Liberals Try to Hammer Trump For Drinking Fiji Water During Speech, It Backfires Spectacularly

President Trump gave his first speech since returning from an historic 12-day trip to Asia, touting the improved relations and better standing in the world that his administration has helped usher in.

He spoke of diplomatic accomplishments and reaffirming old alliances, of dealing with the North Korean threat, of battling the Islamic State, and negotiating trade based on ‘fairness and reciprocity.’

“America is back,” he proclaimed. “And the future has never looked brighter.”

Despite those important facets of the speech, the media found something entirely different to latch onto – the fact that President Trump became thirsty during his speech.


It’s not as if there was a big water cover-up either. There is no Thristgate. The actual transcript from the White House website indicates that yes, the President of the United States did actually take a few sips of water. For shame!

Here is a portion of the transcript:

Oh, they don’t have water? That’s okay. What? That’s okay.

(Drinks water.)

Somebody alert the press. No wait, they’re already on it. Even better, they tried to make a scandal out of it, feigning outrage that Trump would discuss trade deficits while drinking Fiji water.


Indeed, they’ll try to generate controversy out of anything.

Former Fox News host Eric Bolling chimed in and squashed the dreams of liberals who thought they made a point about the President’s hypocrisy. Bolling revealed the company that provides Fiji Water is headquartered in Los Angeles.


Others pointed out that since the water comes from Fiji and is distributed in California, that Trump had made a brilliant point about trade.


According to their company website, “FIJI Water is now the number one imported bottled water in the United States.”

It was a good try libs. Sorry to pour a nice bottle of cold Fiji Water on your outrage.

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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