Nikolas Cruz’s Family Warned Police He Threatened Others With Gun Violence

nikolas cruz warned guns

Well this just blew a hole in the entire argument liberals are making for increased gun control.

Nikolas Cruz, the perpetrator of last week’s shooting spree in a Florida high school that left 17 dead, was on the radar of local police for some time. It’s been reported elsewhere that Cruz was reported to authorities nearly 40 times for concerning behavior over a span of nearly a decade. But what CNN just uncovered is the most damning piece of evidence against Florida police yet.

From the report:

Just months before Nikolas Cruz killed 17 at his former high school in South Florida, the host family who had taken him in immediately after his mother’s death warned local law enforcement that the 19-year-old had “used a gun against people before” and “has put the gun to others’ heads in the past,” according to records obtained by CNN.

It’s the latest indication of how law enforcement encountered warning signs about Cruz’s violent behavior before he attacked students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine’s Day.
My God in heaven, how much clearer can you be? Cruz’s host family actually told police that Cruz brandished a gun against other people in the past. And he was still not punished or deprived of his ability to purchase weapons!

People on Twitter expressed outrage at this obvious gap in law enforcement:

Just this morning, President Trump proposed enhancing our background check system to prevent disturbed individuals from purchasing firearms. But here’s the thing: Even if the system is improved, it won’t flag someone whom police ignore and never enters into the system to begin with.

Someone needs to be held accountable for this clear drop in responsibility.

What do you think? Should the police chief in Cruz’s neighborhood be fired for this lapse? Tell us your thoughts below!

68 thoughts on “Nikolas Cruz’s Family Warned Police He Threatened Others With Gun Violence”

  1. I wonder if the reports by the host family were put on the back burner due to PC..fear of racial profiling or advancing the President’s agenda.
    Something the media has been reluctant to report on is Cruz’ legal status(supposedly he came here with his mother from Mexico) : if his mother was undocumented or if Cruz himself was covered by DACA.

  2. I will Not call the School Security Officer a Coward because Police Are Trained To Wait For Back Up When facing Superior Fire Power. Their Moto is “Protect and Serve”. I suggest you used Vet Volunteers since most would take this job to Proudly Extend Their Service To This Country And Do It FREE! Remember Marines and Soldiers Are Not Social Workers THEY ARE TRAINED TO KILL AND BREAK THINGS. A person that has used a weapon in Lethal Situations has nearly a 0.5 second advantage (google studies on shooting reaction times) over a non experienced killer. It’s not New To Pro and it is all muscle memory after 20+ years.

  3. It has been reported that a Sheriffs Deputy stood outside the School when the Fatal shots were being fired???At that time,he was duty bound to enter that School and Protect Life and Property.I have ALWAYS MAINTAINED THAT SCHOOLS SHOULD HAVE ARMED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS IN THEM TO PROTECT STUDENTS.Jesus even Bill Clinton recomended that???


    1. Hey the dumocrats wrote the Black Codes after the Civil War. They were attempting to prevent the newly freed slaves from owning fire arms.The NRA went before the Supreme Court and the Newly freed slaves were granted the ability to own guns.One hundred some odd years later there voting dumocrat>>>GO Figure???

    2. I second that and I’m not even a vet directly. Giving up guns and second amendment is only the beginning of erosion of all our freedoms and rights. What might have been rights will turn into entitlements. Remember the saying, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.”

  5. LET ME LAUGH AT THIS NONSENSE!!!! cnn reports? lol the premiere fake news network? give us all a break and stop trying to push this invented back story after the fact. its so hilariously false. so lets see since he was 9 years old he was having the cops called on him? lol funny how the “host family ” just happened to be a former army intelligence officer. lol anyone who falls for these false flag ,invented fictional tales needs to be seen by a psychiatrist. lol

