Heroes In Blue: Police Officers Help Deliver Thanksgiving Meals Donated By Anonymous Family

Police donate turkey

When anonymous donors wanted to distribute Thanksgiving meals to nearly 30 families in Henrico County, Virginia, they had help ready and waiting in the area’s local police. 

NBC 12 reported,“On Friday, Henrico County Police dropped off turkey and all the fixings to homes in the Carrington Hills Subdivision.”

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‘Today Was A Beautiful Day To Deliver Some Turkeys!’

Who donated these meals? That remains a mystery to those who received them, but they did ask for the police officers help in delivering the holiday feasts.

Lt. Col. Linda Toney said, “This is what the holidays are all about, and having a member of our community come forward like this, we are so grateful.”

“They understand the relationship that police officers have with the community and they want to help us give back and that means the world to us,” she added.

The Henrico Police Department tweeted, “Today was a beautiful day to deliver some turkeys!

“Thanks to a generous Henrico family who wanted to partner with Henrico Police, we were able to distribute 30 turkeys and other goods to families across the county,” the tweet read.

The police department added in a follow-up tweet, “While this Thanksgiving may look different like much of 2020, kindness and the giving spirit are very much present.”

“We thank this family for their donation, and we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season,” the tweet read.

‘Thank You Heroes’

According to NBC 12, the law enforcement officers who helped distribute these feasts are members of the Henrico School Services Unit.

Many commenters on the department’s Facebook post praised the officers for helping the community.

“Awesome job! Stand up community we live in!!” wrote one.

Another added, “You all are truly amazing!! Thank you so very much for your kindness and help keeping us safe. I will always support blue.”

“Thank you heroes,” wrote a commenter.

“Henrico county’s very finest,” one person wrote. “Thank you for serving and protecting us.”


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Sometimes it is good to be reminded that despite all the problems we have, Americans are more caring and less divided than we often think.

Happy Thanksgiving!

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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