Meghan McCain Comes Unglued – ‘I Beg Of Everyone On The Right Stop Politicizing’ George Floyd’s Death

Meghan McCain had a bit of a meltdown on Wednesday’s episode of “The View” as she begged Republicans to “stop politicizing” the killing of George Floyd by former police officer Derek Chauvin.

The segment in which she said this began with a Fox News clip of host Greg Gutfeld saying, “I’m glad he was found guilty on all charges, even if he might not be guilty of all charges. I am glad that he is guilty of all charges because I want a verdict that keeps this country from going up in flames.”

‘The View’ Discusses Great Gutfeld

“I had the most reaction to was Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld, the clip we jus played,” said co-host Sara Haines. “That man said the words out loud that even if Chauvin isn’t guilty, I hope he’s found guilty. One, you would compromise a justice system so you could sleep at night. Two, he said his neighborhood was looted and he didn’t like how that felt. Let’s go back to if we put a knee on your neck and how George Floyd felt.”

“Three, this is a life lost; literally, you’re talking about a case where someone will no longer breathe again,” she added. “They have a family, a daughter. You’re talking about your neighborhood? There were so many offenses in one statement that even his own colleagues moaned through that whole clip. ‘Please, just atop’ He is awful. It sounds like Chauvin isn’t the only one with a very little heart.”

“Meghan when you heard these various statements, what was going through your mind?” cohost Whoopi Goldberg asked.

Related: Meghan McCain And Joy Behar Go At It Over Jim Jordan’s Fight With Fauci

Meghan McCain Sounds Off

“I mean, I have different feelings about Nancy Pelosi and Greg Gutfeld,” McCain replied. “Honestly, I’m just so emotionally moved by the Floyd family and Mr. Crump coming on. I think we should focus on their pain and their grief, and their trauma. As we have said on this show, let them heal and move forward. Please, I beg of everyone on the right, stop politicizing this.”

“A man was murdered on in cold blood, and we all saw it on the internet,” she continued. “There is just no empathy. It makes me think these people have never experienced loss and grief of any kind if you don’t have the humanity to not make this about you and not make this about your neighborhood. I just don’t know what to say. I wish that family peace if it’s possible.”

Read Next: ‘The View’ Goes Off The Rails As Meghan And Whoopi Go At It Over GA Voting Law – Ends With Awkward Silence

This piece was written by James Samson on April 21, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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54 thoughts on “Meghan McCain Comes Unglued – ‘I Beg Of Everyone On The Right Stop Politicizing’ George Floyd’s Death”

  1. RedLobster668

    A definition of the word "murder" the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. I do not believe that Derek Chauvin planned to kill George Floyd, however his actions, are responsible for (led to) the death of Mr. Floyd. There are people shot (some die) on a weekly basis in Chicago and across the nation. Many of these are premeditated (planned). Where are the protests, marches, and national media exposure, for these victims?

  2. this is exactly what the women on The View do: they purposely misconstrue what someone said and then attack them using false pretenses. they are a JOKE when it comes to reality. Gutlfield NEVER said officer C was innocent of ALL charges, but that just ruins your fatally flawed argument, doesn't it, Meghan?

  3. What a twit. Floyd was hopped up on fentanyl the only reason this is a issue of the police using to much force to subdue a felon on a drug that people take to feel like superman is because of their own racism incited by BLM supremacists. We will not forget who the deniers, disinformation distributers and liars are beginning with McCain.

  4. Wish songbirds fat canary would shove a Twinkie in her mouth .
    It’s the commie left … but as far as I’m concern she is a commie traitor like her daddy war traitor & her (blank) mom …

  5. Biden Administration Dumps Trump’s Pride Flag Ban at Worldwide Embassies
    Another one of the Trump era’s most incredibly petty and obstructive policies has reportedly been ditched by the Biden administration. According to Foreign Policy magazine, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told U.S. diplomatic outposts around the world that they should feel free to fly the Pride flag on the same flagpole as the Stars and Stripes. It’s a reversal of the Trump administration’s position that blocked U.S. embassies from flying the rainbow flag on official flagpoles—alongside the U.S. flag—during LGBTQ Pride Month. Foreign Policy reports that Blinken sent a cable to diplomats to clarify that the Trump policy no longer stands and they should not hold back from flying the Pride flag on May 17—the international day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia—as well for the entirety of June, which is Pride month.

  6. Sort of like with Juan Williams and his sons. According to articles I have read the sons are well known Republicans. Of course unlike Meghan McCain they use their real names.

