Rand Paul Says Mob Who Attacked Him And His Wife Were Paid Out-Of-Towners – Calls For Them To Be Arrested

Rand Paul

Earlier today, we reported that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and his wife were attacked by a mob as they left the Republican National Convention at the White House in the early hours of Friday morning. Now, Senator Paul is speaking out to reveal that the mob was made up of paid demonstrators from out of town, and to call for their immediate arrests.

Paul Discusses Attack By Mob

Paul told “Fox & Friends” host Steve Doocy that the attack on him and his wife may just be a small part of a major operation that involves “interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines.”

“They were yelling threats. They were trying to push the police over to get to me,” Paul said. “They were grabbing at us, and it got worse and worse and worse, and then finally, we decided to make a move. I said, ‘We’ve got to move.'”

RELATED: Rand Paul And His Wife Attacked By Angry Mob Outside White House

Paul went on to say that as the situation escalated, the mob began screaming threats of violence.

“If there’s not reinforcements, we have to try to get to the hotel, which was another block and they were shouting threats to us, to kill us, to hurt us, but also threats, shouting ‘Say her name, Breonna Taylor,’ and it’s like you couldn’t reason with this mob — but I’m actually the author of the Breonna Taylor law to end no-knock raids,” he added.

Taylor is the 26-year-old black woman who was fatally shot by Louisville police during a raid back in March.

“[T]he irony is lost on these idiots that they are trying to kill the person whose actually trying to get rid of no-knock raids and they were shouting and screaming and just, really these people were unhinged, but I can’t tell you how, I’m not sure we would have made it,” Paul acknowledged.

RELATED: Rand Paul: Republicans Weren’t Ready For My Dad’s Anti-War Views, But They Are Now Thanks To Trump 

Paul Says Police Saved His Life

In the end, he credits the police with saving his life, with one officer in particular stepping up to help the senator and his wife.

“[A]s we’re walking sort of surrounded by the police, they’re attempting to push the police over to get to me, so at one point they push a policeman backwards, he stumbles and he’s trying to catch his balance and I catch the back of his flak jacket to stabilize him to make sure he’s OK because he’s our defense,” Paul remembered. “If he’s down, the mob is loose on us, and you’ve seen the pictures of what they do to you.”

“[W]e are thankful we have police, and we’ve got to wake up,” he said. “We can’t have Joe Biden rule the country and have no police. I mean, we can’t walk down the street in D.C. safely now. That’s how bad it is.”

Paul believes that there is something far more sinister going on here than meets the eye:

“My feeling is that there is interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines, but you won’t know it unless you arrest them. Otherwise you just think ‘Oh, these are some normal hoodlums from a big city.’ I promise you that at least some of the members and the people who attacked us were not from D.C.

They flew here on a plane with fresh, new clothes and they were paid to be here. It is a crime to do that and it needs to be traced. The FBI needs to investigate, but the only way you can do it is you have to arrest people. And usually we say, ‘Oh, well you didn’t get hurt, so we’re not going to arrest them.’ They were inciting a riot and they would have killed us had the police not been there.”

This serves as a reminder of the dangers that conservatives are facing every day in this country thanks to the increasingly radicalized Left. These days, there’s no telling what Democrats have up their sleeves, and there’s no limit to how far they will go to force their radical agenda on the American people.

This piece was written by PoliZette Staff on August 28, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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