White Nationalist Groups Claims Nikolas Cruz Was a Member

nikolas cruz white nationalist

Well, this is an interesting turn of events.

A white nationalist group is claiming that Nikolas Cruz, the perpetrator of yesterday’s deadly school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, was a member who participated in their military-style drills.

This is shocking information, and also very strange. From the Associated Press:

The leader of a white nationalist militia says Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz was a member of his group and participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee.

Jordan Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that his group wants Florida to become its own white ethno-state. He said his group holds “spontaneous random demonstrations” and tries not to participate in the modern world.

Jereb said he didn’t know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf of what he just did and he’s solely responsible for what he just did.”

Jereb also told the AP that Cruz may have been motivated by a specific girl. From the report: “He also said he had ‘trouble with a girl’ and he believed the timing of the attack, carried out on Valentine’s Day, wasn’t a coincidence.”

This is awfully curious. Broward County, where Cruz lives, has a plurality of white residents, outnumbering blacks, Hispanics, and other races. Also, Cruz indiscriminately killed teachers and students in his rampage, regardless of their skin color. His known victims so far were mostly white as well. The shooter’s last name, Cruz, is also predominately derived from Spanish origins – not exactly a well-liked stock among white nationalists.

We’ll learn soon enough if Cruz was actually a member of this alleged white nationalist group. For now, we should be skeptical.

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68 thoughts on “White Nationalist Groups Claims Nikolas Cruz Was a Member”

  1. The whole white nationalist thing was 100% refuted by investigations.

    HOW the hell did this loser get into the school? There was a cop, some security – so how did he get in there in the first place?

    The kids are MORONS, all of them. The only solution is to do what Israel did with their schools. Make the SCHOOLS safe.

    And yeah, the entire MSM is nothing but STILL an arm of the old soviet union – nothing has changed.

  2. Okay, the Valentine’s Day angle is interesting. Someone please explain what sort of girl would date this guy. He’s universally considered a weirdo, a freak. But for this guy, at his age, given his looks and lack of intelligence, that one girl would be the entire world.

    And I did notice that the students he killed were overwhelmingly female. The teachers he killed were males, apparently good men trying to protect students from a very bad man, which may mean he killed them simply to get at more female victims. I don’t know that this observation — and it is a mere observation — will hold when we find out about those wounded, rather than killed.

    The lawyer for the killer (I don’t have to be polite about this and call him the “alleged perpetrator” like the media for fear of a non-existent defamation charge, because I am not an idiot following a style book and the SoB has already confessed in open court). The lawyer for the killer has claimed that he heard voices directing his actions. If she is telling the truth, he may be a paranoid schizophrenic. His blank stare at the camera sure makes him look like one. If she is simply preparing a false insanity defense, then to he\\ with her.

    The white supremacist thing. The MAGA picture. The jihad interest. Seems like someone with violent fantasies in search of a justification for his actions. Sorry.

  3. Seems to me this shooter was a prime candidate for political use to eliminate opponents much like some politicians have done in the past or just to promote the chaos the LEFT continues to promote. The shooter’s bank account should be checked for unsubstantiated funding of a large amount.

  4. What we have here is not so famous group of sick individuals who are seeking some kind of recognition. And now, thanks to the Liberal AP who never vets their information, this group has just been given a platform and the recognition they wanted. Thanks to the moron at AP, we’ll be listening to the tripe about this supremacy organization to adnausium.

  5. Jordan Jereb? Something tells me is not an Aryan name either. Maybe a fake group set up by the FBI/CIA/SPLC creeps. A paramilitary or nationalist group doesn’t know (?) its members? I was a member in a few far-right-wing groups (still I am) and ALL organizations wanted to know me before they accepted my membership.
    The whole thing is fake. Cruz is an agent for the hate-groups CIA/FBI/SPLC and probably the jewish hate-group ADL.
    P.S.: A White Nationalist NEVER EVER kill or hurt a fellow White man/woman. This freak killed anyone on sight, regardless of their race.

