North Korea Open to Denuclearization Without Removal of U.S. Troops

north korea denuclearization

Peace in the Korean peninsula. That’s been the goal of U.S. presidents since Harry Truman. And while it’s a longshot objective, President Trump is inching closer to a deal than any president before him.

Earlier this week, we reported that the official war between North Korea and South Korea may be coming to an end. This ending of hostilities would be announced just before President Trump is set to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

That would be quite an accomplishment within itself. But now it’s just been announced that North Korea is open to denuclearization without stringent conditions put upon the U.S. first.

From Reuters:

North Korea has expressed its desire for “complete denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula and is not seeking conditions such as U.S. troops withdrawing from the South first, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Thursday.

Moon said big-picture agreements about normalization of relations between the two Koreas and the United States should not be difficult to reach through planned summits between North and South, and between the North and the United States, in a bid to rein in the North’s nuclear and missile programs.

“North Korea is expressing a will for a complete denuclearization,” Moon told reporters.

This is a huge step forward. And it comes just on the heels of it being revealed that CIA Director and Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo paid a visit to Kim Jong-un recently. Presumably, that visit may have paved the way for these concessions.

This is a hopeful sign, but President Trump and President Moon Jae-in should be wary. Kim Jong-un is a wily dictator. His word shouldn’t be taken at face value. The process of diplomacy should be conducted with caution.

President Trump’s tough rhetoric has definitely gotten Jong-un’s attention, though. If it wasn’t for Trump’s non-stop goading and bluster, a maniac like Jong-un would have never come to the table. Presidents have tried for decades to make this kind of progress on ending the hostilities in Korea. Now, perhaps, Trump may get it done.

What do you think about Trump’s Korea strategy? Tell us your thoughts below!

41 thoughts on “North Korea Open to Denuclearization Without Removal of U.S. Troops”

  1. Historical advances being made and yet the media lives on sex and lying books. How about reporting some real news in the world and giving our President credit for at least getting the conversation about denuclearizing started.

  2. I remain very wary of Pyongyang pulling the rug out from under us, because it has done the same so many times before. But I really do hope this diplomatic foray succeeds. It will, if it has Xi’s full backing.

  3. The liberals are all racist PIGS! There is not a damn thing that anyone of them can do that is worth a sh**! Go f**k yourselves, maybe hang one another! Do something worth wild rather than sit around lieing through your gums, and talking sh** about the best president in history! Ha Baaahhhhh!

  4. TRUMPS THE MAN!!! Best President this country has ever had and ALL YOU LIBERALS can F.O.A.D! We don’t need anyone of you f**ks! Pack your f**king bags and get the f**k out of our country, before you’re driven out by all of us who LOVE TRUMP! A**H***s! You make me sick! Bubye LOSERS!

  5. this sounds wonderful BUT we all know KJU is not a mentally balanced person , I’m sure he is giving in because he really has nothing to back his threats and is just agreeing to gain time. To put it blunty he’s crazy and he’s dangerous, don’t believe this peace will last

  6. That’s great, but the left media ( CNN, MSNBC ) will make it a horrible story. Just wait. Could you imagine if Trump were to get the Nobel Peace Prize? The Liberal’s heads would explode…..

  7. There cannot and will never be peace as long as Kim is in power. He is a very sick, deranged and Mentality unstable dictator who does not comprehend the results of his actions.

  8. This is why I voted for Trump. This is something that any of the Democrats would never do as it would not get them more votes so they can raise taxes and screw the people some more.

    1. Trump’s tax “cut” will result in an additional $1 trillion more added to the national debt, which most of us will pay for since the tax “cut” will expire in five years, but will remain permanent for corporations, who so far have only used the “cut ” to buy back stock, not invest in research and development or raise employee salaries (those bonuses are on-shot deals).

  9. It should be noted that both Russia and China have met with North Korea recently and I suspect they have given security guarantees to North Korea. Most of the movement towards peace can go towards Moon Jae-in and the recent talks at the Olympics. American military bluster had little or nothing to with alleged peace movements and for Trump and his gang to take credit is purely hypocritical.

  10. IndependentAmerican

    My reading between the lines ever since the Olympics and the two Koreans performing as one, is that Un’s nuclear weapons program is failing. He has either ran out of resources to continue the development or their technology has failed. Either way, it appears the economical sanctions have done their job and brought the dictator to the realization that he had better deal constructively with the rest of the world or his reign with wither and die.

  11. Politics, our National Security, and world trade is a chess match.
    Would you rather have Trump at the table, or some life long politician
    who has no idea about anything except possibly how to keep his or her job,
    and maybe (if they are not too greedy and selfish) how Gov’t works?

  12. “The truth of the pud-den is in the eating!” Translation for the DC Swamp Crowd. The “bloody dictator of North Korea will cave to President Trump’s demands. lee1233

  13. K.. What IS going on is that they managed to destroy the mountain that they were using to test in, causing concerns in China and thus China threw a snit fit. No place left to test, OHOH!
    So, might as well get something out of it, right?
    But, if they quit testing and threatening, great.
    Fine with me.

  14. No matter how much of a strong front Kim Jong Un puts forward the fact remains that the North Korean people are starving. Evidenced by the recent border crossings of NK’s into South Korea – they are will to die if they don’t make it rather than continue the way they are. It has to be running through Un’s mind that if they are willing to die to leave – will they be willing to fight and die for their country and right to life?

  15. In international diplomacy, there is no substitute for the credible projection of massive power and determination to get an opponent’s attention, and Trump appears to have done that. Will it work? Good question, but if it does, it will be interesting to see how the media and the Left try to spin it into some kind of defeat – because they will. That, at least, is a certainty.

  16. Please do not use the term “peace in our time”. It was pretty stupid of the author to use the ridiculed quote from Chamberlain after having met with Hitler.

  17. We trust Trump. And Xi. It’s a long boat trip to haul Kia’s to China and now the trucks will roll north, bringing new Kia’s and pickups (and food) to NK and the ChiComs as well. Tariff’s? Wait and see as the “Good Times Roll” . . .!

  18. Trump may have put enough pressure on China so that China would allow N. Korean military people/families safe passage through China. With diminishing military support of Un, the S. Koreans were ready to send an “army” of assassins to N.K. to take Un out.
    China had to make a decision, support/help N.K. maintain power or lose it’s faltering economy if the U.S. and other nations stopped trade with China.
    Rocket Man failed to realize that attacking the U.S. and threatening nuclear war is also an attack on many other nations.
    Trump can now end the Korean War and even help unite North and South into one nation again.

  19. Trusting the dictator of North Korea is about as wise as trusting Putin or Iran. North Korea has helped Iran with its nukes. North Korea is communist and their aim, like the Muslim aim, is to take over the world.

    1. The only reasons obamba won the Nobel Prize was that he sold drugs in high-school, admitted he was born in Kenya, enrolled at Occidental as a Foreign Student, went to Harvard on a Saudi’s Princes money and was the first Black President (not including willy clinton) who fooled the voters, TWICE!

    2. You’re right, if that happens he will indeed deserve it, but don’t you know that they only give the peace prize to those who in no way, shape, or form, deserve it? Like Al Gore the huckster and Obama the post turtle….

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