By David Kamioner | December 23, 2019
Apparently Joe Biden’s eight years of slavish service as a second banana and state funeral attendee don’t hold much water with former President Barack Obama.
His former campaign staff is now jumping toward the Democratic primary campaign of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) — and ignoring the almost tearful supplications for support by Obama’s own former vice president.
Related: Biden Appeared Lost and Confused at Last Debate
As such, more than 200 Obama campaign staffers and administration officials last week publicly endorsed Warren, according to The Hill.
There are various reasons for this.
Biden is an old white male perceived as a Democrat moderate — and at least in style, is the antithesis of the far-Left former chief executive.
For Obama followers to choose Biden over a left-wing woman like Warren, they’d have to choose metaphorically to sit next to their hard-of-hearing grandfather rather than their ideologically frothing and trying-so-hard-to-be-cool feminist aunt at the holiday table.
The aunt would jazz Obama denizens, who by their political choices already have proven their basic immaturity and lack of taste.
So what does Obama say about all of this?
He apparently has “gone to bat for” Warren when speaking about the 2020 election with donors. He also opined last month at a Democrat pressure group meeting in D.C., “Look, we have a field that is very accomplished, very serious and passionate and smart people who have a history of public service, and whoever emerges from the primary process, I will work my tail off to make sure that they are the next president.”
This from the former president, who told the then-outgoing Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, that he could “be more flexible” after his (Obama’s) 2012 reelection.
Obama could believe that by backing Warren — a candidate likely too leftist to win — he clears a path for the future political efforts of his own marital and political partner, Michelle Obama.
So, yes, Mrs. Obama could run for high office in 2024 after a Warren loss in 2020.
A Warren win in 2020 would make that math more complicated — and probably postpone a spousal political foray.
He also ups his feminist credentials by supporting Warren. He sent a signal that way when he told those at a private event in Singapore last week, “I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on Earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything … living standards and outcomes.”
Related: Obama: Women Make Better Leaders
If Obama actually believes that, it is then a cosmic mystery as to why he entered the Dem presidential primary race in 2008 and as a result stopped Hillary Clinton from very possibly ascending to the presidency.
But like most words used by this previous president, what he says — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — and what he does rarely cross paths.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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