Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests AOC Has Accepted Her Debate Challenge

Marjorie Taylor Greene issued a tweet hinting that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) may have accepted her Green New deal debate challenge.

Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a tweet hinting that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) may have accepted her Green New deal debate challenge.

“I’m glad I ran into you today [AOC] to plan our debate about the Green New Deal,” Greene tweeted along with an image of the two talking. 

The Georgia Republican added, “After I finish reading all 14 pages, like we agreed, I’ll schedule time for our debate.”

Newsweek is reporting that the debate is a done deal, though Greene’s tweet seems like it could be an effort to pressure AOC into accepting the challenge by insinuating that they have discussed the matter.

AOC has yet to publicly comment on the debate challenge.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Challenges AOC To A Debate On The Green New Deal

Marjorie Taylor Greene Publicly Challenges AOC to a Debate

Last week, Marjorie Taylor Greene issued a debate challenge to her colleague, AOC (NY), regarding the Democrat’s own Green New Deal proposal.

“AOC I’d like to challenge you to a debate on the Green New Deal economic policy,” she tweeted.

Greene suggested that a discussion on the merits of the environmental extremist plan would be of interest to a national audience and said the pair could even choose their own moderators.

Greene advised pitting her degree in business administration and experience running a company up against Ocasio-Cortez’s degree in economics “would be informative for the American People.”

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Green To Introduce Bill To Expel Maxine Waters From Congress Over ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’

AOC Says Racism Is Causing Climate Change

While AOC isn’t talking much about the debate with Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), she has been busy in recent days relaunching her Green New Deal.

Proving she hasn’t lost a step when it comes to promoting lunacy to push her radical environmental agenda, she is now blaming racism for climate change.

“The climate crisis is a crisis born of injustice, and it is a crisis born of the pursuit of profit at any and all human and ecological cost,” AOC  said on the steps of the Capitol Tuesday.

“Which means that we must recognize in legislation that the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change, that the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change.”

Ocasio-Cortez was widely mocked for the comments.

“Climate change is racism is indigenous rights is infrastructure – it’s all bad, give me power,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson mocked.

The Green New Deal is no laughing matter, however.

Greene tweeted that the Green New Deal “will destroy the US’s oil and gas industry just after we became energy independent from President Trump’s [America First] policies.”

“Our ability to export oil and gas gives the US great negotiating power in the world,” she added. “China and Russia love the GND.”

It’s not just China and Russia that love it, but the current administration. President Biden also loves the Green New Deal.

Don’t take our word for it, take Sen. Ed Markey’s (D-MA), who openly bragged earlier this week about dictating Biden’s agenda as he reintroduced the radical climate legislation.

Newly-elected Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) recently penned an op-ed column in which she claims President Biden’s latest $2 trillion “infrastructure” bill is a thinly disguised version of the Green New Deal.

“The plan incorporates large swaths of the socialist ‘Green New Deal,’ which remains firmly planted on the brains and wish lists of socialists in the House and Senate despite both Congress and voters rejecting the bill,” she writes.

AOC has been rated one of the least effective Democrat members of Congress but her Green New Deal has tentacles in nearly every Democrat spending proposal.

Can she defend it in a debate against Greene? We’d certainly like to see it.


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46 thoughts on “Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests AOC Has Accepted Her Debate Challenge”

  1. The question is 'if' it goes through. I doubt that her 'peers' on the Left want her to do this, for obvious reasons. I'm guessing there will one hell of an excuse.

  2. Yep. Looking forward to watching THIS debate. Yet, I believe AOC will cower and not show up! AOC is a POS puppet and a BIG mistake the Deep State selected to represent them in Congress. I LOLOLOLOL every time AOC opens her mouth and the Deep State has been swallowing hard every time AOC opens he DONKY mouth. Just my opinion.

