MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘White Christian Men’ Want Apartheid in America

Joy Reid Roseanne

MSNBC host Joy Reid, in an undated segment, stated she believes wealth white Christian men are seeking to implement apartheid in America, emboldened in their cause by President Trump.

Ah, to be a wild, hateful conspiracy theorist on a mainstream network that still receives a positive rating from Newsguard.

In a video circulated widely earlier this week, Reid suggests that white men in this country are ready, willing, and able to enact the South Africa style of institutionalized racial segregation.

And of course, it’s Donald Trump’s fault.

“No country is an eternal democracy,” Reid frets. “And when you have a very determined minority, in this case wealthy white men and wealthy white Christian men and Christian Americans who are of the fundamental[ist] variety, who are very clear that no matter what happens if they have to pull the South Africa model to maintain power forever they will do it, and they’re not afraid of it and they’re increasingly open about it and Donald Trump is merely the avatar for this.”

It’s unclear what forum she is speaking at and when it took place.

RELATED: Joy Reid, MSNBC Address Controversial Blog Posts But Make No Mention Of Hacking Claims


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Reid also attacked the administration on social media for their handling of a suspected illegal immigrant, referring to his detention under questionable pretenses as “apartheid.”

This isn’t the first time Reid has espoused wild conspiracy theories that would have gotten most journalists fired.

RELATED: Joy Reid: Trump’s 4th of July Parade Meant to Threaten Americans

Reid has previously suggested our elections will be infiltrated not just by the Russians in 2020, but also by China and North Korea, leading one guest to rant that this “could be the last free and fair election in American history.”

She also tossed out a suggestion that President Trump’s pro-military Fourth of July parade was designed to intimidate fellow Americans because he “styles himself a tyrant.”

In old blog posts, Reid shared a documentary claiming the United States government was complicit in planning the 9/11 terror attacks.

The President spoke about Reid over the weekend tweeting, “Who the hell is Joy-Ann Reid? Never met her, she knows ZERO about me, has NO talent, and truly doesn’t have the ‘it’ factor needed for success in showbiz.”

90 thoughts on “MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘White Christian Men’ Want Apartheid in America”

  1. Keep reading the minds of all whites and see what you get. It doesn't mean you're right because maybe one or a few have the same thought as you. Why can't you see anything good in this race as we are all, equal and there are many out there that know that. Quit judging all by one. You are being offensive. All whites aren't wealthy. Look on the football fields and see your race especially. And on T.V. also. I'm sick of all black lives matters have done across the . Nation Wanting to destroy this country(kill, steal/loot, destroy wanting a new Anthem, burning the flag. So quit talking about the whites only doing so bad. Look for the good instead. As there are so many that are doing the good instead.

  2. Abbie Hoffman

    “The true Negro does not want integration… He realizes his potential is far better among his own race… Integration will destroy our race eventually… In one northern city, a pastor friend of mine tells me that a couple of opposite race live next door to his church as man and wife… It boils down to whether we are going to take God's Word as final."—Jerry Falwell, 1964

  3. Abbie Hoffman

    In the Summer of 1985, Jerry Falwell visited South Africa and, in an effort to get Americans to support that white supremacist apartheid regime, urged Christians to purchase Krugerrands, South African gold coins. The visit backfired on him. He even went so far as to attack Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop Desmond Tutu. The Los Angeles Times reported that Falwell capped off his visit to South Africa by saying, "If Bishop Tutu maintains that he speaks for the black people of South Africa, he is a phony." He praised the apartheid regime as a "bulwark for Christian civilization", and branded imprisoned black rights activist Nelson Mandela a "communist".
    Even before he saw [the 1987 movie about Mandela] Falwell referred to it as "Communist propaganda" and threatened a Moral Majority boycott of HBO during September. Claiming that Mandela is "pro-terrorist," Citizens for Reagan, a lobbying group, has said it will call on its 100,000 members to cancel their HBO subscriptions. Falwell also lobbied the South African government to keep Mandela imprisoned.

  4. Abbie Hoffman

    "I think 'one man, one vote,' in South Africa just unrestricted democracy, would not be wise. There needs to be some kind of protection for the minority which the white people represent now."—Feb 13, 1988

  5. Abbie Hoffman

    “If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision [Brown v. Board of Education] would never have been made…. The facilities and races should be separate. When God has drawn a line of distinction, we should not attempt to cross that line.”—Jerry Falwell, 1958

  6. Every white person today is afraid of being called a racist. Well not me.I'll speak my mind. The reason she has a voice is because she's black but she's a black journalist racist. She probably had a bad experience in the past as many other blacks have and it may have been a horrifiying . I was raised in a black community during the fifties,sixties and seventies and most of my friends were black.We all got along great because we were all blue collar trying to make a good living for are family. There is more racism today then there was 60 years ago. It's not the same racism as the past and it shouldn't be called racism. It should be called discustcism. I am discusted that the black racist allowed themselves to accept the idea that they can't make it without assistance from the democrats. they have had a knee on your neck( George Floyd) holding you down for decades having you believe that you need them in office so they can give you freebies. It's time my fellow Americans (no color) to take some of the blame on yourselves!