  6. Everything evil and despicable in this country AND the entire world…is 99% attributable to 2 things…communism (for which the democrat party is a proxy) and islam (with which the party of soros is also in cahoots)
    For over 70 years, in this country AND throughout the world, these organized crime gangs have been preaching and screeching hate and anger and forcing their social engineering agendas on to a largely disinterested society…now, three score ten years later and their goal of total domination and control is in their sights…the final nail, an all out race-war in this country, being driven and set up by the previous corrupt and illegitimate administration…all that’s left to do is to remove the Real American’s means of self protection…as hitler, stalin, mao and the rest of the democrat’s idols did to THEIR populations….then the fascist blacks will make South Africa under mandella look like a picnic…and make no mistake, in order to disarm Americans and get rid of President Trump, the commies (‘crats) and the muslims will sacrifice however many children it takes…with the drugs, plus the constant, incessant propagandizing and conditioning of confused, angry, barely-literate, irresponsible kids (all conditions courtesy of democrats BTW) the fascistcrats will be looking forward to many more school shootings…

  7. That also kind of blows that host family’s statement that he was never anything but good with them. If they felt the need to warn local police then why would they even allow him to have them in their house? As for local law enforcement knowing, that is a first of many breakdowns in the system on this case, up to and including the FBI.

  8. Well it’s not like the Police are afraid of him or that they don’t care about human life. It’s most likely a case of simple human kindness and decency, wanting to go the extra mile with another by not depriving him of hope, life, and just the space and time to work thru personal teenage issues and angst. This is not evidence of a lack of human concern or a lack of firearm regulations. And it is not a failure of freedom or liberty. It is the unfortunate tragic outcome of personal choice…Cruz’s choice, contrary to the hopes, labors and sacrifices of everyone around him.

  9. I have no idea why this idiot fell through the cracks. Seems so many flags flying and being ignored.
    The FBI had a excuse. they were trying to do important stuff. Like digging up stuff against Trump.So many things were ignored.
    Leave poor Clinton News Networks (CNN)alone. The poor people do not earn enough money to pay for news men. Beside who would believed them if had been front page news!

  10. 1938-39 Hitler removed guns from the German population. Look what it got the ignorant poor population of Germany. When the Government takes our guns, then the party’s over for the USA . Protect our second amendment with free will. Thank you America..

    1. it seems you are another who follows that false history. it isn’t true. why is it people who lack facts always drag hitler into the scenario as some sort of evidence? go learn that you believe a lie.


    1. Sam, he cant do that because he cant run the country by himself. He still has cabinet positions open because Congress wont confirm his nominees! Congress is fighting him at every turn. And still, he gets things done. Even so, something needs to change so that any branch of the govt will not be able to hold the country hostage.

    2. Nice idea but every president in the office of a party on the other side will always meet opposition. This time it is obvious when every step to drain the swamp is met with snowflakes that try to blow some smoke and later will cry when Trump isn’t doing enough. Damn if he does and damn if he doesn’t.

  12. The Fng Bunch of Idiots (FBI) are too busy covering Comey and Muller’s arse to be bothered with stupid little things like a madman threatening to kill students. Move along now. Nothing to see here.

  13. The systems to monitor disturbed individuals are in place, but if the information isn’t put in the system, it does no good. Just remember that the FBI knew about the Tsarnaev brothers and we were warned by Russia, but if no one acts on the information, it does no good. We have plenty of dead and wounded Americans, because people with guns and authority are just too busy to do their job.

  14. If he had been a veteran they would have been all over him. that’s one of the examples of why Veterans become so angry and self-destructive and the liberals love it.

    The real question is what were the obstacles the police faced? Was Cruz under some sort of professional care?

  15. The town police and slacker FBI agents should face indictment as co conspirators along with this kid.
    And now,,, This jerk police chief actually stands up for more gun control?

  16. Considering the number of police officers that have been severely beaten for infringing on rights of citizens, why would you want to think that they as a group tend to give way to looking the other way to avoid personal time being wasted to justify any action? Just report for work and walk around or sit and do as little as possible and avoid personal risk only when you are going to be the victim- then use your weapon to defend yourself.

  17. PD ignores warnings and FBI fails to contact a server to trace the IP……
    but it is the NRA’s fault and everyone conscientious gun owner
    Am I getting this right?

    What was particularly amazing is how some media stated: “How can something like this happen
    in an affluent community like Parkland?”

