President Trump: Jesus Christ is the True Meaning of Christmas

When President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump joined for the lighting of the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C. Thursday night, they told a large crowd that the birth of Jesus Christ is the true meaning of the holiday.

A Grand White House Tradition Rooted in Faith

“In 1923, President Calvin Coolidge lit the first National Christmas tree,” Trump said, according to a transcript of his comments reported by LifeSiteNews. “Later that night, African-American community centers held an outdoor worship service on these grounds, and during that service the Washington Monument was illuminated with a beautiful cross, a powerful reminder of the meaning of Christmas.”

RELATED: Trump Stands Firm, Reminds America that Christmas is About Jesus Christ

Trump noted that the Christmas tree lighting ceremony was started in 1923 by President Calvin Coolidge, when he lit a 48-foot fir tree while accompanied by a U.S. Marine Band. This year, President Trump lit a 30-foot evergreen tree at the White House decorated with 450 white star ornaments and over 50,000 lights.

‘Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity’

During the ceremony, Trump told the nativity story of Jesus Christ.

“More than two thousand years ago, a brilliant star shown in the east,” he said.

“Wise men traveled far and they came and they stood under the star where they found the Holy Family, in Bethlehem,” Trump added, citing St. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ birth.

“As the Bible tells us, when the wise men had come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshipped Him,” the president continued. “Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace.”

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RELATED: Christmas Is About Christ: Let’s Keep It That Way

Trump Thanks the Salvation Army

Trump also recognized and thanked volunteers and military members who serve American families during the Christmas season, particularly the efforts of the Salvation Army.

“Each year through their Angel Tree program, the Salvation Army brings new gifts to more than 600,000 children” Trump noted.

“At Christmas we remember this eternal truth: Every person is a beloved child of God,” the president added. “As one grateful nation we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas.”

“On behalf of Melania and our entire family, Merry Christmas, and God bless you all,” Trump concluded.

49 thoughts on “President Trump: Jesus Christ is the True Meaning of Christmas”

  1. What a beautiful ceremony that must have been, and for the President of the United States to say such beautiful words is so heartwarming. To all those who constantly berate this warm and God-loving man should look at themselves in the mirror and see what two-faced people they are. Hopefully, there are more in our country who believe in God and the miracle of Christmas and the message to love each other as He loves us. But sad to say, the Democrats have turned from what was once a civilized and respected party into one of hate, jealousy and yes, evil. Thank you, President Trump, for including God in your life and may He lead you to another victory in 2020. How frightened the Democrats are that you will win again. Won’t that be a wonderful day!

  2. Here is a man that said he didn’t have to ask GOD for forgiveness, this was during the debates when he was running. If he is such a Christian, WHY IN THE WORLD DOES HE LIE LIKE HE DOES??? cheated on his wife after their son was born with two women and tried to hide their payoffs, praise Putin, Kim Jun Yung, men who have killed many people that don’t agree with them. Make fun of those with a disability, made comments about John McCain, and don’t forget the GOLD STAR family that he made some remarks about them. I don’t hate him, hate is an ugly word, just can’t stand to hear him LIE.

  3. Here is a man that said he didn’t have to ask GOD for forgiveness, this was during the debates when he was running. If he is such a Christian, WHY IN THE WORLD DOES HE LIE LIKE HE DOES??? cheated on his wife after their son was born with two women and tried to hide their payoffs, praise Putin, Kim Jun Yung, men who have killed many people that don’t agree with them. Make fun of those with a disability, made comments about John McCain, and don’t forget the GOLD STAR family that he made some remarks about them. I don’t hate him, hate is an ugly word, just can’t stand to hear him LIE.

  4. “There is none righteous, no, not one.” I truly believe President Trump has confessed his sins and God has forgiven them, just as He promises in my Holy Scriptures. I am a sinner; I confess. This changes a person: when he asks Christ to come into his life and stand between him and God. This doesn’t make a person perfect, but God has said He will remember our sins NO MORE. I pray that you will trust Jesus Christ to also change your life – and, yes, even forgive “one another.”

  5. This is why the Democrats are so vehement against President Trump: he actually honors and loves God – Who the democrats in power, hate and have never met. In UK they would say “God save the Queen.” Here we have the freedom to say “God save our president!”

  6. Thank you both for keeping Christ in Christmas, I would never fail to acknowledge anyone’s beliefs. I do not like it when mine are carelessly tossed out. Me and Mrs Trump are true Americans.

  7. Finally a President that says what is right…America was founded on Christian principles and should not accept all the phony religious beliefs of pagan nations…nor should America offer non Christians shelter on her shores.

  8. Finally a President that says what is right…America was founded on Christian principles and should not accept all the phony religious beliefs of pagan nations…nor should America offer non Christians shelter on her shores.

  9. Here’s a news flash, Cyan, no one is perfect. not even you! Not even the 12 Apostles were perfect and St Paul definitely was NOT perfect! But they turned their lived around! Jesus didn;t judge, and neither should you!

  10. Here’s a news flash, Cyan, no one is perfect. not even you! Not even the 12 Apostles were perfect and St Paul definitely was NOT perfect! But they turned their lived around! Jesus didn;t judge, and neither should you!

  11. I liked this President, but after tonight, I LOVE THIS PRESIDENT!!
    Jesus is so often taking out of Christmas, despite the fact that the word Christ is a part of the holiday’s name, it;s so good to hear someone speak the truth about this holiday for a change! He’s got my vote hands down!

  12. Open your eyes to the truth….The media will take comments out of context to twist & lie to “We the People” to fit their agenda!

    “You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things.”
    Roman 2:1

    “But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.” Romans 14:10

  13. Thank God for the president who is not a radical Looney tune like the Democrats and the leftist,, I do believe there’s a majority of people out there that feel just like him and the few a minority leftist radical ding dongs really aren’t that many. God bless America and save us from the Looney tunes.

  14. Thank God for the president who is not a radical Looney tune like the Democrats and the leftist,, I do believe there’s a majority of people out there that feel just like him and the few a minority leftist radical ding dongs really aren’t that many. God bless America and save us from the Looney tunes.

  15. To all: who challenge The presidents heart. God said judge not for you shall be judged. Repent and you shall be forgiven. Which ones of those who have judged another have asked Jesus to forgive them. For all your acts will be judged at his throne. No one knows another persons heart except God and Jesus. And the person who is doing the actions or talking.

  16. Past American Presidents who have killed many people that don’t agree with them. The Revolutionary War (1775-1783)
    War of 1812 (1812-1815)
    Mexican – American War (1846-1848)
    American Civil War (1861–1865)
    Spanish-American War (1898)
    World War I (1914-1918)
    World War II (1939-1945)
    Korean War (1950-1953) Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan…

  17. Cyan, i think you are focusing on the wrong thing. No one has ever said that Trump is a godly man and I am not sure if he ever claimed to be a Christian. I do think he believes in God by the way he talks about God and with the people he surrounds himself with. We do not always walk as we should and don’t always talk as we should. But the Bible is very clear that every man is a Liar, yourself included, so be very careful pointing the finger at others as there are many more pointing back at yourself.

  18. It is the manger that is the significance of Jesus and it is that which is more often banned or taken issue with. The antisemitic probably object to the fact Jesus was born a Jew.

  19. It is the manger that is the significance of Jesus and it is that which is more often banned or taken issue with. The antisemitic probably object to the fact Jesus was born a Jew.

  20. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12).

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