  7. Hey stupid ! Haven't you noticed that it's your racist brothers and sistas who are demanding segregation now– just take a look at some of the colleges and universities. All the better to perpetuate the liberal lies. Guess you're to busy trying to dictate the lives of white people to pay attention to what's going on with yours !

  8. thejuneauraven

    She's just a delusional hack. And categorizing and bashing the color of my skin and my faith in God is monumentally offensive. Reid should shut her pie hole.

  9. If she wasnt black she could not get away with the BS she spouts! I bet she even hates the white on rice. Now this is a prime example of racism.

  10. This woman should stay on her medication. With out the rich there wouldn't be any money around to pay her brothers their social security payments, or the work that they do. As was said once. The Government can't employ every one and make them wealthy.

  11. What do you know or care about white Christians? Turn on the news and watch your “racist” attacks, you will see blacks on Asian, blacks on Jewish, blacks on Hispanic, blacks on white and do I dare say blacks on blacks. You are a fool that should not have a public platform.

  12. Joy what country in your mind is the Ideal country? You Complain but have no solutions other to say your doing it wrong. What should America should look like in your mind?

    Your saying all white are the same? Then are all Blacks the same?

  13. She and her ilk are the worst of the worst and her employer as well. I would like for her and her ilk to come and call me, my family and friends white supremists and a racist. And reid what about the black racists towards whites, hispanics, asians, etc. and the same for hispanics, asians, middle eastern, etc.? You and your democract ilk are nothing but the most corrupt, amoral, evil, race baiters and fear mongerers!

  14. quasimodo2012

    looks like joy 'the racist hate monger 'reid was going for the triple crown with that one. her racist attack for being white then christian and male, she is everything the cancel culture attacks and ruins people lives for all rolled into one

  15. This woman is a racist. Make no mistake about it. If she had her way all white men woman and children would be eliminated as soon as possible. She has such hate in her heart . People with her kind of hate are the reason we have a race problem. She and the people who allow her hate to spread are the racist faction we have in this country today. They could have been part of a solution. They Chose To Be The Biggest Part of The Problems we face today. I have no respect or time for anyone of this caliber.

  16. Steve Johnson

    Sorry, Joy, you've made a terrible mistake. It is Democrat Party members that are pushing for “apartheid.” White Christian Americans are among the first to congratiulate all legal immigrants, including ANY minorities, that have just professed their great LOVE for America and become new citizens.

  17. Yeah, very nice Joy Reid. You have branded me as a White Christian a proponent of Apartheid and I am sure your viewers agree with everything you say. You don’t know what you are talking about and you certainly do not know WHO you are talking about.

  18. Yeah, I would like to use the apart h word (first post was deleted) with all these liberal fools – put them all on an island somewhere, let them run it like they want, and see how well it works out for them.

  19. Reid is obviously delusional or racist, maybe both. She would do better to keep her mouth shut , to avoid looking stupid. Like most liberals, she spends to much of her time making up stories about the white male, instead of actually working to help make America safe, for all citizens.

  20. It seems to me the blacks are the folks wanting, & pushing for segregation! How many all white universities are there in America? How many all white musician awards are there in America? How many all white actors awards are in America? Just to name a few! But the best of all is how many all white caucuses are there in America? How many all black caucuses are there in America? Again the blacks, and the pretty financially well off blacks are the ones pushing for segregation in America! And in most cases could care less about the blacks living in poverty! If they did they’d be working to lift them up! Not keep them under toe with Government hand outs!

  21. What is “Joy”ful about this Reid broad? She hides behind a table surrounded by post menopausal chompers like herself and has the audacity to judge white anythings. Joyless, take your race card and take a dive into the briar patch.

  22. Joy Reid hates being black so bad that she she will say and do anything to bring attention to her believed oppression. She won’t be happy until the entire white race is annihilated, and she wants to help do it.

  23. Its amazing that the first things blacks do when they acquire some money is to abandon black communities and head for the nearest white areas. Does this mean they are white supremacists?

  24. Let me explain your “South African Model”. It is obvious that your a racist talking sheet about white genocide. The “South African Model” is a total basket case for the whole world to see. Yes, Apartheid, like slavery, is despicable. Unlike the end of that evil institution called slavery, after Apartheid ended, there was a lot of bad, bad, feelings within the non-white population, and rightly so. Nelson Mandela was the only one able to keep the bloodshed at bay. Even though, mass confiscation of white farms took place, along with killings, rapes, tortures of white farmers, it could have been a lot worse.

    “South Africa’s president said the ruling African National Congress will amend the nation’s constitution to allow the seizure of land” — owned mostly by whites — without compensation, Reuters reported.

