After Turkey Attack, Liberal Reporter Has Some MAJOR Questions For Obama

obama trump

With Obama, it’s all Trump, all the time.

This according to CNN’s Jake Tapper, who recently said it’s ironic that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump “is currently living rent free in President Obama’s head.”

Indeed, the President seems thoroughly obsessed with Trump, almost as if he’s running for a third term. (Oh wait, he is, just under the name Hillary Clinton.)

A quick Google search of ‘Obama slams Trump’ yields nothing short of 10 million hits.

Tapper was specifically talking about Obama’s speech earlier this week at a joint press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.

“Whatever the topic is, President Obama is eager go after the presumptive presidential nominee,” he explained. “Whether or not the topic is ISIS after the Orlando shootings, or if the topic is trade, or in this case, the question was about clean energy and President Obama wanted to give a lesson as to what populism truly is.”

Tapper added, “It is one of the grandest ironies that a giant real estate developer in New York is currently living rent free in President Obama’s head.”

For her part, CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger didn’t disagree with Tapper’s assessment, saying the President has been enamored with “Donald Trump on every issue.”

She also pointed out that the other world leaders seem pretty obsessed with Trump as well.

Via the Daily Caller:

CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger agreed with Tapper saying, “Yeah, and he ended up referring to Donald Trump not by name, of course, talking about nativism, xenophobia and cynicism.”

“Look, the elephant in the room in this entire press conference with three North American leaders was Donald Trump on every issue, including trade, which they all made a case for strengthening the TPP and for strengthening NAFTA, which Donald Trump wants to get out of. Hillary Clinton is now not a fan of either of those,” Borger told Tapper.

“But particularly, Jake, on immigration, these were leaders who referred more than once to demagogues. The president did it and the president of Mexico did it. Talking about demagogues who believe in simple solutions, saying the world is not as simplistic as that. Not believing in isolationism. President of Mexico was given an opportunity to take back his words comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. And Jake, he did not do that,” she added.

Listen to Tapper’s comments below …

Go back and watch the first few seconds of the clip above. Once again, Trump has reduced Obama to a bumbling, stuttering mess. Remember when the media anointed him as one of the greatest orator’s of our time? Uh, uh, uh, uh …

It’s not the first time Trump has turned the president into a sputtering mess. Check out this post.

Comment: Do you think the President is obsessed with Donald Trump? Is it a sign that he’s afraid of Trump? Share your thoughts below.

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