Pelosi Faces Ethics Complaints and Calls to Resign After Ripping Up Speech

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is facing ethics complaints and calls to resign from other lawmakers after ripping up President Trump’s State of the Union speech.

“Nobody is Above the Law”

At the end of President Trump’s State of the Union speech, classless Pelosi tore up a copy of it in front of the cameras in an infantile gesture of “defiance.” When asked why she decided to tear it up, Pelosi said that “it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternatives. I tore it up. I was trying to find one page with truth on it. I couldn’t.”

Representative Matt Gaetz filed an ethics complaint against Pelosi for destroying the speech.

“Her conduct was beneath the dignity of the House, and a potential violation of law (18 USC 20710),” Gaetz wrote on Twitter. “Nobody is above the law. She must be held accountable,” he continued.

RELATED: Gingrich: Pelosi Should be Censured for “Viciously Partisan” Actions

In his letter to Chairman Deutch of the House Committee on Ethics, Gaetz noted that “far from being an exercise in partisanship, the President’s remarks were an uplifting celebration of the diversity of the American experience and the triumph of the American people”:

It is hard to overlook the symbolism of [Pelosi tearing the speech up] – the sense that Speaker Pelosi was utterly dismissive of the President’s achievements, and, more importantly, the achievements of the American people. Speaker Pelosi’s gesture was deeply offensive, and appears to violate clauses 1 and 2 of House Rule XXIII (“Code of Official Conduct”). Her behaviour does not “reflect creditably on the House,” nor does it follow “the spirt and letter of the Rules of the House.” Instead, it reflects poorly on her Speakership, and on the House of Representatives as a whole.

Rep. Paul Gosar said he was introducing a resolution to have Pelosi censured for her actions on Tuesday night.

“Speaker Pelosi’s petty outburst wasn’t cute or funny, it was a disgusting display of hatred and unbecoming of her office,” Gosar told the Washington Examiner. “Speaker Pelosi has proven she doesn’t deserve the speaker’s gavel. She didn’t just rip up a few pieces of paper, she ripped up one of the last Tuskegee Airmen, a child who survived birth at 21 weeks, the mourning Mueller family, and a soldiers homecoming.”

“Pelosi’s Actions Were Appalling and Shameful”

Rep. Kay Granger of Texas also filed a privileged resolution disapproving of Pelosi for her ethics violations. Granger said in a statement that Pelosi’s actions were “appalling and shameful”:

Regardless of her personal feelings, she had a responsibility to conduct herself with civility as the presiding officer representing the House of Representatives. She is not the Speaker of the Democrats, but of the People’s House. Not only were her actions disrespectful of the Office of the President and the millions of Americans who elected President Trump, they were a slap in the face to the American heroes and their families he honored in his address. The privileged resolution was introduced under Rule 9 of the standing rules of the House. It is expected that the House will vote on the resolution later this week.

Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York went even further, and called for her to step down as Speaker of the House.

“I’m confident that the American public will be directly sending her that message themselves later this year if she doesn’t read the tea leaves herself and resign on her own terms today,” he tweeted.

Zeldin is absolutely right. Pelosi should rip the band-aid off and stop delaying the inevitable! Her little outburst was a disgusting display of partisan hackery after a speech by the President that was designed to unite the American people. Bye bye Nancy, we won’t miss you!

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