  7. Quote: "I wish that family peace if it’s possible.” Considering that "that family" of a career criminal got 27 million dollars from the city and another 13 million from GoFundMe IMO they have all the peace they wanted. Why not wish that the Democrats would stop politicizing the incident? They started the process during the filming of the video, continued through nine months of riots causing more than 2 billion dollars in damages and some where between 12 and 20 deaths mostly of innocent people. Pelosi continued it with her thanking George Floyd for his "sacrifice." Well George Floyd's sacrifice was ingesting a lethal overdose of drugs – not as Nancy implied to further the goal of 'social justice.' If it was a sacrifice – meaning that George Floyd planned in advance to die – then there should have been zero charges brought against the police.

    1. Hey meghan, the idiocy didn't fall far from the tree; It is THE LEFT, BLM and ANTIFA that have been politizing that death. DO LEARN the truth and facts before spewing !
  8. The trial was totally tainted by stupid political statements made by people who should know better. An appeal and a mistrial appear to be inevitable, and should be pursued. Chauvin did not receive a fair trial in accordance with the rule of law.

  9. You are nuttier than your father. It is the left who cheered as a verdict was read against Chauvin, not the right. Yes, once again a man is dead because he resisted arrest and fought with a crooked cop. It still does not change what he was, which was a bad man, same as the cop.

  10. Guilty or not, riots continue with the spoiled brats. They won't stop till they think everyone will bow down to them which I will not. Taking straight advantage of the Government, making it hard to open your mouth any more. Knowing you might get sued over anything you say. as people can read what they want into anything you say(even if you're are not even thinking anywhere near what they want to think. We used to could misunderstand a person and ask them to explain what they meant, but what is with people today.

  11. crump, goldberg and mccain are all low class degenerate liberal vermin. crump is a crooked lawyer getting rich chasing ambulances. He comes across as a fool and a poor actor at best.

  12. John McCain was a man of few ethics, his character became controversial as his acts became known and his method of CYA was used to cover his tracks…Meghan is upset this information has made the rounds and is quick to flare an say, them's fighting words……The Floyd supporters got their round of compromise, the Judge expressed his disgust of those politicians that intruded on his court…..So far the left is still whining and will never be happy no matter how much destruction and mayhem they use to extort and intimidate, they are intent on insurrection and Like Mao using revisionism of the political students in China to purge his own government Beijing joe is on his way to emulating this kind of revolutionary thinking here to transform the US to the left's beloved historically destructive socialism….This is not America's 1st rodeo with incivil thinking and insurrectionist ways, Americans in general know what they have and how to keep it, the Republic will stand….Your steering again PI, let the readers decide…The following 3 comments back me up…did you moderate them?

  13. Billdorich Gmbooks

    Oh Meghan, do you mean like how you politicized your father's death by disinviting the President Trump and First Lady to the funeral, or pretended he was some kind of hero?…No Meghan, by showing off your father crashed into his own ship killing 134 of his fellow soldiers. We know he betrayed his first wife while she was dying in the hospital and ran into your mother's rich arms…Then as a POW he spilled his guts and disclosed secret information to save his life…we all know about glorifying someone at their death…the McCain family was skilled at this public deception.

  14. People should stop making a hero out of Floyd who was a criminal several times, drug user, caught in the act of a crime, and resisted arrest (I guess he NEVER rode in or drove a car?)

  15. It is the left and RINO's (same thing) who politicized this whole thing. Strictly, technically, legally they never should have had those 3 charges. The jury and whole trial was tainted by black racism and wok-ism. Violence and intimidation reigned supreme and justice was thwarted.

  16. McCain wanting to focus on the Floyd family and Crump's pain. What she should be focused on is Floyd's criminal life and the money being generated from this. It makes no difference if Chauvin is guilty or not, follow the money.

  17. Does Meghan ever stay on one side? The wrong side. What Gutfield said is exactly what happened. That jury was scared for their very lives, there is no way Chauvin actually got a fair trial with all the politicians including the President having public things to say in regards to the jury 'doing the right thing'. Everybody knows it.

  18. Shirley Carere

    Doctors make mistakes – they are not 100%. They are not miracle workers nor superior scientists that they can determine FLOYD s cause of death was definitely from being held down. Drugs and heart condition combined with the frustration and fear of an arrest for doing something wrong and getting caught. His main fear was being put in the clink when the possibility was that he would have been released in a couple of hours if he was compliant. If he had not of scrambled about and increased his blood pressure he would have been fine. The good have to bear the responsibility of CRIMINALS of this caliber in a low life society becoming worse.

  19. Shirley Carere

    The only thing I can envision is FLOYD if he had of hurt the cop in any way – that would have been okay and arrested. But the fact that he begged and pleaded to be set FREE (is what FLOYD wanted) FLOYD had not been seen doing anything that a wayward police chief and public could overlook or forgive him for – and should not be mentioned – just forget about it is their view. Yet a store owner is just okay to be harrassed and battered to the point of almost closure in various cities because losers think that is okay too. The criminals are more than winning when representatives are just as bad as those burning down the cities and country. Society is becoming sick and depraved.

