President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Set Out to See Hurricane Damage in Texas

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania are off to Texas to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey. They won’t be visiting Houston, so as to not disrupt the ongoing rescue efforts there, but will visit the surrounding area.

The devastation in Texas has been heartbreaking to witness. But it’s great that President Trump and Melania are heading to the state to show their support for the people.

Just before they set off, however, people noticed something strange.

Some liberals are even criticizing Melania, painting her as an out-of-touch socialite not interested in helping the victims of Hurricane Harvey because she’s wearing heels.

These criticisms are disgusting and thoughtless. What do these guttersnipes expect to happen? For Melania to jump out of Marine One and lead an entire rescue platoon herself?

That’s nonsense. President Trump and Melania are coming to show their support, not physically lift people out of the water.

Melania’s response is classy:

Liberals will find anything to complain about – especially when it means putting Trump down a peg.

Share this story if you’re glad to see President Trump and First Lady Melania visiting Texas!

154 thoughts on “President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Set Out to See Hurricane Damage in Texas”

  1. Joke on the media. She had sneakers and she did easily change on the plane. No old stove pipe legs, so she could go barefoot and look better than the previous two WH frumpy lady occupants.

  2. These creeps should have been watching Michael Obama’s “dress”, he looked so ugly and stomach-hurting. Now the kenyan and his husband is out, they eager to slam Melanie? The First Lady is beautiful and stylish, something the kenyan chimpy could never be

  3. THAT is the only thing you have to complain about, HER SHOES??? LibTurds are definitely struggling!!! Why not get behind the Hurricane Relief Efforts!!!

  4. They would not have been happy even if she had worn hip boots over waders. Oh, and btw, she would have made that outfit look better than anything these fishwives and girly men have ever worn.

    1. Ah, the queen of stupidity chimes in again. Don’t worry, toots. No one will be able to take your crown. No one out there can top your stupid posts. Your hate is showing. Stop being a douche bag.

  5. The one thing I know is the more the liberals and media go after our President&1st lady the more dem voters they lose every day. So as far as I am concerned they want to see Donald Trump in office in 2020 because they know he will do a good job .

  6. Tucker Carlson on Fox tonight covered this, and he came up with a good point. ‘There is something we all learned from the last election. Hillary Clinton taught it to us. She said that an attack on any woman is an attack on ALL women.”

    (Not his exact words but something like that)

    Then Tucker commented. “Apparently Hillary’s rule does not apply to all.”

  7. Who cares?The Trump haters are so off the rails no one even wants to hear it anymore! Are your Antifas and BLM fools wearing the right shoes to their events? Look into that and spin your wheels on that for a while!

  8. jeansandjacketrequired. Are you really that stupid and jealous? Moolania? Really? The lady is a fox, she presents herself well, she is classy without being overbearing and she’s a very nice person when you meet her IN person. You, judging by your page, are a pathetic cow who can’t get her socks and shoes on without help. You liberals will do anything and say anything to bash this woman when she is just a classy woman who happens to be married to the President of the United States. Get over yourselves, you lost, you are losers and you will continue to lose as long as you have this hateful, bitter, classless responses to anything POTUS and FLOTUS do.

          1. I’ll be happy to stand down Susy when you quit posting ignorant crap on this site, otherwise don’t expect it to stop from me or anyone else & seriously I can outthink you any day of the week! You can’t fix STUPID!!

      1. Easy answer: YOU. You and your kind. You can’t say anything nice about her because you are jealous of her and want to be line her. She’s a classy lady, beautiful, smart and you can’t handle that. You wallow in your own self pity and complain when it’s all your fault. I guess, looking back on it, you should have paid attention in school. Then you wouldn’t have to worry about when the minimum wage is going to be raised so you have money to pay for your 10 kids. How close am I?

    1. Love it Don, you just made my day! LMAO!! Newsflash Susy, everybody on this site thinks you are a clueless idiot or are you too dumb to see that? Haven’t laughed this hard in a long time!

  9. Hey, Liberals. Here is some sound advice. Go out and buy a gun if you don’t have one. Then stick the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger. I sure am getting tired of your trash.

    1. Ronald and Marilyn are some very SAD and ANGRY conservatives. Why would YOU post something like that Ronald? Are you a Satanist? HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!? I laugh and am amazed at how un-Christian conservatives have become.

      Both Ronald and Marilyn are some very sad individuals WHO NEED MENTAL HEALTH CARE

      1. Sad and angry? You just identified your own posts. Calling her Moolania, bashing her for wearing heels when she did, in fact, have sneakers on when the plane landed. You are still hurt and confused by the election results. You were so sure, because you believe fake news that showed EVERY poll out there that Hillary was indeed going to be #45. Didn’t turn out like that, toots. So now you don’t know what to do. You need to wipe off the butt stain from your face from crawling up Hillary butt for all this time, get back to reality and get on with your pathetic life. Not everyone can be as gorgeous and classic as Melania. How about you just concentrate on being butt ugly with makeup?

