Media, Democrats Blatantly Doctor Trump-Ukraine Transcript to Create Fake News

In what should come as no surprise to anybody who has watched the corrupt media in bed with the Democrat party for decades now, the two entities have joined forces to doctor the contents of the Trump-Ukraine transcript to create a narrative that simply doesn’t exist.

They have literally eliminated 500-plus words from the conversation between the President and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, creating an obscene lie that they’re force-feeding the public.

The recently released transcript has been described by Zelensky himself as a “good phone call, it was normal” and “nobody push[ed] me” to investigate Joe Biden or his son Hunter.

Yet, we have example after example of the media taking two sentences separated by over 500 words in the actual phone call, and being combined to create a completely different message.

Nowhere is this more easily seen than in the following tweet …

RELATED: Ukraine’s President Tells Press About Trump Phone Call: ‘Nobody Pushed Me’

In fact, following the transcript verbatim one sees that President Trump is actually requesting that Ukraine look into election meddling in 2016. You know – the thing Democrats have been pretending to be aghast by for the past three years?

Andrew Clark, Rapid Response Director for the Trump campaign, urged the media to stop being “misleading,” which is a nice way of telling them that what they’re doing is lying.


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Clark then posted example after example of prominent media members from CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News all reporting in the same manner.

First up is CNN, who literally eliminated everything after Trump said the word ‘favor’ and went straight to the conversation about Biden many, many words down the line.

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Up next was the perpetually idiotic stain on the Fox News lineup, Shep Smith.

They’re substituting 500 words and minutes-worth of conversation with a “…”


The View did the same thing:

Here’s MSNBC doing their part to further the lie (twice):

CNN had so much fun creating fake news the first time around, that they decided to do it again via Wolf Blitzer and Jim Acosta:

Are you enraged yet? Because you should be. Not simply as a possible supporter of the President, but as somebody who still believes, unlike the media, that truth in reporting still matters.

Not to be outdone were the actual Democrats, peaking with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who used his time at today’s hearing with acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire to completely, undeniably fabricate quotes from the conversation between Trump and Zelensky.

Schiff (D-CA), who it bears repeating, is the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, made quotes up out of thin air.

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This is utterly contemptible behavior by a sitting Congressman, and Schiff, in a fair world, would be asked to step down immediately.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) called him out during proceedings, but that falls woefully short of the necessary reaction to Schiff falsifying the record in a congressional hearing.

Schiff claimed that his blatant lies were simply meant to be a parody.

Any Republican worth their salt would simply read the transcript out loud and in real-time.

Or, if they’d prefer to go with the ‘parody’ route, they could just play a clip of Schiff trying to convince a ‘Ukrainian official’ to hand over – and we’re not making this up – naked photos of President Trump as delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Just hit the play button on this, an actual example of a Democrat trying to dig up dirt on his political opponent.

From the false Russia collusion hoax now to the bogus Ukraine hoax, the Democrats and their minions in the media have been telling bald-faced lies about President Trump.

Schiff is an absolute disgrace. As is every major media outlet in America today. They are the enemy of the people and should retract this latest con job immediately.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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