Liberals Will Regret Opposing Trump’s Travel Ban After Reading This Facebook Post

It should come as no surprise that the left has been up in arms ever since President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order temporarily limiting travel for individuals from 7 countries with high levels of terrorist activity.

As many of you know by now, the left has falsely labeled the new travel restrictions a “Muslim ban” despite the fact that the vast, overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world don’t live in the 7 countries listed in the Executive Order.

Of course, some liberal judges have bought into the left’s characterization of the travel restrictions, including the far-left 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which on Thursday allowed a stay on the order to continue, likely setting up a hearing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

But one brave Facebook user took notice of the left’s outrage over President Trump’s order back when it first happened, and noted that liberals are massive hypocrites who didn’t care about Obama bombing those countries, but pretend the world will come to an end if travel is temporarily restricted.

This is brilliant:

As Brendan O’Neill correctly points out, while the left is screaming about Trump’s order, they never seemed to care when Obama’s policies helped to create the chaos in Syria as we speak, which has forced the president to halt any refugees from entering this country.

For all the liberals who are angry that President Trump wants to build a border wall with Mexico, where were they when Obama was deporting illegal immigrants left and right? Oh, that’s right, they were nowhere to be found. And those same liberals who voted for Hillary don’t seem to mind that she voted for a border wall, but somehow Trump is a bigot for wanting to do the same thing? That’s liberal logic for you!

Brendan O’Neill’s message is so powerful: “If you adore Obama then I’m sorry but you have forfeited your right to be taken seriously on Trump.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Do you agree that liberals who swooned over Obama can never be taken seriously when they criticize President Trump? Share your thoughts below!

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