  3. Don't think she would , her skin is as thick as a rhinoceros, or she'd call him as racist after all isn't that the main card the democrats use when they have no answer

  4. There won't be any debate because as soon as m.t.g says something that a.o.c. Can't answer it'll be that question was racist,bigoted or any others 'ist' the democrats can come up with

  5. Be sure and do ear checks for earpieces, you know like the ones Trump and Biden first agreed on(as well as drug tests) then Bidens team backed out at the last minute right before the debates…what a surprise. Biden can barely make complete sentences let alone say anything without sounding like a complete moron, without his teleprompters or ever present ear implants channeling what his handlers tell him to say.

  6. Shapiro's a real winner *lol*. I've heard his radio show. How old is he..12????

    My wife was raised Catholic. My anti-Semitic ex GF is Catholic. My wife would love to slap my ex hard enough to send her to Mars.

    MTG blamed the California wildfires on "Jewish Space Lasers"????? What meds is she SUPPOSED to be on but obviously isn't! Nobody with even a shred of rational thinking would believe that.

  7. rangerrebew1947

    AOC has an alligator mouth and a hummingbird rectum. She smart enough to know she doesn't know squat about global warming and would be humiliated by Greene. If she does debate Greene it will be because she will have had access to all the questions for several weeks and has been studying

  8. AOC is off the wall an her convoluted answers in a debate can become very confusing. Greene may find getting straight answers out of the Dimwit Democrat will be like herding cats. Straight answers don't come easy to AOC.

  9. @AOC and @gretathunberg the Asperger ill teenager is going to teach us about the change of our climate. It has always changed, girl! But you are only 15, 16 or what? You know absolutely zilch of anything. And the adults are sadly using you, your parents should be sued for child abuse.

  10. MT Greene will pop that little TR@MP , AOC , like a pimple !!! I have no doubt , that after thier debate , AOC will have looked like a nut case , she'll need a rock to crawl under . The Conservative Republican Party needs alot more like MT Greene !!!

  11. Question: Just WHY is this left-wing radical here? No one is interested in his propaganda, yet he continually shows up, ranting his Marxist drivel. He must like "talking" to himself…But I'm glad we're here to point it out to him, a duped, self-righteous "know-it-all", who's just another pawn of the radical left, gleefully doing their bidding.

  12. OrangeProcessor034

    America think about it and try to make real sense of it, the New Green Deal! There is no way on God's green earth can this planned out nightmare by a radical Congress woman ever become reality in our country. Think about it before you climb onboard with it. First off she eliminates fossil fuels! What in your mind does that tell you what will happen! Stop all planes, trains, trucks automobiles and a complete shutdown of all commerce of our country. Weaken our country military wise to where we could no longer defend our shores and with Russia and China frothing at he mouth to take us over how inviting does this New Green Deal for America look to them? This New Green Deal is unthinkable and insane thinking by those who could care less about the final outcome would be for us all should it fail leaving us very vulnerable for take over by our lifelong enemies from abroad. We the sane people of this country need to make a stand against these extreme radicals that we have let go on much to long in our country poisoning the minds of our weak minded citizens to follow them in wanting to destroy America. America we need to wake up and eliminate these radicals from our governing system before they carry out their madness much to far. Stand up and fight for your country rather than just sit back like a defenseless child and take what ever is dumped on you.

  13. OrangeProcessor034

    America are we about to let a President who can't even string a complete sentence together and a radical x bartender fly thrust our beautiful country into a hornets nest and possible ruination of our country without some reasonable considerations by we the people for cost and the crushing of our complete economy throughout the country? With Russia and China both flexing their muscles and frothing at the mouth to challenge us should we weaken ourselves to where we can't physically protect our shores anymore because of the ridiculous of transformation our radical Congress members initiated putting our country into a nightmare that would be our undoing as a Nation! Climate Change people is just a part of the planets cycling system that it has been gong through for millions of years just fine without us new comers called man to the planet. Look at what science is telling us about the Earths climate long before man came along. A Mammoth Elephant found in the frozen swamp lands that once was roaming the Antarctica millions of years ago. The remains of this Mammoth still had the remains of the grasslands that it was grazing on before it met it's demise. Was this caused by the people of the planet too? Pollution that these radicals believe to be the Earth's undoing from what little emissions our countries cast off is very minuscule in the way of pollution is concerned. We as a country can do and will do very little in changing the Earth's climate that is God's job!