  18. Yes, they should be fired. Or else, this will happen again. And, how many other shootings could they have prevented? While the FBI is being blamed for dropping the ball, the local police carry a bigger part of the blame. After THIRTY NINE 911 calls to the home where Cruz was living, they should have had red flags all over his name. It’s a shame, & people need to sue the local police. I sure would if it was one of MY kids in that school!

  19. I recognize somethings should have been done to address the warnings … but as a former prosecutor in today’s world its really really hard to address threats of violence with no actual violence … don’t know about Florida gun laws but in my home state the police could have reported him and his right (not ability) to have a firearm would likely have been taken away … when the laws create more rights for the mentally ill than those who are not and have to put up with them etc etc ad nauseam … oh well that’s our world right now …

  20. I have a couple of questions. How does a school in an affluent neighborhood ignore a level of highly sophisticated security? Why are there no security cameras, even a metal detection system, as well as several armed guards present? Couple that with the absolute gross failure of the FBI, local law enforcement, social services, and the mental health community…How did this guy just “Slip through the cracks?” The way things are, I doubt that even if he had called the FBI and local authorities personally, that they would have acted. Pathetic state of affairs.

    1. There WAS an armed security guard, but he never ‘encountered’ the shooter. How? Did he run the other way when he heard shots? As for the security cameras & the metal detection machine, that MIGHT make the little snowflakes feel more unsafe. Political correctness carries a LARGE part of the blame for this too.

  21. Someone who knows nothing about Trauma tried to suggest that the cause was “Trauma” although that someone used PTSD to suggest we need more gun control which is just another attempt to minimize veterans in society and that is part of where veterans anger comes from.
    Some Vancouver shrink would have us believe all addiction can be reduced to finding out what your trauma was caused by, even if I’m over simplifying; its horse do do.
    This is how lefties hope to take away guns they wish to accept, no, advocate criminal mind sets enabling them with rationalizations and affirmative defenses. People with genuine trauma like vets get stripped of their dignity and would no doubt be among the first to have guns seized without probable cause, and its already happened in NYS.
    Health care professionals and the ideologues who promote the great society strip moral codes then make simple problems too complex for their own sake, job security.
    We have been arming congregants at my church since the last church shooting and working with the Sheriff’s and they can not get schools to do the same for all the money spent on them?
    I would never have thought I would live to see the day we would have to arm ourselves to protect our freedom to assemble in a church.
    Blaming inanimate objects like guns because the ideology of the left is a total failure needs to be addressed and our children protected, like actually protected. until then home schools or private and religious schools are better alternatives they might also get an education too.
    71% of our High School grads are not fit for military service, not because of some superior moral attitude, but because they are obese, under educated, on drugs, legal and illegal suffer a plethora of illnesses, like ADHD, asthma , have gang tats and other problems. Guns are life ending but the crisis in our schools for all the money thrown at teacher’s unions and programs is a poor return.
    If I was a total pessimist I would think the lefties and liberals want violence in our schools to distract us from their epic fail.

  22. Unfortunately the laws do more to protect the criminals than they do the victims. The person who committed the crime is immediately after the fact wrapped up in “their rights” – the victim in the street has none. Iget so sick of seeing instances – and they happen way too often – where you read that the person involved in a murder the night before had just been released from prison a few weeks – even days earlier after serving less than 5 years for killing someone else.
    We have plenty of laws on the books we do not need new laws we need the laws we have enforced – put some teeth back into those laws.

    1. And you can thank the so called “liberal” judges, lawyers and lame stream media for that. The media is expert at making the criminal the victim and stirring up a bunch of BS to incite people.

    2. anyone willing to chance a civil war FIRST before trying something like BURNING HIM AT THE STAKE first just isnt a serious adult.
      I’m VERY serious, BURN HIM AT THE STAKE, betting it stops the shootings for at least a year. Til the NEXT stupid kid FORGETS what happens when you point a weapon at our children in this country. Burn one a year? cheap.

    3. Amen! Amen!! Putting convicts of a violent crime is plainly damn stupid. And yes, the criminals have more damn rights. I’m losing my ladylike behavior and about ready to go completely blue with my language. Libs forget, or just ignore, that criminals don’t give a flip of any laws. They will always have guns and worse.