    Now, this is a nation that was the breadbasket of Africa. It fed the mouths of a lot of African nations. But, after the confiscation of farms, it could turned into the basket case of Africa. By 2050, South Africa has to produce 50 percent more food to feed it’s people.

    “A Federal MP has warned there could be food shortages in South Africa if white farmers are allowed to migrate en-masse to Australia.”

    That’s your “South African Model.”

  25. But because she is black it’s not a racist statement…. Now if a white person said that blacks want to commit Apartheid on whites it would be labeled racist…. HEY JOY KISS THIS….

  26. “No country is an eternal democracy, democracy is very fragile,”. That’s why the founding fathers made us a constitutional republic, Maybe you should know what you’re talking about before you spread your ignorance, Joy. Also, what you said is a direct insult to all the white Americans who fought for civil rights, some giving their lives for the cause.

  27. Sounds like the typical minority (white and black) family – no parental oversight to assure education, no discussion on the consequences of using a gun or joining a gang, probably lack of a father figure, having to care of the next 6 kids that are younger than you, taking on chores like cooking and laundry and cleaning, as well as being responsible for overall running of the household. The boys would be on the street by the time they are 10 – sometimes that girls are as well! The citizens of the U.S.A. need to join together and address these shortcomings and help others to build our country up by beginning with their own family and taking responsibility for the children brought into this world! The dems/libs have given handouts to the minorities *just to get their vote* but they have done NOTHING of improving the lives in minority communities. I recently joined an organization here in my city, and it’s unbelievable the improvement in kids when someone just takes a short amount of time to help them with reading, homework, civic duties, and guiding them into the expected rewards of taking responsibility for one’s life as well as their families.

  28. She is a prime example of a racist, bigoted, intolerant, White-hating, Liberal Democrat. CNN is also – why? Because they hire and feature people like her. The Liberal line/lie is Trump supporters are racist because they support Trump who is a racist…so…her supporters must be racist because they support her. Conclusion – the world is full of racists and racism is the root cause of everything…even the covert Planned Parenthood elimination of black people through abortion.

  29. Joy Reid: ‘White Christian Men’, this is the thinking of a woman totally lost in her self and proof racism has nothing to do with poverty it has to do with hate, racism and bigotry and she scores high points on those charts.

  30. All of the white , christian men that I know , and in fact most of the white , christian women and most of the black , christian men and women , hispanic christian men and women , Asian men and women , or those of Balkan descent or native American , in fact most of the men and women that I know , regardless of color or ethnic origin , just want to be left the hell alone to live their lives as they see fit .
    We don’t want to live or to rule anyone else’s life and we surely are tired of the media and the left trying to live and control our lives .
    I really believe that since 2008 , there has been a concerted effort and attempt at division of race and class as well as religion in these United States designed with the end in mind of civil war .

  31. Reid frets. “And when you have a very determined minority, in this case wealthy white men and wealthy white Christian men and Christian Americans who are of the fundamental[ist] variety, who are very clear that no matter what happens if they have to pull the South Africa model to maintain power forever they will do it, and they’re not afraid of it and they’re increasingly open about it and Donald Trump is merely the avatar for this.”

    This is not a fret by Reid, it’s a lie.

    NOTE: Apartheid ended in South Africa partly due to relentless pressure by white Christian men in America. Sadly South Africa now abuses and kills white people and their economy is on par with most third world countries. Swapping one evil for another evil is an evil, and wrong solution.

  32. Sorry, Joy, but wasn’t it white anti Christian liberals who relegated black people into the inner city, destroyed their education system and is working diligently to keep them uneducated, poor, living in fear and voting Democrat?

    If the policies of white liberals was so great for minorities, then why are even more of them living in poverty today than 60 years ago?

  33. This not-white skin radical lady should stop blaming white skin people. This is just black racism! It is like blaming islam in crimes of ISIS.
    Crimes are committed by politicians and then these politicians forge evidences against innocent peoples.
    Remember 9/11 and Bush who had known from Putin about Saudi plans,but did not make any steps to protect America from terrorists attack, just because he had and has today business with Ale Qaeda.
    Iraq has been appointed by White House as a victim that time, as Iran is a goal for USA to attack today.

  34. I am an old white man. I am not wealthy. But it is time “These People” know this is very offensive. They are bullies to the max. I am still going to pray for them but I will not stand by and be criticized for being a Christian.

  35. Joy reid.. DOESN’T KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.. NOTICE.. the person they have sitting there that is suppose to be a Republican.. they use, RINOS for their shows.. who hate PRESIDENT TRUMP.. Joy Reid… doesn’t know that the 4TH OF JULY APPLIES TO OUR VICTORY FROM GREAT BRITAIN.. THEY WERE TYRANTS.. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION… Joy go back to school..

  36. I contend that these perpetrators are not actually christian.

    the title of this article is mis-leading, and while it should be taken as a call to action, simply prepares those responsible for attack and delays resolution

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