    1. You forgot Sue Everson aka jeansandjackets in your list! You can’t fix stupid or a crybaby whiner who can’t get over Killary not getting elected. Poor pathetic little POS! LMAO again!!

        1. How can it be the wrong name. When you click on the jeansandjacketrequired it comes up to your page. Or are you smart enough to know that would happen. Picture of a sailing vessel? Sound familiar? Wow, you really are that stupid.

    1. That’s why it’s called ‘fake news’ bonehead. Have you not been keeping up? Are you really that stupi … wait, I already know that answer. The media showed her BOARDING Airforce One with 4 inch heels. If you see the video and stills of her DEPLANING in Houston you will notice her wearing a different outfit and SNEAKERS. You people don’t want to see the whole story because you can’t believe Hillary lost.
      But she did, and when she did YOU DID. So now you’re in the loser bracket and should be there for a long, long time. I’m thinking Trump in 202 is a lock. Then it will be Mike Pence in 2024 and 2028. Your best chance is in 2032. Start making the buttons, you don’t want to be late.

  10. you might want to check further. You may have correctly noted she wore here heels getting on the plane to Texas but she got off wearing white tennis shoes… the jokes on you Media Puppets!

          1. Mrs. Trump is fluent in 5 languages and can speak and understand some of more languages. She is an intelligent woman who managed her modeling money well and created a skin care company. Have you done anything equal to any of that? I seriously doubt it. BTW: She changed clothes on the plane and wore sneakers in TX. The Secret Service wouldn’t let them go into dangerously flooded Houston where their presence could hinder rescues.

      1. Do you need help cutting your meat when they allow you to eat? Do you drink from a sippy cup because you might drool over yourself? Are you completely stupid and ignorant about things? Because, reading your posts, that’s exactly how we see you. Dumb and dumber. Melania DEPLANED. I know, I know, it’s a big word. It means getting OFF of a plane. She had sneakers on when she touched down in Houston (Houston is city in Texas, Texas is a State in the United States if you are confused). Trying to use small words here to not confuse you further. Melania boarded Air Force One (the President’s plane) in Washington, D.C. (actually not a state, but the capitol of the United States, where we have 50 individual states, Texas being one of them.) She boarded the plane wearing high heels. She got off that plane wearing sneakers. Where are we tripping you up?

  11. Well, sweethearts, she doesn’t need four inch heels to be above you. Demoncratic low class scum from the gutter. It is nice to have a REAL LADY in the White House.

  12. If Melania wore ruby red slippers & clicked her hills together & made all the floods disappear the liberal left Demonrat’s would still complain! They are the biggest bunch of lying, hateful, racist people to walk the planet. They need to remember karma comes back to them just like the University of Tampa Professor Ken Storey, who just got fired for his nastiness!

      1. Sweetheart (not that you are) karma won’t be coming after me for my responses to your ignorant rants. Everything you say is hateful, racist & downright childish. Look in the mirror honey, karma’s come after your a$$. Look in the dictionary under ignorant & you’ll see your name! Grow up! I’m certainly not the only one on this site who is sick of you, get a clue!

          1. Not one person on this site has said anything about what I say; however, you can’t be so clueless that you don’t read all the comments written after your ridiculous rants. The truth hurts Sue Everson, aka jeansandjackets, when will you realize this is a conservative site of primarily intelligent, patriotic Trump supporters? Why don’t you grow up & quit posting here, everyone is sick of you running down the President & his beautiful wife. Go away!!

          2. I’m pretty sure the only one we want off of this post is you, toots. You aren’t smart enough to understand when you’re stupid. Going around life stupid seems to be all you’ve accomplished so far in your pathetic life. You don’t have the English language mastered, or even minored yet, you are hateful. You don’t use words properly in sentences, and you don’t understand the difference between getting on a plane with high heels and deplaning (there’s that word again) with sneakers on. We as a collective group, I’m sure I speak for some of them at least, pity you. We pity you that you will never experience love. Never experience being told ‘hey, you’re pretty smart’. That has to hurt, at some point in your life when you realize that your life was all one big joke. Played out, unfortunately, on you. So sad. So sad. But quite entertaining for the rest of us.

  13. MOOlania has to keep her shoes dry, and mud-free so I guess she won’t be “pulling up her shirtsleeves” and meeting with Americans who are now struggling with flood issues. Shopping anyone?

    As an owner of a PR agency I can tell you that LOOKS ARE VERY IMPORTANT! What you wear and how you present yourself SIGNAL to others how serious you are. You wouldn’t wear torn jeans to a job interview.

