Paul Ryan Will Take the Speaker Job… If THIS Demand Is Met

Paul Ryan

Reluctant and pressured Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan told GOP lawmakers Tuesday he will run for GOP House Speaker, but only if they met his one demand. He wants the entire GOP side to embrace him by week’s end as their candidate — as he wants to bring everyone under one roof.

Very ambitious to say the least. I wish that those in Congress would start voting for what they believe to be the best decision, rather than voting by party lines or being influenced by lobbyist.

Ryan said conservative principles dictated that the government do less and do it better. How about starting with Congress? Let’s pay these guys less money with fewer perks and demand they do a better job legislating.



Our whole political system is so broken and divided as well as corrupt… it’s a shame. It sends the wrong message to the rest of the world leaders and to Americans.

“I came to the conclusion that this is a very dire moment, not just for Congress, not just for the Republican Party, but for our country. And I think our country is in desperate need of leadership,” Ryan told a press conference afterward.

If our politicians can’t make the necessary changes this country needs, it’s time to start voting them out of office. It’s up to us, the people of this country, to make the changes we need for the betterment of all American’s. We need to vote and voice our concerns loud and clear.

What do you think of Ryan as GOP House Speaker? Do you think he has enough fight to make the necessary changes and the willingness to stand up for the people he represents?

Share your thoughts below in our comment section and share this news on your social media timeline.

H/T: Chicago Tribune, ABC News

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