Later this month, ‘Charlotte Pride’ will honor those who have positively impacted the LGBT community with a special event and awards. One of these awards, the Harvey Milk Award, at least temporarily went to Chad Sevearance-Turner for his work to further the LGBT movement in the Carolinas.
While the event lauds Mr. Sevearance-Turner for his dedication to the LGBT community, it neglects to mention that he’s a registered sex offender. It would appear that what was once universally admonished as one of the worst possible crimes one can commit is now merely a blip in someone’s life – provided they are attached to the LGBT movement.
Upon the easy discovery made by journalists, Mr. Sevearance-Turner’s profile has been removed from the website list of honorees. However, no comment from the event has been issued on the matter.
That’s DEI for you
‘Charlotte Pride’ announced that Chad Sevearance-Turner would receive the 2023 Harvey Milk Award for his work advancing LGBT initiatives.
The group said of Mr. Sevearance-Turner:
“He is a highly accomplished leader in human resources with over seventeen years of progressive experience across diverse industries…”
Mr. Sevearance-Turner serves as the President and the CEO of the Carolinas LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Earlier this year he was appointed by the Mayor to serve on the Charlotte Business Advisory Committee.
‘Charlotte Pride’ went on to say that Mr. Sevearance-Turner’s career has been:
“…driven by a deep commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).”
Chad is also a registered sex offender. Twenty-three years ago, Mr. Sevearance-Turner was convicted of sexually abusing a minor, of which he was sentenced to ten years in prison – of note he served only two years.
In 1998 Chad was accused by three different minor boys of sexual abuse. At the time, he worked as the music director for the New Harvest Church of God in South Carolina.
At the time, the boys, aged 14 and 15, claimed that Mr. Sevearance-Turner fondled their genitalia. But hey, that commitment to DEI is impressive; who cares about some minor sexual indiscretion with…minors.
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They knew; they just didn’t care
It’s not that difficult to find out information on registered sex offenders. When my husband and I were first looking for a house to buy we would look in every neighborhood on Google for any registered sex offenders who may be in the area.
Anyone with a smartphone and basic knowledge of searching information should easily be able to pull up basic data on sex offenders. In fact, almost every job I’ve ever had to apply for required me to attest to my criminal background or lack thereof.
I also had to acknowledge that any potential employer I applied for would run a criminal background check on me to ensure I wasn’t someone untrustworthy, like, let’s see…a sex offender. So don’t buy the hype that perhaps ‘Charlotte Pride’ was unaware of Chad’s proclivities with young boys.
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In 2016, Chad’s past bubbled up while championing an initiative to allow transgender men to use women’s bathrooms in North Carolina. The leader of the NC Values Coalition rightly said at the time:
“No one who is a convicted sex offender should be leading a campaign to allow men to be in women’s bathrooms and showers. It’s just common sense.”
Unfortunately, what was once common sense is now considered the thing that is dangerous.
@mitchellvii How is it that a Gov Roy Cooper can attend Gala with Chad Sevearance-Turner , Convicted Child Predator and not get a drop of media coverage? @washingtonpost ,
I wonder if a Republican did this .. pic.twitter.com/Xw7rWTpfCV— God bless the Troops .. (@swindell_gray) December 30, 2018
It’s not their fault; it’s your fault
Values matter, and we all used to have the same values even if we had different political preferences. A liberal and a conservative in America from any age, community, or socio-economic background might disagree on how best to balance the budget or posture ourselves around the world.
Still, we all used to agree that sexual abuse of children was wrong. But not anymore; now, it’s seen as a mere affliction that makes the offender the victim.
The left has even labeled it Minor Attracted Person or Youth Attracted Person. Don’t take my word for it; take the former Old Dominion University professor, now Johns Hopkins University professor Allyn Walker, who explained:
“We have a tendency to want to categorize people with these attractions as evil or morally corrupt. But when we’re talking about non-offending MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons), these are people who have an attraction they didn’t ask for.”
#AllynWalker was forced to resign from Old Dominion Uni. for defending pedophiles. (She/he/they?) is now a Doctor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health… in the Department of Mental Health…at the Child SEX ABUSE Center. #YouCantMakeThisStuffUp
Umm ok America pic.twitter.com/sYFlDvF27P
— کامرد کبرا (@ComradeKobra) August 13, 2023
This argument is not only flawed, it’s dangerous.
Unless you ask ‘Charlotte Pride,’ it makes you a “leader” and an “advocate” worthy of distinction.
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Common Sense
If you serve the time for most crimes, you should be allowed to reintegrate into society and attempt to rebuild your life. That’s the purpose of the punishment – the idea is that you now owe a debt to society, and prison time is the cost of that debt. But when it’s over, the debt is considered paid. At least in theory.
But actions have consequences, and rebuilding is and should be challenging.
But Mr. Sevearance-Turner didn’t serve the time; he served a fifth of his sentence for a crime that I believe should come with a life sentence. This also is not an issue of LGBT rights or advocacy.
Had a convicted sex offender received any other honors from any other organizations tied to anything, regardless of what political or cultural flavor associated with it, I’d be just as disgusted. The left likes to paint parents, conservatives, and pundits who push back against obviously terrible initiatives as evil and dangerous.
Initiatives such as:
- normalizing pedophilia
- mandating affirming minor’s gender preferences
- allowing biological men into women’s spaces and sports
- cutting parents out of their children’s education and health decisions
We aren’t the unsafe ones who think what is taught and told to our children is our business. We aren’t the unsafe ones who believe men should go to men’s bathrooms and locker rooms.
Anyone who thinks any of the above is normal are the ones who need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask themselves just how far they are willing to let their progressivism go. Or perhaps they should keep pushing the limits of decency in the name of an award.
Of course we leave out Chad Sevearance-Turner who … pic.twitter.com/f8A8tQDffJ
— Michael Benson (@KeyMrB) May 19, 2016
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