          1. You know Susy, I don’t have any problem with people posting their opinions, just YOU because you are such an ignoramus that all you can do is say MOOlania over & over again. You don’t ever say anything at all that shows intelligence, just childish banter again & again. What are you 12 years old? You’re an Igmo = ignorant moron in case you can’t comprehend that!!

    1. How you present yourself and what you say are of ultimate importance I guess you never got to that chapter of your “PR” degree. If you own such a company I’m convinced you are drowning in debt!

  14. NICE stilettos heels! I guess MOOlania thinks she is going to Houston to shop at Neiman Marcus! Or perhaps she has a lunch date “with the girls”

    Nothing says “I am here to help” like wearing inappropriate shoes. (Snark)

  15. Isn’t it fun to see the media people discover girls. They’re so used to Hillary trying to make frump fashionable when someone with a bit of class and shoemanship comes along they just cannot deal with it.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for more.

    1. We dress for the occasion and fashionable during a flood is plain stupid. Common sense I am here to help not show off if you need help I am dressed to help not make a fashion statement during your disaster. We liberals know when to dress fancy or dress for the weather, floods, snow storms, and bad weather.

    1. you mean the people with class in the WH before them. I have no problem with heels your in a flood soon a good pair of boots expensive of course would should they are not only they to support but perhaps lend a helping hand. Floods are not a dinner party. Floods bring snakes out and many other critters even gators it is using your head not your expensive shoes that serve no purpose it shows your just there to look and not help if needed.
      We had one not that long ago here in Fl. I had fish in my drive way small snakes and water up past my ankles so I wore no shoes. Thankfully not as bad as the folks in Texas prayers for all of you God bless

    1. I am so convinced now that these MSM whore-PIGS are just so jealous they pick on anything and everything Melania does! The MSM crooked ass-wipes are getting tired of wearing the same fuking shoe-boxes every day and their feet sweat and stink!! You go Melania, you’re doing a fantastic job as our First Lady and you demonstrate that daily! The MSM and women in politics are just jealous SOW’s!!!

  16. Let’s face it, if Melania had worn fluffy bunny slippers, she would have been demonized. There is a large group of Trump haters who wake up each morning just waiting to pounce on something…they just need an excuse.

  17. The Left is beyond contempt, acting and talking like 8th-graders fighting over their pecking order.
    Conservatives in general should mostly ignore these butt-hurt fools, thus letting much of the hot air out of their blue balloons!

  18. It’s great that there are so many attacks on Melania…just to show how ‘FREAKIN’ STUPID’ those cretins are and…AND…how many of them exist! Melania and Donald shine it on as they go diligently bout the business of POTUS and FLOTUS, fixing up the White House and the USA all along with the global issues at hand. Thank God for this ‘MIRACLE’…!

  19. I would expect nothing more from the DNC-Bolsheviks. Their entire parasitical existence has always been symbolism over substance.

    The moniker ‘oxygen thieves’ is too kind at this point.

  20. With all that has been happening in the world what do the liberals think is earth shattering news….. Melania wearing 4″ high heels. My God, now wonder the liberals screw thing up so badly. At best they have become just plain laughable.

  21. What a crop of idiots that are suppose to be reporters. If she went in bedroom shoes it would not matter a bit. These geeks just can not go with out running down the Trumps. No wonder the Trumps don ‘t like the freaks. They don’t say a word about the creeps in hollywood what they wear or show.

    1. David, that has to be one the best comments on the liberal news and Trump that I have seen. It says it all and injects a little needed humor as well. Well done.

  22. Why does anyone take the time to even respond to these Loony Tunes? These people should be ignored as they simply want someone, anyone, to be concerned about their ignorant statements. Since you’re never close enough to these wack jobs to punch their lights out, you may just as well ignore them and not get your blood pressure up.

    1. You are so right Davison, maybe I’ll take a break from posting to Susy, but then again maybe not. It doesn’t make my blood pressure go up & I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time! But yes I do get what you’re saying!

  23. To quote a former first lady (HRC) – – – – ‘WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE?” Complainers must lie awake at night thinking up ways to demean our beloved President and his lovely Melania. Who ever said ladies ought not wear certain types of shoes? Petty, petty, petty, Complainers, get a life !!!

  24. Once again these liberals show how pathetic, petty, and disgraceful they can be. They can’t get over the fact that their candidate, that mobster Hillary Clinton was completely defeated by our President Donald Trump and she was beaten so bad she is completely done with politics thank God! And thank God for Donald Trump!!!

  25. I tried to find pictures of goddess Michelle visiting NOLA at the time of Katrina but none show her shoes. Hopefully she was wearing Wellingtons. Certainly the WhiteHouse folk should have put Melania into hip waders and a nor’easter rain jacket:

    1. So I take it you have inside knowledge, as in INSIDE HER LUGGAGE?? How do you even start to say she does not have a different pair of shoes along?/
      HOW do you even think it would make any difference??IS SHE SUPPOSED TO GO OUT AND RESCUE people??? Is she supposed to get involved and BE IN THE WAY??
      Are you stupid or just filled with so much hate YOU LOOK and SOUND TOTALLY IGNORANT as a pet rock????

