for defamation.

“You know, I’m offended and shocked that Schumer would be so scurrilous as to accuse the president and his children of making money illegally off of politics when the only people we know have made money off of this have been Hunter Biden and Joe Biden,” Paul said.

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Rand Paul: We Know Hunter Biden Has Made Millions

“So Hunter Biden makes a million dollars a year, that’s documented, but Schumer simply creates and makes up and says, ‘Oh, maybe the president’s kids are making money,’” Paul went on. “John Bolton is making money as we speak. He has probably already gotten the several million dollar advance for this book. He’s making money by testifying against the president.”

We Know John Bolton is Making Money

“The only people we know who have actually made money? Hunter Biden and now John Bolton,” Paul continued. “And they’re not objective–John Bolton is not objective in any way now that he’s cashing million dollar checks. To have Schumer come up and say out of the blue, ‘Maybe the president’s kids are making money,’ with no evidence at all, that’s defamation and they ought to sue him.”

Paul is correct that Sen. Schumer has suggested–with zero evidence–that President Trump’s family may have been making money abroad.

RELATED: New Book Details How Biden Family Took ‘Millions in Taxpayer Cash’—Makes Claim that Hunter Biden Just the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

Trump SHOULD Sue Schumer!

“There is nothing in the record about the president’s kids,” Paul said. “So Schumer has just created this whole thing out of whole cloth and said, ‘Oh, why don’t we go after the president’s kids?’ We don’t know yet whether or not the president’s dealings with the Chinese president have something to do with the Trumps making money.’ He just made it up! Completely made it up! That’s defamation of character and he ought to go to court and be sued for it.”

Rand Paul has been a staunch defender of President Trump throughout the impeachment process, even going so far as to threaten forcing a vote to have Hunter Biden and the CIA whistleblower testify.

Who knows? That could happen.

Donald Trump could even eventually sue Chuck Schumer, too.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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