      Some cops are great and I love them. In my town, after a bad incidence at my front door, they are happy that we know how to handle an intruder or anything on my property. They will still do their best to be here in minutes if I call. When I call on them, they will be here with a “fleet” of cars and handle the situation. And, through all of this, no shot was heard by anyone. Zero. Somehow this sort of defense escapes a lot of statistics when the big topic is gun control. I won’t even tell you what I think those snowflakes need to do. It can be right there in your imagination. Hmm…maybe a snowblower.

  23. It appears as though we have more than one problem here with the Cruz case..First off, once the host family knew about the Cruz boy talking trash about guns and threatening other people by putting a gun up to their heads he should have been reported to the autorities immediately and made it known to the authorities that this boy was not coming back into their house to live as unstable as he clearly was showing to be. He could of just as well of shot them too at any time or while in their sleep. What is wrong with people anyway? 17 people are now dead because of these people dropping the ball fully knowing that this Cruz boy was a ticking time bomb. Even though the host family did eventually alert the local authorities of the Cruz boys deadly thoughts and desires they didn’t pressure the local authorities to take their complaint seriously enough to have the boy picked up and properly evaluated to see if he was a threat to society by walking among them. Then the local police didn’t do their job either by not following up on the host families complaint to them that Cruz was a threat to others. Complaints as serious as the host families was should always be followed up on with the mentally disturbed as they can go off at any time. If the local police were watching the Cruz boy they must have been a sleep when he obtained the gun and ammunition to go on the killing spree at the local school. It is never the gun that is the culprit it is the majority of the time the mentally disturbed that is the killer. These people should never be allowed to be free to walk among innocent unsuspecting people. Clearly plenty of red flags were showing on this Cruz boy and he should have never been allowed to even live with a host family he should have been a ward of the court and the court should of had him properly evaluated and admitted to a mental institution and this would never have happened. Until our authorities accept and focus onto the real problem to these horrific killing sprees the mentally ill instead of blaming the guns this problem will continue to be an ongoing never ending nightmare across the country and our schools.Take the bullet( meaning the man) away from the gun and the gun is rendered worthless and very harmless. It is the man pulling the trigger that is the culprit and 9 times out of ten it will be a deranged person that shouldn’t even be free and walking our public streets..If you want to eliminate these kinds of horrific shootings then you need to address the laws on the freedom of these mentally disturbed individuals who are doing the killings. Don’t take the easy way out and blame the guns. Guns never killed anyone it is the person that is loading up that gun and pulling the trigger that is doing the killings. It is only common sense any one that has 1/ 2 of a brain can see that. You can just start enforcing the gun laws already on the books or you can add a few more gun laws that won’t be followed if you would like but that won’t stop the killings until you hog tie the real problem for these dreadful shootings and that is to take the mentally disturbed individuals off of the streets and have them committed to mental institutions where they belong..Every community across the country should be alerted to having any mentally disturbed individuals out and walking the streets every day that could very well be the next school shooting. These people should be highly monitored 24/7 and their records as being mentally disturbed available 24/7 to all public entities. The proof is in the pudding and easy enough to follow the trail of disaster and to see the real problem behind it all..with out a doubt it is a mentally disturbed individual almost every time there is a mass shooting or killing spree involved. The mentally disturbed individuals need to be eliminated from public access. Anyone who knows of these individuals and are a public threat should immediately report them to your local authorities not wait until they have already killed many people and then come forward saying I was going to contact the police or have a story to tell about the shooter that you just didn’t take the time to alert the authorities about until after the horrific deed had been done. These people are a threat to the public at all times. Families that have a member of the family that shows signs of hostilities and act unstable need to report this to your local authorities before that family member has committed a crime like a school shooting..The mentally disturbed need to be taken off of our streets, period!! Let’s address the real problem with these school shootings and killings!!

  24. Come on folks, Hegelian Dialectric. Create a crisis, get the masses to arrive at a solution that has been predetermined by Controllers in order to achieve a goal. These shootings are orchestrated, or at least allowed to happen to advance the progressive liberal agenda. The responses are scripted and coached.
    Never let a crisis go to waste ….. and if you don’t have a good crisis manufacture one.

