Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Giving Welfare Benefits to Illegal Aliens

New York socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s latest left-wing economic policy proposal would provide welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

She has introduced a set of legislation – six bills in total known as “A Just Society” – which has been described as a “socialist nightmare” by some.

“A just society provides a living wage, safe working conditions, and healthcare. A just society acknowledges the value of immigrants to our communities. A just society guarantees safe, comfortable, and affordable housing,” a website promoting the legislative package reads.

To nobody’s surprise, AOC has clearly chosen the wrong four-letter adjective, because this ‘dumb’ proposal includes something called the ‘Embrace Act.’

The description provided for the Embrace Act reads:

Our nation must recognize that our history–immigrants, enslaved peoples, and refugees built this country. We all do better when we create a just society that embraces our most vulnerable populations and paves a path to prosperity for all.

This bill would ensure that all persons in need are eligible for the largest programs of the social safety net, regardless of their immigration status.

She wants to take back tax cuts to the Middle Class and give taxpayer dollars to illegals.

RELATED: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Administration ‘Literally Killing’ Illegals Through Deportation

Ocasio-Cortez’s bill states, “Notwithstanding any other provision of law … an individual who is an alien (without regard to the immigration status of that alien) may not be denied any Federal public benefit solely on the basis of the individual’s immigration status.”

Benefits by federal government standards include – among many other social aid programs – welfare, food stamps, disability, public housing, etc.

AOC followed up her sweeping proposals by trying to explain the mindset to a crowd of supporters last week.

The Embrace Act, she explained, is “a piece of legislation that ends similar discrimination based on documentation status.”

It’s discriminatory, you see, to expect people who wish to accept benefits from a nation to actually follow their laws.

RELATED: Alternate Angle Photos Show Ocasio-Cortez Really WAS Staging Photos at Border

“It’s kind of a next-level piece of legislation, and it is something that people are going to say, ‘Why would you do that?’ I believe that we need to acknowledge the contributions that immigrants make in America,” she continued.

Everybody in America acknowledges those contributions. What they don’t acknowledge is that some immigrants are, in fact, illegal, of which, numerous have been involved in gang activity, drunk driving episodes, or more reprehensible crimes and as such, do not deserve benefits.

“If you, if you, contribute to our society, I believe that you should benefit from our society,” she said.

What she fails to note is that illegal aliens commit identity theft at an exorbitant rate. Are they contributing to society?

It comes as no surprise that Ocasio-Cortez is hard at work in Washington trying to fight for the rights of illegals to the detriment of Americans.

During a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing this past March, the New York Representative now leading the Democrat party, referred to illegal aliens as “my constituents.”

It’s pretty obvious who she’s working for.

96 thoughts on “Ocasio-Cortez Proposes Giving Welfare Benefits to Illegal Aliens”

  1. We couldn't get that lucky! She'd be sheltered in an area far away from there surrounded by guards. She'd only go near the place to visit the office that still sits outside the walls.

  2. “It’s kind of a next-level piece of legislation…" like it's so genius it could only have come from Einstein or Hawking.
    "This bill would ensure that all persons in need are eligible for the largest programs of the social safety net, regardless of their immigration status." How about promising the "largest programs'" eligibility to citizens who have actually been here for… their whole life?

  3. Whether anyone will admit it and they won’t the state of California ruined my son with their pandering to illegals. Years ago I was in the military stationed in California. I had a son in school and he and other American citizens were pushed aside in school so that the teachers could concentrate on illegal immigrant non English speakers. My wife was Mexican and my son who my wife used to joke looked like a white was bilingual and knew what was going on He and his friends used to wonder why American citizens like himself were ignored in favor of illegals while his Father me was in the military defending the country this affected my son’s whole life

  4. Find a job elsewhere since you are not for AMERICA, but other countries. Pay all your checks if give, give, give to another country and take back anything good for Americans and laugh about it. You don’t deserve this job ad have Americans pay for it.

  5. How the heck did this lunatic become a member of Congress? Every time she opens her mouth nothing but stupid comes out. She destroyed thousands of jobs for the middle class to be able to work at Amazon that wanted to set up in NYC. Now she wants these people to pay higher taxes so all these illegals sneaking into our country can have free everything. I sure hope she gets voted out. She has a mouth like one of those pot holes I have seen in NYC that needs to be filled in with large pot of hot tar.

  6. Illegal immigrants have no rights or privileges in this country and should be rounded up IMEDATLY and DEPORTed back to the country they came from. And told to reenter the country legally at the port of entry with a passport and a visa explaining why they want to entsr our country. Told to wait in thier county until thier court date it would lessen the strain on our system financially and physically

  7. What is her alternative to prison? Just shoot them all? Certainly less expensive and no reoffenders. As for immigrants (illegal aliens)…should be one benefit, a one way bus trip back to Mexico where they breached our border or a long, long boat ride for non-south americans.