    1. You are a perfect Trump supporter.

      Anyone who believes that a White Nationalist would never kill another white man is delusional. Lots of white Americans died at the hands of German and Italian white nationalists in WWII.

  6. How do they consider him a white when Cruz is a Hispanic name & he looks Hispanic? I think it’s also interesting they automatically claim it was an AR15 yet one girl who was a witness & spoke to Cruz was asked if it was automatic gunfire & she daid it sounded more like a pistol or rifle shots not automatic gunfire. Just another way for the powers that be to try to take away gun rights from law abiding gun owners. They can’t take over (NWO) as long as Americans are armed.

  7. White groups. Black groups. Hispanic groups………The Democrats have done their job well. They have divided us by race, class and even gender.

    “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

    1. Exactly. Cruz is a burrito-molester name and look at his warped head! No militia or far-right-wing group (except the fake ones by the CIA/FBI/SPLC/ADL gangs) would accept a creepy crazed looking ‘brick” among their ranks.

  8. Here we go again…Blame the gun not the crazy…If the teachers had a gun and was trained maybe things like this wouldn’t happen or at least not as bad….I’ve been carrying open and concealed for over 30 years and haven’t killed anyone(not even close) been in some really BAD places to, and I’m white….I now carry in church and am positioned where you have to go thru me to get anywhere in the chapel… just in case…

    1. “AP is just another lying liberal “news” source. The whole story is one big, fat, liberal lie.”

      Wow. You sound a little defensive there. I read several articles, all stating that they were merely reporting what Jereb, a known liar, was claiming. Why don’t you aclm down and wait for more info to come in.

  9. The liberals like when this happens. Their alligator tears are just that, and it gives them an additional reason to rape the 2nd Amendment . They want men shooters abiding gun owners to be placed in the category of wild killers. If it was up to therm, they would disarm the police and the military also.

  10. Why do deranged killers chose schools, malls, concerts, etc.? 1) gun free zones. 2) target rich environment. 3) a vulnerable population most likely not able to defend themselves or fight back. 4) response time in minutes when seconds count.

  11. Evil people with evil in their hearts have always existed, you can not legislate against evil…


    Back in the late 70’s or early 80’s Palestinian terrorist’s were slaughtering Israeli students and teachers. The solution was to arm school staff. No more helpless victims and no more attacks. It’s an obvious solution but liberals, liberal teachers unions included, scream bloody murder when it’s mentioned. They’re willing to sacrifice our children’s lives for the sake of their agenda: the disarmament of the American people.

  12. I don’t believe he was associated with any group. The fact that his father had died years ago and his mother died a few months ago helped push him to commit his terrible acts. I do think that he might have been spurned by a girl which left him more of a loner. No doubt his was an angry young man. He was not helped by the problems of being ostracized by the schools or anyone who should have paid more attention., The Associated Press has no information and can be considered just more false nonsense. I would recommend schools of this size have armed teachers or guards to monitor the halls and entrances to the building.

  13. How does that make sense? White supremacist group is bragging a 19 year old man with mental problems is a white supremacist, his last name is Cruz? And he killed kids from what appears to be a white neighborhood school how many of the victims were people of color? This reads like the sort of propaganda the FBI made up to impugn radical groups as primarily communist funded and infiltrated but that was most often not true. But with Mueller and his like left over from the Obama era who knows what kind of nasty they might get up to. Mueller defended numerous instances of Islamic State inspired violence as only Islamophobia. Quite frankly I don;t trust the Obamaists to be impartial invetigators.

    1. “This reads like the sort of propaganda the FBI made up….”

      Except it’s highly unlikely that Jereb, who was directly quoted on this, hardly works for the FBI. What’s your problem? The press is already skeptical about this, stating that Jereb has been known to lie in the past. Time will tell,

  14. Something sounds fishy to me. Broward County is just north of Miami/Dade & I lived very near there 70/80/90’s……it was NOT predominantly white when I was there. Weren’t there pictures of him with Antifa gear? Weird.

  15. Just because the guy had a MAGA hat in a picture does not make him a supporter! Apparently, according to a previous article, his voter registration card has DEMOCRAT on it! So all of you idiots who want to blame Trump, think again!

