Oprah Winfrey Hints at Possible 2020 Presidential Run

President Donald J. Trump has been in office just over one month, but that hasn’t stopped liberals from already looking for a candidate to challenge the president in 2020.

While conventional wisdom would suggest that Democrats such as Senators Elizabeth Warren or Cory Booker would be likely challengers, one name has just emerged that may surprise most Americans.

Television and entertainment mogul Oprah Winfrey, who for years ran a successful daytime talk show, would not rule out the possibility of running for president against Donald Trump in 2020. She was pressed about the subject with Bloomberg’s David Rubenstein, during an episode of The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations that aired Wednesday.

Winfrey is a well-known liberal, and was a vocal supporter of Barack Obama, with many believing her endorsement during the 2008 Democrat Primary helped the young senator defeat Hillary Clinton.

Bloomberg’s official Twitter page released a clip of Winfrey’s interview in which she discussed her 2020 ambitions:

From NBC News:

Financier and philanthropist Rubenstein asked — given Winfrey’s popularity and the fact that a woman has yet to win the White House — would she ever consider mounting her own campaign? “I actually never thought — I never considered the question even a possibility. I just thought, oh, oh,” said Winfrey, 63, who supported Hillary Clinton in last year’s election.

While the TV mogul didn’t mention Donald Trump specifically, she hinted that his roots as a businessman and reality-TV star could make her reconsider. “I thought, ‘I don’t have the experience, I don’t know enough,'” Winfrey said. “Now I’m thinking, ‘Oh, oh.'”

If she ever did decide to wade into a career in politics, it would be an about-face from past remarks. In January, she told “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert that she would “never” run for president. “No, it’s not my thing,” she added at the time.

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Reaction on Twitter the news about a possible Oprah 2020 presidential run was mixed:

While liberals may love the idea of Oprah challenging President Trump in 2020, her out-of-touch left-wing views is exactly what cost Hillary Clinton the election in 2016, so why would anyone expect her to fare any better?

Americans rejected Hillary Clinton’s proposed continuation of Obama’s failed 8 years as president, so it’s unclear why Americans would embrace Oprah, who is a vocal supporter of Obama.

What are your thoughts about Oprah potentially running for president in 2020? Would she stand a chance against President Trump? Share your thoughts below! 

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