    For the uninformed, legal immigrants sponsors sign an agreement to support the immigrant and no government benefits for 5 years.

  8. wild-eyed lunatic needs a mental institution… toss her into solitary padded cell with a straight jacket… She is out to destroy this country AND the American people…. ANYONE who votes for this lunatic needs to wake up and STOP voting for her…SHE IS INSANE!!!

  9. Never have been to New York but there must be some very ignorant, uninformed stupid people who live there and voted for this know nothing lack of a brain Cortez. She should be taken off the street and kept in a rubber room to avoid hurting others. She is already past not being able to hurt herself.

  10. This woman is a clear, and present danger in Congress ! She comes up with ideas, that are SO far out there, and make no sense at all. THIS one is a good example !

  11. We’ve read about this before, in 1930’s Germany.The only thing she’s forgetting is a Volkswagen to all the workers.
    The only difference is, even Hitler was smart enough to give ONLY to Germans.
    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.”
    -Margaret Thatcher

  12. It is a privilege not a right to take and use taxpayers money we can’t support the welfare recipients we have homeless and veteran suicides we are currently plagued with. Certainly she believes they will be able to vote in any election so she is pandering to the undocumented people.

  13. No way AOC is writing this stuff herself.
    Who is her handler now that Chakrabarti is out of the picture? Or is he?
    Who else in “Justice Dems” is behind the Squad? GSo ros?

  14. the immigrants aren’t citizens and she wants us citizens to support the immigrants? She is trying to destroy our country and the democrats are with her, plain and simple.

  15. She can take her fat butt and her demands for illegals criminals and child molesters and leave America, pack them all in an C-47 and kick them out at 30,000 into a muslin country for good.

  16. hmmm. take money from my paycheck and then ‘Give it’ to those people who are in this country illegally. I’m going to have to disagree with that. this is not the land of free hand outs, enter this country legally, get a job and work.

  17. When added to what she’s already said, what A Obtusio C, one fourth of the Squad, i.e. the tail that’s wagging the democrat dog, is demanding is unlimited financial supplication to a world of illegal immigrants and unlimited Muslim extermination of Israel.

  18. AO’s dilemma is not a national crisis and her whimpering should be considered the standard base of the socialist party. Can constituents be so stupid that they think this juvenile delinquent has a firm grasp on reality. Only the lazy, ill-bred, prisoners of social handouts will buy her her free tacos and frijoles.

  19. AOC is just trying to get attention. She just wants to be in the news. Let all these illegals move into her apartment building where she can feed them and give them free money. Let’s see how fast she changes her tune. Her ideas will only attract those that want feebies, and harm hard working citizens. We need to provide for our own families and citizens, not people sneaking into the country and waiting for a hand out. We should not be forced to give to others that are breaking the law.

  20. Parasites is my preferred term. I’m very familiar with the outcome in a host/parasite relationship also. If the parasite isn’t quelled, the host typically succumbs and both perish.

  21. AOC did not run for office to represent her “district”. She ran to join a socialist push that has developed in the House. Their efforts aim to overwhelm the social programs already established and add others. The first steps to Marxism. The “symptoms are there and the key factor is illegal immigration to provide the impetus.

  22. I think a more honest statement to apply to sanctuary cities like NYC, is they want to be able to extend socialist inspired benefits legally and make it above aboard instead if the way they are doing it now.
    This reminds me of when NYC wanted illegal aliens included on Census forms so the city could collect financial credits for programs from Wash.

  23. By advocating and introducing law and policy that directly conflicts with the Constitution, represents a clear intent to bypass, ignore or otherwise overthrow the laws embodied within the Constitution, thus, deeming any such person engaging in such an act as aforementioned, an enemy to the United states where a clear and present danger clearly exists. The woman should be arrested and tried for treason, then appropriately, executed for her crimes against The United States..

  24. AOC, selling our America and we, the American people, out with pure hatred of us for not supporting her socialist government she wants to shove down our throats!!! This the reason that we, the American vters, need to “dump the whole criminal Democrat Party Mob in the 2020 election by voting a straight Republican ticket for it is the only way we can ‘SHUT HER BIG MOUTH UP”!!!!!! LANDSLIDE VICTORY FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP & A SOLID REPUBLICAN CONGRESS TO BACK HIM UP!!! A perfect ending for us the American voters in the 2020 election!!!!

  25. If she wants to give illegal welfare she needs to take about 20 of them into her deluxe apt and take care of all their needs. You now have the money to do that. Oh did you ever pay up on your back taxes ? Why Not ??

  26. Jihad by migration, redistribution of wealth by overloading every country’s support system, ending abject poverty the world over (UN Agenda 2030, SDG#1) by taking everything from those that have (not the rich and powerful elites) and giving it to those that do not, will not obey laws for immigrants to become citizens.

