Robert Mueller Threatens Lawsuit to Interview President Trump

Mueller subpoena Trump

The case for firing Robert Mueller as head of the special counsel is growing. Admittedly, I’d initially thought firing Mueller would be a horrible idea, simply because of the optics of it all.

While we all know that Trump would fire Mueller because of his witch-hunt of an investigation, liberals would immediately claim that the firing was an admission of guilt on Trump’s part, or was because Trump was “scared” of what the counsel may uncover (which would make no sense, given the nothing they’ve uncovered so far).

But above all, it would allow the next special counsel head to claim that there was some sort of attempt at obstruction of justice (even though there wasn’t). That’s also why Trump shouldn’t sit down with Mueller.

Remember, not a single person in Mueller’s special counsel has been indicted on charges relating to collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The indictments have all been for lying to the FBI, or other charges.

And while this wasn’t part of the special counsel investigation, in the case of the indictment of Michael Flynn, it wasn’t his conversations with Russians that got him in trouble, it was him incorrectly remembering the exact contents of those conversations a month later. If Trump sits down with Mueller for an interview, he risks incriminating himself (even of a crime created out of thin air).

Which is probably why Mueller wants to interview Trump so badly.

According to the Huffington Post:

Mueller warned President Donald Trump’s lawyers that he had the power to issue a subpoena if the White House refused a request for a sit-down interview with the president, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.The Post, citing four people familiar with the conversation, said the encounter quickly turned tense after the lawyers said Trump had no legal obligation to meet with the special counsel. Mueller then suggested he could issue a subpoena that would compel the president to appear before a grand jury.

“This isn’t some game,” John Dowd, Trump’s former lead attorney, replied. “You are screwing with the work of the president of the United States.”
Dowd later confirmed the encounter and his comments to Reuters.

Trump has said that he’s willing to sit down with Mueller – if Mueller then ends his witch hunt. Mueller has been seeking an interview for months. On Monday, the New York Times published a list of questions that Mueller hopes to ask Trump.

The special counsel has gone on long enough and has yet to turn up any information linking the Trump campaign to Russia at all. It’s time for Mueller to close up shop and admit defeat.

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Do you think that Donald Trump should sit down with Mueller? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

20 thoughts on “Robert Mueller Threatens Lawsuit to Interview President Trump”

  1. At no time should President Trump sit down with anyone associated with Mueller ir his team! Let them go ahead and blow whatever smoke they need! At what point are we going to call and end to this witch hunt? It is our tax dollars funding this nonsense and I think it’s about time that this is put to rest! Such a waste of our tax dollars!

  2. I say let Mueller subpoena President Trump and then let Trumps lawyers take it all the way to the Supreme court. When they go before the Supreme court then the Trump lawyers could show why Mueller is trying to frame Trump for a crime. Bring everything that they have on Mueller with his involvement with the dems and Russia’s Uranium deal. Why would Mueller ever sign off on the Uranium deal and then take a sample of the Uranium to Russia for Putins approval. Now, who is the one that colluded with Russia????Bobby Mueller.

  3. What a waste of time and $$$$$ this Mueller guy has been, he’s milking the system, they should investigate where all this money is going to fund this creep!

  4. I don’t think Trump should fire Mueller. It will give too much ammunition to the Dems ahead of the 2018 Congressional elections. He should just let Mueller ramble on until after the elections and then demand the investigation be closed or ask the Deputy AG to order the investigation closed, because of lack of evidence of Mueller’s primary & only mission of looking for Russian collusion. 2 years (to Nov. 2018 after the election) is long enough for an investigation to drag on.

  5. Mueller has a lot of skeletons in his closet, starting with the Whitey Bulger affair and knowingly allowing 4 men to sit in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.
    Maybe it is time someone started to investigate Mueller and forced him to resign without POTUS getting involved…
    Good idea for a Conservative News Source…

  6. I think all of the presidents’ supporters should get on several buses and head to DC for a protest outside Congress demanding an end to this witch hunt and the waste of tax money. Sessions need to stop acting like a meek and mild preacher man and do his damn job. I have lost all hope and respect for that man.