    1. “his voter registration card has DEMOCRAT on it! ”

      On the other hand, just because his voter registration has “DEMOCRAT” on it , doesn’t mean he is, or votes as one. My registration card had Republican on it for 5 yrs. That didn’t dictate how I voted.

  16. Total BS , Cruz was a die hard Antifa member and participated in Soros paid for riots . This is another attempt of the left trying to blame whites .

    If you believe the media you’re a fuc_ _ _ _ moron!!!!!!!!!

  17. Of course, if this group is stating that this young man is a part of their group, simply shows the severely disturbed minds in this group. Anyone who would WANT to claim to in someway be a part of this tragedy has to be mentally and emotionally disturbed. Sick people. This is irrefutable evidence they are insane people. PERIOD.

    1. Marilyn, with all due respect, there are a lot of Trump supporters out there who are not mentally unstable as there are probably some Democrats out there who are not mentally unstable. It’s strange to say such a thing, as IF anyone who supports Trump is capable of such violence. Rather than thinking that irrational thought, perhaps the person who did this is simply severely disturbed. It has nothing to do with whom they supported in the last election……Good Lord, come on. Not all of us who support Trump and also believe in the right to bear arms are ANYTHING. It’s patently unwise to judge ANYONE by what others do, regardless of their political affiliation. No sane person would wish this tragedy on anyone.

      1. “Marilyn” has proven itself to be due NO respect, so offer none. It’s a brain-dead Marxist of the drooling, snowflake left, a site pest just here to insult and rile you up. Respect? The most respect it deserves is to be compared to vermin (my apology to rats everywhere).

        1. “It’s a brain-dead Marxist of the drooling, snowflake left, a site pest just here to insult and rile you up.”

          Interesting. With that, you just proved you deserve the same amount of “respect” that “Marilyn” does,

    2. Marilyn! If you would check on these shootings. There has been only one that was Republican connections! rest has been democrats. I am not standing up for Trump but if you look at the 8 years before was when most was committed. It seems The ruiner in chief was president in that time. He still is doing more damage than trump could!

    3. Marilyn says: “My psychiatrist told me I’m going crazy”.
      She told her shrink: “If you don’t mind, I’d like a second opinion.”
      Shrink said:
      “OK…You’re ugly too!”
      (Rodney Dangerfield)

    4. Sue Everson, using the alias Marilyn today. If he’s a Trump supporter, why does his voter registration card say “Democrat?” BTW, not all white supremacists support Trump and Trump has never, NEVER, shown support for white supremacists. Sue, please crawl back under your rock.

      1. “If he’s a Trump supporter, why does his voter registration card say “Democrat?”

        Are you really that uninformed? My voter registration card had me listed as a republican for 5 years. I can assure you I didn’t vote for Trump in ’16 and most definitely never will in the future.

        1. Well, well, well, another Troll on this site!! A fake Republican not voting for President Trump! No surprise and he didn’t need your vote, we got him elected! STFU and go play your dumb a$$ games with Marilyn, Sue Everson, jeansandjackets!

        2. Vc, we really don’t care who you voted for & your 2 cents is worth zilch so do us all a favor & just STFU! Maybe you can date Marilyn aka Sue Everson, another libturd idiot!

    5. Marilyn, do your parents know how stupid you are or do you hide it from them? When Trump was a candidate, Soros paid thugs to disrupt his rallies. It’s not the Republicans you need to fear, little girl, it’s the Democrats. I wouldn’t trust Hilary to do anything. And you voted for her. Shows how smart you are, doesn’t it toots?

      1. You’re wasting your efforts with Marilyn Don, whose real name is Sue Everson aka the old jeansandjackets. She is a flaming liberal who voted for the Hildabeast & never has gotten over that the wicked witch LOST fair & square. She’s an idiot & a lost cause!

    6. marylin, your antifa-pricks are more violent, more aggressive, more dumb, therefore we need to exterminate them asap. You’d better accept the fact that President Trump is here for another 7 years and you and your demoncRATS can’t do nothing about i!

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