Matthew McConaughey Stands Up for Trump Against Hollywood Elite

Legendary actor Matthew McConaughey, known for his southern charm and acting skills that landed him roles in “Dazed and Confused,” “Amistad,” “Dallas Buyers Club,” and the HBO crime series True Detective, is calling out his far-left, elitist colleagues in Hollywood and standing up for President Trump.

During an interview on BBC, McConaughey said “it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact” that Trump is President.

“They don’t have a choice now,” the Texas-born actor insisted. “He’s our president.”

Check out the interview segment below …

“Well, they don’t have a choice now. He’s our president. And, it’s very dynamic and as divisive of an Inauguration and time that we’ve ever had. At the same time, it’s time for us to embrace and shake hands with this fact. And be constructive with him over the next four years …

Cause he’s our president for the next four years, at least, the President of the United States.”

Via Vulture

He’s not interested in playing politically-correct games, unlike the hustlers and screechers he works with.

The actor is one of the very few Trump backers in Hollywood – along with Jon Voight and Clint Eastwood – and has even tackled conservative platforms that are reviled in Tinseltown.

In 2014, McConaughey took a very public stand for traditional marriage. Here is an excerpt from our coverage:

We did a lot of reading and talked to a lot of people that had been divorced, a lot of people that had been happily married. We talked to our pastor. In the end, our understanding was, ‘Let’s go make a covenant, with you, me, and God.’

He and his wife were determined to enter into a life-long commitment to each other:

I had to get to the point where I saw it as more than just the thing to do. I wanted to really want to. You know, I didn’t want it to be a destination; the fun is that we’re on the adventure together. So I spent a lot of time with her. We talked about it spiritually.

With this defense of marriage and a despised President in the White House, it’s surprising McConaughey hasn’t become a pariah in Hollywood.

Instead, he’s proof that you can actually stand up for your conservative principles and survive in a liberal cesspool like Hollywood.

Comment: Do you agree with McConaughey that it’s time Hollywood elites accept Trump as their President? Share your thoughts below.

4 thoughts on “Matthew McConaughey Stands Up for Trump Against Hollywood Elite”

  1. He’s absolutely right. The Hollywood whiners need to get over themselves and start giving Trump a chance. He’s already done more for the working people and Srs. than Obama did in 8 years.

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