Man Shielding Woman From Vegas Gunfire In Haunting Image Identified as Army Soldier

Here’s a story of heroism from the Las Vegas massacre – and there were many – that you might not have heard details about yet.

A haunting image seen around the world from the horror that night showed a man shielding a woman lying on the ground, comforting her as chaos reigned around them. He even reportedly tried to cover her eyes so she couldn’t see the people around them being shot.

It is at once a saddening image of a rightfully terrified woman and an inspiring image of a man willing to sacrifice himself to protect her.

The pair pictured in the photo have since been identified.


To nobody’s surprise, it turns out he is a member of our nation’s military. Matthew Cobos, the man in the image, is a cavalry scout with the US Army.


Cobos’ act of bravery did not stop with this image. Moments after it was taken, the pair managed to get to their feet and run to safety behind a nearby car.

After getting the woman to safety, Cobos then returned to the scene of the shooting where he told friends and family that he could see bullets ricocheting off the ground in front of him as he was running.


He reportedly continued to rescue and aid the injured, using his belt as a tourniquet and plugging other people’s bullet wounds with his own fingers.

Cobos’ bravery and calm amidst a sea of carnage is not only an example of incredible military training for such situations, it is a testament to the human spirit, a demonstration of strength and bravery in the face of death.

God bless, Mr. Cobos and all those involved in the Las Vegas shooting.

Honor Cobos’ brave acts of heroism by sharing his story!

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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