Now Three Democrats Have Pledged to Confirm Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS

Remember just a few short months ago when Democrats and the liberal media screamed about how Republicans were the “obstructionist” party every time they refused to go along with some half-baked Obama scheme?

Now that there’s a Republican president, Democrats think that obstruction is patriotic and their civic duty. That’s why they’re planning to filibuster President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

It’s nothing but pure politics – remember that not a single Democrat opposed Gorsuch’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals in 2006. He was confirmed unanimously. So what’s different now? Nothing, other than politics, of course.

But the extreme leftists following Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s call to acting just got bad news – after two Democrats announced they would support Gorsuch, now a third is joining their number: Joe Donnelly of Indiana will also vote to confirm.

Via TheBlaze:

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) said in a statement Sunday that after meeting with Gorsuch he believes Gorsuch is a “qualified jurist.”

“After meeting with Judge Gorsuch, conducting a thorough review of his record, and closely following his hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, I believe that he is a qualified jurist who will base his decisions on his understanding of the law and is well-respected among his peers,” Donnelly said in a statement Sunday.

Donnelly is just the third Democratic senator to pledge his support to Gorsuch. Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.) and Joe Manchin (W.Va.) said last week that they were going to vote for Gorsuch.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on Gorsuch’s nomination on Monday while the full Senate is expected to vote later in the week. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Sunday that Gorsuch “will be” confirmed this week and it’s up to Democrats how that will happen.

This is great news, for the Trump administration and for America. Conservatives love the choice of Neil Gorsuch, and he has promised to be an originalist and protect the Constitution.

Now that more Democrats are jumping ship, Gorsuch should become the next Justice.

Share this good new with your family and friends!

8 thoughts on “Now Three Democrats Have Pledged to Confirm Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS”

  1. ashamedAmerican

    It is neither patriotic nor their civil duty to be obstructionists – that is a personal choice!!! All of this hoopla about fighting Trump at every turn is political rhetoric and will accomplish nothing but turning more Americans against Democrats!!!

  2. Chuck is crazy to filibuster. It will result in the nuclear option being exercised. And it ought to extend to all legislative actions, not just appointments/ nominations. This will clear the way for a real Obamacare replacement. One with substantive provisions designed to create a freer national market for medical care finance.

  3. Why would the senate be the one to appoint a judge. That is the height of corruption. Appointment of Supreme Court Judges should never be the responsibility of the Government. The Judiciary has to remain independent.
    This, sadly, shows the contempt the American political system has for its constituents

  4. Get your bets down for the senate penta-fecta…
    Who’ll be the next five to vote yes for Neil Gorsuch?
    Leahy – Vermont?
    Warner – Virginia?
    Menendez – New Jersey?
    King – Maine?
    Bennet – Colorado?
    Who do you think will be next?

  5. They know this is a losing battle and are hoping to save some of their political capital for the next
    battle with Health Care and also the Next Justice when Ruth Ginsberg retires. I don’t think
    it will make any difference. she will hold out until the midterms to see if the Democrat Socialist
    can recover from their losses in the recent election. Personally I think they will lose even more
    seats in Congress and then it will not matter how much howling and screaming they do, they
    will lose by even larger numbers then.

    1. If the Dems filibuster now, the Repubs (thanks to Harry Reid starting this), will just use the Constitution, or nuclear option. The filibuster is not in the Constitution and only have been in place for around 50 years. Prior to that, it was just a simple majority vote to approve a justice.
      Then, when the Dems can no longer filibuster in the next four years, when Ginsburg or another justice retires, the Repubs will appoint an even much more conservative judge than Gorsuch. Diirty Harry was told be Congressional historians and scholars not to use this option, but in his demented way, he didn’t listen. Now the chickens have come home to roost.

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