  7. Wonder IF a citizens group could file a LAW SUIT against mueller for wasting tax payer dollars, not doing his job and for being a partisan hack involved in the selling of 20% of our uranium production to a Canadian company OWNED and CONTROLLED by the Russians. Canada HAS NO LAW preventing the shipment of uranium to Russia.

  8. Mr. Mueller has no statutory authority to issue a a subpoena. No court has ever held that a sitting president can be compelled to testify in court for any reason. The precedent was established in 1800 in United States v. Cooper. His investigation does not even meet the definition of a case in any legal sense of the term. He could certainly ask a federal court to convene a grand jury where he would have to offer a viable list of charges against named individuals but even the the president can simply refuse to appear. Mueller is grandstanding in the hope that the president will order him removed. Some folks believe that would trigger impeachment but that is severely unlikely. No the president should not meet with him nor answer any questions in any manner. There really is not a thing Mueller can do but blow smoke in the media.

  9. Of course he shouldn’t sit down with him. There is a video on Youtube of a detective and lawyer that explain why you should never talk to the police.

    Additionally, even if Mueler said if Trump sat down that he would end his probe, he would renege.

  10. No, the President, himself, should NOT fire the “mule” – -AG Sessions should do his own job and fire BOTH “rosy posey AND the mule”! What those two have done amounts to collusion, obstruction, FRAUD AND SEDITION! Perhaps, even TREASON!

  11. I’ve read the proposed “questions”. It’s a fishing expedition, nothing more. Mueller is getting desperate.

    Even if, as I’ve heard, those are not actual questions but topics, it’s still a fishing expedition. Mueller is hoping to catch Trump in a “lie” so he can charge him with lying to the FBI. If those that I’ve read are simply topics, that’s not an interview that would take an hour or two, that would take a minimum of 2 days. Nothing in those topics/questions has anything whatsoever to do with collusion or even obstruction of justice.

  12. I get so scared that the one president that is trying to do good for America is going to be railroaded. Then I think I am of little faith but these people are so dangerous and skilled at sabotaging people . I think I’m just gonna have to have the faith and pray that God will keep our beloved president safe. I watched him in Michigan the other night and realized that I love this man. I’m not a religious zealot but in times of trouble what am I doing? Praying.

    1. Donna, you’re not alone I worry all the time that our president will be stabbed in the back that he’ll be forced to quit. I’m so angry I want to go to DC and start shouting at Congress and Sessions to do their damn job and investigate the damn Demonrats and leave Trump alone.

  13. Trump should refuse the witch hunt inteview which Mueller will use as an entrapment tool and if served a subphoena he should declare his rights and refuse or go and plead the fifth amendment to every question Mueller ask.

  14. BlackRaven135

    the pockets of the American taxpayer are deep
    Herr Mueller will continue to squander it in order to prove Hillary should have been elected
    in ’16
    He needs to pop that pacifier out of his mouth, put down that rattle and pull up his big boy pants and admit he has been runnning a game perpetrated against WE the people

  15. Trump should never set down with Witch Hunter, Mueller. He should ignore him and give him all the rope he wants to continue to hang himself. Impeachment is the only constitutional way to stop a President and if tried, will fail and help Trump. Let him try to impeach Trump so Trump can let the truth hang out and destroy the Witch Hunter at the trial in the Senate.

  16. If they can’t find any actual information after one year, then it is time to throw in the towel. I would venture to say that almost no investigations go on that long. I have not heard of that before. If he can’t get any incriminating evidence at this point, then questioning Trump will not help his quest. He shouldn’t be fired, but instead sent to the bottom of the FBI food chain and made an agent in some far away place. There he could contemplate his further options. Unfortunately Sessions might have been a good pick for Attorney General under most conditions, what Trump needs now is a “Bulldog” ala “Holder” who would send the FBI packing and case over. Since this whole so called case is based on flimsy Democratic provided pseudo information, it is unconstitutional to use it in the first place.

  17. This witch hunt is beyond ridiculous & needs to end NOW! Mueller, who is nothing but a criminal himself, has wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on a nothingburger investigation that has gone way beyond the scope of the initial investigation. Since it has been proven the FBI, DNC & the Hildabeast came up with all the unfounded claims against the POTUS, while they were the guilty parties to begin with, this witch hunt should have NEVER gone on this long or at all. Most Americans are fed up with this nonsense.

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