Maryland County Release Illegal who Robbed Police Car, Brought Guns to School

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are PO’d.

They asked Montgomery County, Maryland officials to detain Mario Alvarado, 18, an illegal alien here in the United States, and they let him go. Alvarado was due in immigration court to be deported, but that wasn’t the worst crime on this young man’s record.

Alvarado was also charged with stealing a vehicle and bringing a gun onto school grounds, and Montgomery officials ignored the order to keep him detained.

If I were ICE, I would make sure the U.S. Attorney General is notified. Why should County taxpayers have to pay for this racket when they won’t cooperate with the federal authorities? This young man has already shown he won’t obey our laws by coming into this country illegally. Now, he’s willing to rob police cars and bring guns to school.

Source: Fox Baltimore

Mario Granados-Alvarado, 18, a citizen of El Salvador, allegedly broke into a Rockville police car, snagging a shotgun, AR-15 rifle and ammunition from the vehicle’s trunk.

On Monday, May 1, a school resource officer assigned to Albert Einstein High School in Kensington, stopped Granados-Alvarado. The 18-year-old, who is enrolled as a junior at the public school, reportedly ran away while shouting, “I scared. I scared.” Officers were ultimately able to handcuff Granados-Alvarado and later located the AR-15 in the trunk of a blue Mazda he had been driving.

On Tuesday, May 2, ICE filed an active immigration detainer with the Montgomery County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for Granados-Alvarado. The legal document was cut and dry and customary.

On Wednesday, May 3, Granados-Alvarado posted his $2,000 bond set by a Montgomery County District Court judge. However, instead of abiding by ICE’s pending request, Montgomery County officials let the accused criminal walk out of jail and return to the community.

They need to put him on the first thing smoking out of this country. He doesn’t belong here. Send him back to El Salvador with the quickness.

This is why President Trump was elected. We need Sessions to make an example of a young criminal like this. This needs to be on all billboards and video commercials everywhere.

What do you think should happen in this case? How do you deal with officials who ignore federal procedures and guidelines? Share your opinion below and don’t forget to add this article to your Facebook/Twitter timeline.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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