  25. “Someone needs to be held accountable for this clear drop in responsibility.”

    Why just one? Our public school system as designed is just begging for terrorist attacks, almost as if that was the intent from the start. Curious that the one political party most responsible for the design of our system of public education stands to benefit politically from that poor design.

  26. How many years have we been passed gun law and has it ever stopped these attacks? No! They have not. Will passing another one stop these attacks? This is the only one real Solution…
    America needs a National Law putting highly trained, experienced Armed Guards at every America School to protect our children. They must be able to give a feeling of security to our children by treating them with respect. This should be inspected twice a year. Homeland Security, National Guards, US Marshalls and private companies can do it. How many attacks at Israeli schools? ZERO! We have armed guards.

    1. Laws do not prevent crime(s); never have, never will. The function of laws is to provide a legal method for detaining and punishing wrongdoers after they commit their wrongdoing. Under our system, a law cannot prevent a crime from being committed, so, outlawing “scary-looking” firearms — or any others — will have no effect whatsoever on crime rates.

      1. You are 100% right. Not enough believe you to make a difference. There so many lawmakers that just need to justify their jobs. If they have no sense to do the right thing, they’ll just cause trouble and oppose anything that could be common sense. You know they don’t have any common sense, right?

  27. Nikolas Cruz… Was Crying for Help… The Government Drop The Ball… Both Parties.. And We The People Always Pay For It!… Why did his new family even let him have access to those Guns. If You Believe they thought they had the only Key… I Have A Goose That Lays Golden Eggs for Sale!
    Someone Needs to be held Accountable… The Government You Think!!!!

    1. Exactly what ball was dropped by “both parties”? I assume you mean democrats and republicans. What was it they should have done? Also, are you accusing the good people who took him in of lying? As far as holding somebody accountable, how about the school’s superintendent and administrator for failing to secure the doors to the building, either by locking them with one way locks allowing egress only, or by posting guards at the entrances. Wait, I think they had an armed guard stationed “in the elevator”. He probably would have come out and investigate, but he believed the kids were popping balloons. So there is one you could sell your goose to. The principal also said normally there are two police cars stationed in front of the school. I guess they were on their coffee break at the time. Take a wild guess what political party all these people belong to.

  28. People are rightly asking big questions of police inaction following reported concerns about Cruz’s aggressive behaviour with guns, but surely the fundamental one is knowing all of this, why were they not securely stored by the owner, which reports indicate was not Cruz?

    1. I agree with you but I think it’s even worse that FBI were warned in such dramatic ways. Being a Federal Agency, they should know better than turning their backs on a school full of students of any age!

    2. Cruz DID own the guns. That’s why people are so angry. His name should’ve been flagged, so he couldn’t purchase them. And, that AR 15 he used belonged to HIM. He had bought it just a few days before the shooting.

  29. This is the same thing that happened with the Texas Church shooter last year. He should’ve be legally prevented from buying a gun, but the warning flags were never entered into the system. I think rather than taking guns away from law abiding citizens, they should start penalizing the agencies that are SUPPOSED to be keeping us safe.

  30. CNN has become the trash network of America seems to not be out done by anyone. They proped up these kids and used them like pimp’s for their own sad agenda of gun control. And they seem to things like this at any costs. And they wonder why ratings are so low as they fade out of the lime lite.Any one else would be ashamed but they have sunk so low it’s normal to them now. To be honest the FCC needs to put them out of business. It will always now be known as the network of lies. And the sad part in all of this is they just don’t care.

  31. This just totally blows my mind! Sounds to me like some cops were to lazy to do some paperwork! Putting a gun to someone’s head is a big time Felony warranting jail time.

  32. I hate to be the wet blanket with respect to rounding up suspicious people, but it’s terribly impractical and probably unconstitutional. I think we’ve just seen strong evidence that it doesn’t work.

  33. This doesn’t shock me a bit. Broward is a blue county. I think Dems/Libs/Socialists are fine with some kids dying and being traumatized to further their agenda. They could care less about these kids and are using them as political fodder to try and move their agenda along.

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