This Teacher Had Turned Her Life Around Until Bad Luck Came Knocking!

Sooner or later you are going to need to do a background check on the background checkers that hire teachers to look over your children in school. That’s not to say some individuals make mistakes but then they turn their lives around in a beautiful way.

Resa Woodward (Robyn Foster) was a science teacher at the Young Women’s STEAM Academy at Balch Springs Middle School. She has been there for a few years. She was also a strong activist for the Libertarian Party, and that got her in trouble.

According to the Dallas News, someone called an anonymous tip in, and her career was finished. They detailed how she had a life in the porn industry about 16 years ago. It also seems that she had a falling out with a Libertarian member who turned her in. That’s foul in my book, especially since she was doing her job well.

libertarian teacher

From BroBible:

According to the Dallas News, the anonymous tip informed school officials that Woodward’s film name was Robyn Foster. A web-based adult film database lists Robyn Foster as active in the porn industry from 2001 to 2004 and credits her with 16 movies, including compilations of previously recorded material that was then released as recently as 2013.

“The caller was concerned because he/she did not want his/her child exposed to things like this,” according to the report. The tipster believedWoodward was trying to deceive the students and parents.

Woodward claims she was forced into porn when she was living with an older man and they were experiencing financial woes. She said she was able to leave the situation, finish school and become a teacher.

Woodward, who is also a well-known activist in the Libertarian Party of Texas, said in a Facebook post last fall that she had to call the police on a drunk driver while traveling. A man, claiming to be associated with the Libertarian Party (which emphasizes free will), did not take kindly to Woodward calling in the authorities. He then detailed her past on social media.

The 38-year-old teacher has been placed on administrative leave but filed an appeal with the Texas Education Agency. She will likely be sinking a large chunk of her savings into getting her job back.

It’s okay to give individuals a second chance and watch that person flourish into great role models in their community. But sometimes the past does come back and rip you a new one.

Hopefully, Robyn is able to come back from this as it is reaching national exposure. We’ll pray for her and hope everything works out.

What do you think about Robyn being outed for her past after she had been worked to secure a better future? Share your opinions below and add this to your Facebook/Twitter timeline.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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