Over 1,600 ballots from New Jersey’s July primary were discovered in a bin last Thursday, and were finally counted by officials.
Ballots From July Found In A “Mislabelled” Bin In September
According to The New Jersey Herald, 1,666 ballots from Sussex County were found in a “mislabelled” bin in a “secure area” at the office for the Board of Elections on Thursday, despite the primary occurring back on July 7th. The office for New Jersey’s Attorney General was swiftly informed, and the remaining votes were then added to the official tally.
Marge McCabe, the Board of Elections Administrator, said that the votes “did not change the outcome of any Sussex County primary election in any race for any office, Republican or Democrat.”
The statement claimed that “the Board of Elections is confident that all ballots received have been processed and the security of all the ballots has remained in place.”
30,207 ballots were cast in Sussex County, and out of those, 92.9% were mail-in. It is likely that the ballots that were “lost” fell into this category. It comes as mail-in voting allowed massive voter fraud to take place in a special election in New Jersey on May 12th, with 20% of ballots being rejected, and a judge ruling that the election was therefore “irreversibly tainted.”
Phil Murphy Fighting For Mail-In Voting
Despite this clear and present danger (or arguably, because of it), New Jersey’s Democrat Governor Phil Murphy has ordered that all electors should receive a mail-in ballot, something that President Trump and his campaign are fighting against in court.
“The Governor’s inconsistencies, coupled with the Order’s timing amid a nationwide push by the Democratic Party for the same measures, reveal that the Order is less about protecting the health of New Jerseyans and more about protecting the electoral prospects of the Governor’s political party,” the lawsuit claims.
“As the president and his team try to delegitimize our election and impact the health and safety of millions of New Jerseyans, we will defend our rights vigorously, and we will not back down,” Governor Murphy argued in reply. “So as they say, ‘Bring it on.'”
RELATED: Judge Rules Against 50,000 Requests For Absentee Ballots In Iowa
We Have To Stop This Before We Are In Deep Trouble
We already know that the Democrat Party is full of people involved in voter-fraud on a massive scale, as a New York Post investigation revealed. It’s really no surprise that even with this most recent inexcusable event, they will not back down from pushing it on every single voter in America.
Sure, they claim votes didn’t change the results of this election, but how many other ballots have been lost? And how many might be “lost” in the presidential election in November? It’s simply a risk that nobody who cares about the health of this Republic should take.
Attorney General Bill Barr said it best when he told Wolf Blitzer that the country is “playing with fire” with creating universal mail-in voting, especially on such short notice. Let’s just hope that this tinder box doesn’t go off.