Republicans Fear for Their Safety Against Obamacare Protesters

Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump pledged that if elected, he would work with Congress to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare law. Since the historic Republican wave election of 2010, the American people have given Republicans the House and Senate based on their promise to repeal the law.

Now that Donald Trump is officially the 45th president, he, along with Republican leaders, have been working to devise a proposal to repeal Obamacare and replace it with true patient-centered healthcare reforms.

Prior to being nominated to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Congressman Tom Price led the Republican Obamacare repeal efforts, offering up a comprehensive piece of legislation to replace the law. Now that Obamacare’s repeal is imminent, Republican lawmakers are being bombarded by far-left agitators and protesters demanding that the failed healthcare law remain intact.

Things have gotten so chaotic that House Republicans are reportedly fearing for their safety as Obamacare protests increase both in size and violence, taking over town hall meetings and congressional offices.

According to Politico, House Republicans gathered in a closed-door meeting on Tuesday to discuss how to properly protect themselves from left-wing protesters, in case they get violent.

More from the report:

House GOP Conference Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers invited Rep. David Reichert, a former police sheriff, to present lawmakers with protective measures they should have in place. Among the suggestions: having a physical exit strategy at town halls, or a backdoor in congressional offices to slip out of, in case demonstrations turn violent; having local police monitor town halls; replacing any glass office door entrances with heavy doors and deadbolts; and setting up intercoms to ensure those entering congressional offices are there for appointments, not to cause chaos.

“The message was: One, be careful for security purposes. Watch your back. And two, be receptive. Honor the First Amendment, engage, be friendly, be nice,” said Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker (R-N.C.). “Because it is toxic out there right now. Even some of the guys who have been around here a lot longer than I have, have never seen it to this level.”

He later added: “For those of us who have children in grade school and that kind of thing, there’s a factor in all of this, saying: How far will the progressive movement go to try to intimidate us?”

Republican concerns over their safety from liberal protesters should come as no surprise given the left’s history of engaging in violent protests that turn into riots. Just last week, far-left rioters stormed the campus of UC-Berkeley to protest a scheduled appearance by gay conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. The rioters set fire to property, smashed windows, and physically assaulted innocent civilians, all to protest a conservative speaker on their campus.

During President Trump’s inauguration, the left’s violent antics were on full display, as protesters set fire to a limo in Washington, D.C., physically assaulted Trump supporters, tried to shut down the Trump International Hotel, and one child was caught on camera starting a fire and shouting “screw our president.”

Given the left’s history of violence, is it any wonder that Republicans would fear for their safety as the Obamacare debate heats up?

Do you support Republican’s seeking training to protect themselves from violent leftists? Share your thoughts below! 

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