  14. OrangeProcessor034

    Listen up concerned people of America! The talk of a green light to plunge head on into this preposterous and enormous catastrophic blunder called the New Green Deal should not be on the shoulders of one overly concerned Republican within our Congress but with all of America that loves and cares about the direction that these radical Democrats of our Congress are pushing us down the road into. The crazy idea the Green New Deal with an unfathomable cost in dollar amounts that would if initiated completely drain our Treasury and weaken our country to the extent that we could no longer protect and defend ourselves should we shut down the uses of all fossil fuel for one and starters of the new green deal. What would we defend ourselves with if we no longer rely on our fossil fuels? What would we fly our military jets with, rubber bands? How about our airplanes for transportation and freight purposes? Transportation of goods on the ground with no truck or train deliveries? To completely wipe out all of our beef industry because of the methane gas the cattle causes in their waste deposits. How ridiculous does all of this sound so far and I haven't even begun to scratch the surface yet that the transformation into the New Green Deal would entail. Think about it America, are we really going to go head over hills for this nightmare waiting to take place? It is time that we reel these radicals in instead of allowing them to bring America to her knees with costly insane governing!!

  15. Better yet, MAKE her debate Ben Shapiro… you know, that debate she backed out of, when he politely invited her to one, and then she said he was "catcalling her"? Ben would completely decimate her, and send her running to the nearest bar, and it won't be to "serve" drinks, but to get totally plastered and wasted, out of sheer embarrassment from being laid out flat on her face by Ben, the "master"… and the left's worst nightmare (intellectually).

  16. Only if MTG doesn't show up! And, how many debates has AOC turned down, like her turning down Ben Shapiro (hey! a Jew, like yourself), who nicely invited her to one, offering to donate big $$ to a charity of her choice, only to have her turn him down, then call him a sexist, and claim that he, a moral, happily married, Jewish man of faith, was "catcalling" her! AOC is a complete moron, but apparently, an OK barmaid. So glad she figured out what that garbage disposal in her EXPENSIVE DC apartment does (socialists, like her, enjoy the finer things in life like pricey residences…for themselves, NOT the "low-brow" citizenry below them). I hear Gov. Cuomo is STILL hot under-the-collar with her….

  17. So, how many debates has AOC turned down in the past? Maybe it's because she knows she'd be creamed, because debates mean using facts, AND logic…neither of which the "brilliant" AOC has. All she has is her leftist TIHSLLUB propaganda….just like you. Are you two related, dear Simon?

  18. Why do I think AOC will turn this "debate" into a racial issue about white privilege, and try and insinuate that Greene, who is white, doesn't "care" about what the "climate change" is doing to helpless, innocent minorities around the world, because of "greedy", capitalist countries, primarily the "racist, white supremacist" United States? Why? Because that's what she always does…she'll also deflect if she gets backed into a corner over a subject she can't spin her way out of. So PREPARE yourself for anything from this illogical radical, MTG, and good luck…

  19. You can't debate a Dem/Communist. They are so brainwashed that they can't give any answers to their political positions. They have no logic. The media loves AOC and they will twist anything that is said in this so called debate into whatever protects their news maker no matter how nuts she is.