    2. That’s the whole point, mister. She DIDN’T wear them to the disaster area. I am 75 years old and stll wear stilettos when I leave the house. I then change into my comfy sneakers when I drive. I then change back into my sexy shoes upon arrival. You must be a real catch…Oh, you say you don’t have a woman in your life?

  26. I used to have a friend who did all her housework in high heels. She had shortened her achilles tendons by constantly wearing high heels and was uncomfortable in flats. Cut the lady some slack. I don’t care what she wears — they’re going there to encourage and support. I imagine the poor folks who get to meet them won’t care what she has on her feet.

  27. Jealous b*tches. When did the Mooch squatch ever get her number 13W feet wet or dirty out in regular America? They were probably dirty, but from not bathing, not from going into emergency zones. Idiots!

  28. What a pretty and classy First Lady and I do mean LADY. And 4 inch heels are fine as long as the water isn’t over say 3 1/2 inches. She may be better prepared footwear-wise than the President.

  29. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is all nothing more than jealousy. Not envy. Jealousy. These wimps wish they could WALK in heels, let alone travel to a disaster area. Melania was a top-notch model and her wearing heels is like me walking barefoot…she probably has problems walking barefoot, and I’d trip head over heels wearing heels. That’s beside the point.

    The jealousy is that all these people laughed their asses off when Trump announced his candidacy….and it was their running joke for almost a year. They denounced him every which way but loose. Hillary was a shoe-in, she was qualified, and she was gonna break the glass ceiling and be the first woman president. What the left didn’t count on was the fact that most of the country couldn’t stand them, and there were a lot of people who didn’t want Hillary back in the WH. That was underscored when she refused to campaign in most states, and then bolded and italicized when she call Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables”. She destroyed herself and she took the Democrat party down with her. Obama had pretty much destroyed the party as he lost congressional majority, state legislatures, and governorships from coast to coast. The party was incapable of winning anything, much less the WH, yet the left wouldn’t give it a second thought. They just figured Trump was such an awful candidate that they couldn’t lose under any circumstances.

    Yet they did. They were humiliated, and still are. The party can’t get any money…big donors told them to get lost and small donors are holding back. Democrats in Congress have made it all the more worse with their bickering hatred and block & resist efforts. They even tried to get a major movement together to counter the national movement behind Trump….and what did they come up with? Black Lives Matter, antifa, OWS, anonymous….violent, alt-left groups inciting violence. And the more cops who were ambushed and murdered, the more people on the left who changed directions. Even Democrat politicians are changing to Republican, and still the left can’t figure out why.

    It makes no difference what they do or say, the chips are in…they’re losers. No one likes a loser. And no one likes crybabies. More importantly, no one likes liars. All that’s hated pretty much sums up who the left is….a bunch of mean, jealous folk no one likes.

    1. AMERICANBELLE1 you put that so eloquently, I could not have said it better myself. You are absolutely 100% correct and behind you as well. Thank you for your words

    2. American Belle: I (nor anyone else) could have said it better. You are SPOT ON! These IDIOTS who are continually berating our First Family for EVERYTHING they do has gotten to the point that it’s pathetic and makes one wonder what kind of lives these fools live. It must truly suck to be them. I agree with the jealousy part. I had to laugh when I read these ridiculous posts on Twitter, talking about her shoes! WHAT??? These people have more than a few screws loose and should be ashamed. I know I sure would be ashamed if all I could post was about the First Lady’s choice of shoes. By the way, I am sure they didn’t notice in today’s presser that Melania was wearing white sneakers. If they DID notice, they’ll say she is dumb for wearing WHITE sneakers because they might get dirty! Unbelievable.

  30. Are ya’ll really this stupid…..unlike most, she likes to look good while traveling….I’d bet you when she gets there she’ll have on really nice boots of some type…….Why can’t you idiots just accept them for who they are and lay off…..they are doing a great job and they really care about the United States!

  31. I believe this is the first time, Melania has been on-sight after a hurricane hit a few days prior to her arrival. Our FLOTUS has lived in New York most of her adult life. Stop being so critical. Furthermore, I don’t think she will be walking in the flood waters. Stop the hatred. It will make you sick.

  32. fools are among us. These pictures were taken at the WH, in DC, prior to boarding marine One.
    Before the liberal hate mongers give in to apoplexy, let’s see what she wears on the ground, in Texas, some 3 hours away, shall we? Mary Prevost, I am speaking to people like you.

    1. Who cares what she wears when she hits the ground. It is her feet. I will see her as classy regardless of what she wears there. Trashy people throw trash, They should try picking up some for a change.

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