  20. Shirley Carere

    FLOYD was not murdered. The cops did everything possible to make FLOYD comfortable but FLOYD was kicking up a fuss to do anything possible to stop his arrest. He used every excuse. The cops didn t know he had a heart condition and they did know he was a violent repeat criminal. Floyd was swinging his neck back and forth yelling out for his dead mother (how can that be if he was pinned by a knee on his neck) – delusional, reckless, drugged up enough to cause his death with his agitated state of mind from the fact that he was arrested, on drugs and just committed a crime.

  21. Has she even been paying attention for the last year? And Flloyd-o wasn't "murdered in cold blood." He wasn't murdered at all. He had all but killed himself.

  22. Shirley Carere

    The next time it appears as though a copper deliberately murdered someone or is charged with murder – is that giving everyone the right to murder, maim, burn, rape, and violate society with heinous crimes?? Is anyone thinking clearly or just rambling?

  23. It is the dems that have over politicized this case. They falsely assumed that this had anything to do with race. They sainted Floyd even though he was anything but a saint. They forgot to notice that Floyd was a criminal violently resisting arrest. They forgot that he had enough drugs in him to kill an elephant. Video that showed that the knee was actually on his shoulder, not his neck was ignored.

    They demanded a specific charge of murder when a fair trial at most would have given him at most, unintentional manslaughter and quite likely acquitted him. They justified riots, looting, and murder of innocent victims. They intimidated the justice system to be unjust. The left is incredibly guilty of politicizing this to the extreme

  24. Meghan McCain came 'unglued' a long time ago. The Left and their comical minions have made 'everything' about, the criminal, Floyd's death political…from day one.
    Leftist, delusional stupidity…is strong in this one.

  25. Logical people understand that Greg was meaning that it was better to find ONE guilty of crimes not committed – than to allow MILLIONS of people to riot across America causing Billions in damage to innocent peoples properties, riots will shut down tons of businesses and block off streets so people cant get where they are going! Had George Floyd taken his punishment for being a criminal – NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING! But this is the way the leftist, the liberals, the socialists, communists and Democrats want our country to be – – in turmoil! Poor, uncontrolled, government dependent. Cloward–Piven strategy well under way.

  26. She also needs to take that chewed gum out of her mouth, and placed on the bridge of her nose, before setting down on that Bar Stool, then turn around!

  27. Meghan starts with “Me” and that’s as far as she can get in the morning, all day, any day, every day. She went from being a gleam in her father’s eye to being a gleaming, shiny network object designed to make the other crows in the View drop their food and squawk. She’s one of many on the Democrat personality wheel that they spin when the real news runs low. Her name comes up, they wind her up, give her a few words and off she goes with the media, as directed, following closely.

  28. Well Ms. McCain, I Have! And my friend did NOT overdose on 2 different Illegally Consumed Prescription Drugs, and my friend did NOT pass a Illegal Counterfeit $20 Bill, where the last mentioned Illegal Act happened to be The Main Reason why Mr. George Floyd happened to be (was going to be) Arrested, and he (Mr. GF) was RESISTING ARREST In The FIRST (1ST) Place, wasn't he! This situation did happen, and it was POLITICIZED BY The Anti-US Constitutional And INDOCTRINATED PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY, 2nd! And this New Version Of The Whole Left Side Of The Questionable US Political Equation Have Twisted The Whole US Constitution Inside Out And BackA__Wards! You all weren't there, is this correct! Mr. GF Did The Very Same Actions, like his previous and past Illegal Actions, "With That 'I Can't Breathe' Action", is this correct! Why don't you look at Mr. GF's Past Illegal Actions, his action (This Time) were the very same actions, as this time, but Mr. GF did Not survive! The Action that Mr. GF truly should have never done, was "The Resisting Arrest" in the 1st place, is this correct! Though, my heart felt sympathy goes out to Mr. GF's Friends, Families and Relatives! And your Empathy truly should Not be going out against the Patriotic Police Officer Mr. Derek Chauvin, and his own Friends, Families And Relatives!!

  29. Why do you think she is on the View ….

    She is an "Apologetic Guilt Ridden White Woman" who claims to be a Republican that fits the desired script of the Socialist Left Liberal theme of the show…..

    If it were not for the View – she would be a barista at Starbucks.

  30. It is the Dems who are politicizing virtually everything from the Floyd death to baseball to the COVID vaccine to wearing of a mask…..not the Republicans

  31. Her dad must be very proud of her!!!!! BUT her husband is the co-founder of a conservative web site AND commentator/sometimes substitute host on FOX NEWS – must be an interesting pair!!

  32. SheepdogSmokey

    TL:DR – As the left continues to make everything political and about race only, they "tearfully beg" conservatives to just be silent and obey.

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