  20. Marjorie Taylor Greene will wipe the floor with aoc. Yes I purposely left aoc in all lower case, that's about all she's worth. Anyway we are talking about a God loving, Gun loving The real America loving girl who is not scared to stand up to the devil. I doubt aoc will even accept the challenge but if she does it will be something to see. It's about time a republican stands up to these demons. I can see it all now, Greene will have aoc stupefied in about 5 minutes and Greene will base everything she says on facts not all the made up lies that spew from the left. In the end it will be the same as always. Greene will tear aoc apart but then the left and the media will label Greene the same as anyone who doesn't share their communist anti America n hell on earth views. That's all the media will do, They will twist everything into the same nonsense they always do. Does anyone else agree that will happen? Who else is fed up with Satan and his demons trying to brainwash us and strip us of our God given freedoms trying to turn our nation into The Walking Dead. (minus the zombies of course.) Come on let's do like Greene is doing. Get out there and let your voices be heard loud and clear. It has only been 3 months since the devil stole everything from us and look at the nightmare he's created already. Who is with me?

  21. come to think of it did anyone check the census to see if AOC's seat is even supposed to be there? a lot of people left NY and you know how shady the left is , they would try to keep the chairs even if they dont have the numbers in the state to justify the seat

  22. GO GIRL, Mrs. Greene, Chip AOC down to size, GO GIRL! Say Ms. or Mrs. AOC, Maam, you are Delusional, all because this blue marble called Earth has been around for a very ….. very long time! When the Earth has Earthquakes, Volcano's Erupting, leveling it all down to a Human Beings from Gas In The Stomach to having a Rash, having Tornado's or even its younger and smaller relative Dust Devils, Hurricanes/Typhoons, is like a human being is having a Bad Hair Day, Thunderstorms/Rogue Waves and Tidal Waves and Lightening is like having too much liquid on the knee and having a old fashioned Camera Strobe Fight in a small bedroom!!!

  23. Never happen. The democrats will not give Greene the exposure. I send Greene a little money, and get her news letter – she's a breath of clear air within that stinking building.

  24. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V…looks like the majority of dumbed-down, indoctrinated, unoriginal, Trump-obsessed, GOP et al.-obsessed, liberal cud-chewer posters.

  25. I don't believe it will ever happen without a lot of bogus 'conditions' proposed by AOC including her choice of a left wing moderator which MTGreene should never agree to.

  26. I would like to see that debate. Although I also think it would be a mistake for AOC to accept and let the public see what a stupid POS she really is.

  27. Now, now…even leftwingers have their opinions…demented, but still…opinions. Just let them babble. It brings out just how mentally ill and morally corrupt they are. It's good for a laugh…if nothing else.

  28. "This'…is going to be good, that is…if AOC can keep it together long enough. It should really only take a few minutes…if AOC doesn't break down, play the victim and cry…about being in fear for her life.

  29. Nobody needs to hear your leftwing opinions. AOC is probably the dumbest person ever elected to Congress. Being a former bad barmaid does qualify her for the democrat party but very little else. Greene will pounce her which is why this debate won't happen. Pelosi won't allow one of her children to make a fool of herself and if she does it anyway, it won't be covered by any fake news agencies.

  30. Marjorie Taylor Greene: I’ll Schedule AOC Debate After I Read ‘All 14 Pages’ of Green New Deal
    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the QAnon-curious congresswoman who’s become a rising star in the GOP, has been pushing for a “pay per view style” debate with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on the Green New Deal for a week now. On Wednesday night, however, she admitted there was one little problem—she has yet to read the climate change proposal she’s been railing against for months.
    Posting a photo of her speaking to Ocasio-Cortez on the House floor, the far-right lawmaker tweeted that she was “glad” to run into the New York Democrat in order to plan their debate. “After I finish reading all 14 pages, like we agreed, I’ll schedule time for our debate,” she added.
    The Georgia congresswoman, who recently dropped her plans for an “America First Caucus” based on “uniquely Anglo-Saxon traditions,” didn’t provide a timetable as to how long it would take her to complete the 14-page reading assignment.
    Yet to read . . . Sounds like the majority of Political Insider posters.

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