Media Barely Notices Honors Student Killed By Alleged Domestic Muslim Jihadist

An American teenager was murdered by an alleged domestic Muslim jihadist. However, his murder isn’t aggressively being reported by the national mainstream media. Fox News recently reported on the story and the lack of media attention.

Brendan Tevlin was an Irish Catholic honors student and a talented bagpiper. He had just completed his freshman year at University of Richmond. On June 25th, he was stopped at a traffic light when he was shot eight times by Ali Muhammad Brown.

“Brown told authorities that murdering Brendan was a “just kill.” He was seeking vengeance for Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, (and) Afghanistan.”

Brown, a registered sex offender, also is charged with murdering three men in Seattle earlier this year.

18 thoughts on “Media Barely Notices Honors Student Killed By Alleged Domestic Muslim Jihadist”

  1. Well if cops can use the excuse in fear of my life………………I can start defending against people whom make me fear for my life…….LEGALLY…..and so be it…..the president and congress makes me fear for my life……..hmmmmmm……..HOW BOUT YOU.

  2. 85% of all media outlets in America are owned by only five companies. All five of which have heavy foreign interests. That’s why we’re being mislead by these classic examples of journalistic malpractice. For those of us who pay attention to these things media bias doesn’t affect us. We have a fairly clear idea of what is going on. But for the low info voter media bias results in devastating consequence. We’re the media to do its job and go into these gutted cities and identify the causes there wouldn’t be a Democrat elected dog catcher anyplace in America. They rely on buying votes. The media supports them because the media is owned by those who fully support one world government. Stories like this have a tendency to ignite national and religious pride within citizens and therefore must be downplayed or simply ignored.

  3. The liberal media is controlled by the liberals voted in by the liberal population. Only the when those of the citizens of this county decide enough of our constitutional freedoms have been lost. That sucks nough is enough. When enough true American people stand up and say get off your ass and get a job. You cross our border illegally, best case you get sent home alive.

    When enough Americans open their eyes to the socialist regime they elected and finally realize that big brother doesn’t care about them eaither, that they are completly controlled. Maybe then America will become America again or possibly for the first time.

    An America based upon FOUNDING Principles.


  4. Enraged yet? This kind of thing from ‘home grown’ jihadists will only become more and more common….random, but deliberate murders of white Americans, particularly from the racial hate stirred up by this administration’s media lap dogs stoking black muzlims to lash out against whites. So, the reason the media never made a peep about this case until Fox, as usual, picked up this story, is because the killer is black, the victim is white and muzlim jihad is right in the middle of it. And we must certainly NOT OFFEND MUZLIMS.

  5. Sadly the media who is supposed to be the “watch dog” is rather “turning a blind eye.” Shame on them! But if it was a white kid killing an Islamic child there would be a TV series out in a week.

  6. This isn’t a case where the media “barely notices” a (white) honors student murdered by a jihadist. This is a case of intentional omission which is the baliwick of media since Obama was elected.

    Bottom line in today’s politics is that political correctness has silenced Americans. If they say anything against what is going on today, they are labelled a racist, a homophone, a hater, even a terrorist! if they’re in the Tea Party. If that’s not bad enough, the government then marks them for an IRS audit or otherwise finds a way to send a SWAT team into their home at night. If they’re popular or well known, it goes out on social media and the person is forced out of his/her job! In other words, free speech has been banned, and it’s not only through the efforts of this administration, but it has the full support and backing of the media.

    What we are learning now, only through Fox and other conservative sources, is that this administration has not been truthful since Day 1 and had we known a smidgeon of the turmoil going on (and the lies being told) during the second election of 2012, Obama, as well as the Democrats, would never have been reelected. And none of them would have gotten away with any of it if the media had done its job. But for them, their job is to ensure that Obama and the Democrats stay in office to continue to plot their progressive agenda to destroy America. Fundamental change is what Obama promised, and it is what is happening to us now. This destruction, aka fundamental change, will continue if Democrats maintain control of the Senate in this year’s election.

    More domestic jihadists, AND criminal illegals, will continue to cross our borders and kill Americans and the media will continue to not say a word if we don’t clean out the Senate in November. There’s only one way to put an end to this “fundamentally demented” administration backed by Democrats and the media and that’s by voting in a GOP majority in the House and Senate in November. Congress will then have the power to stop Obama and the administration from destroying this country and the media will have no other choice but to cover the REAL news as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will no longer be in any position to block, lie, or obfuscate.

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