    Our only cure, do not reelect anyone and do not allow anyone to serve more than one term term as required by Article I., Sections 2. and 3.; and, Article II., Section 1., Second sentence: “He shall hold his office for the term of four years….”. This sentence forbids a woman from being a president, period!

  27. Jefferson and Franklin used to say “Democracy is like two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.” What we need is to not bring in any more Welfare hungry wolves and for Americans to be less like sheep waiting for the wolves.” Cause Franklin also said “Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you!”

  28. Jefferson and Franklin used to say “Democracy is like two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.” What we need is to not bring in any more Welfare hungry wolves and for Americans to be less like sheep waiting for the wolves.” Cause Franklin also said “Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you!”

  29. It’s discriminatory, you see, to expect people who wish to accept benefits from a nation to actually expect them to follow their laws” wow, how stupid can one person be?

  30. Is this little cupcake really that STUPID? Free medical care, welfare, drivers’ licenses, free college to all illegals along with open borders…AND a “living wage” to every American citizen whether they work or not, free college, free medical care and free housing for EVERYONE! What alternate world does she live in? NOTHING is FREE, cupcake…somebody, somewhere has to pay for it unless you have a grove of money trees growing in your unicorn pasture!

  31. Well, this is the purpose of Welfare in the first place: to purchase votes with taxpayer money. We always had the poor and we always had people in the community who would help them. Then Tammany Hall and the Progressives, learning from junkets to Bismark’s Welfare State learned that Welfare was a good way to get more voters on board with the idea of an all powerful state that could eliminate all want and struggle as long as the right people are elected. Most Americans would still rather have their freedom and wouldn’t trade their hard earned wealth for the promise of a government run Utopia. So, the socialists and progressives need more people who can be bought.

  32. Tell you what, AOC, why don’t YOU donate your salary, like Trump does, and it can all be applied to feeding clothing, and housing, all the illegals in your district. And convince all the other people in the House or Representatives to do the same thing, and that way, we have CHARITY not SOCIALISM.

  33. Gee, maybe AOC missed the class in school that talked about how NONE of the countries of the world EVER welcomed invaders to their countries and gave them all kinds of free stuff. Probably also never heard about how the INVADERS took over and enslaved the native populations. This little twit of a bartender needs to go back to tending bar and mind her own business!!!!!

  34. Look what its done in California. And if it goods enough for California it should be good enough for any majority Demorat state, provided we build walls around them so their inhabitants can’t escape.

  35. Look what its done in California. And if it goods enough for California it should be good enough for any majority Demorat state, provided we build walls around them so their inhabitants can’t escape.

  36. Quote: “During a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing this past March, the New York Representative now leading the Democrat party, referred to illegal aliens as “my constituents.” And Ilhan Omar [if that is really her name] said “Somalia, our country back home.”

  37. I am beginning to think aoc needs to go to jail for the rest of her miserable life. She wants to do away with prisons because she is afraid she is going to be caught in her own corruption amd go to jail

  38. Maybe AOC needs a few more decades as a work slave like most of the rest of us, working until April before we see a penny of money to call our own, before she takes away even more money that we don’t have through borrowing and chronic deficit spending.

  39. Someone please give AOC a one way ticket to Kenya or anyother third world country where they can eat her up faster than she say Dixie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or take her salary and give it to the illegals give her dwelling to the illegals and any other asset she has! Also get her to pay her back taxes or put her in jail for non payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Someone please give AOC a one way ticket to Kenya or anyother third world country where they can eat her up faster than she say Dixie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or take her salary and give it to the illegals give her dwelling to the illegals and any other asset she has! Also get her to pay her back taxes or put her in jail for non payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Yeah…. Maybe the choice should be let the criminal go, or summerly execute them like it was in the Middle Ages…. Think that would work…?!?!?

  42. Yeah…. Maybe the choice should be let the criminal go, or summerly execute them like it was in the Middle Ages…. Think that would work…?!?!?

  43. AOC can make a great start by donating her salary, bank accounts, and other things of value to care for these criminals. That’s what she is wishing on everyone else. Let’s see her be the first and make an example, and see how she likes it. The problem with socialists is that in their mind, it’s other people who will pay, the filthy capitalists, the hard workers, not them. And once they bankrupt the capitalists, there is no one left to pay for everyone else.

  44. AOC can make a great start by donating her salary, bank accounts, and other things of value to care for these criminals. That’s what she is wishing on everyone else. Let’s see her be the first and make an example, and see how she likes it. The problem with socialists is that in their mind, it’s other people who will pay, the filthy capitalists, the hard workers, not them. And once they bankrupt the capitalists, there is no one left to pay for everyone else.

  45. I have a good idea. Remember “Escape from New York” a few decades ago? Wall in NYC and put ALL the criminals and illegals there. Let then fend for themselves. Then, you can close all the prisons. Let AOC be the mayor of NYC.

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