Last Week Cruz Taunted Trump For Slipping In The Polls, But Then THIS Happened


Some don’t like to hear it while others embrace it: what’s going on in Iowa right now. The world is focused on the first presidential primary state as the caucuses begin next Monday. The fight seems to include GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, but there is also another surging, waiting in the wings: that’s Marco Rubio.

Last week Cruz seemed to revel in the moment when Trump seemed uneasy that he was seemingly slipping in the polls. Cruz appeared to hint at that during every campaign stop in the state of Iowa.

From Politico:

“It seems Donald has a lot of nervous energy,” he told reporters earlier Saturday in Fort Mill, S.C. “It seems for whatever reason Donald doesn’t react well when he’s going down in the polls. I imagine he’s very dismayed by the latest Wall Street Journal-NBC poll that shows in a head-to-head…he’d lose to me. Knowing Donald, that’s got to drive him nuts.”

That comes from a very confident candidate, one who knows he has his opponent on the ropes, and he’s about to deliver the knockout punch. However, there’s many a slip twixt a cup and a lip in this presidential race, and now Trump is back on top, and Cruz has fallen silent about the polls.



Trump has made gains with key groups in Iowa, Tea Party members, and evangelicals, in addition to the existing support he’s maintained over the last six and-a-half months. The big question is: his supporters will have to get out and caucus, and there are many who want to participate, but will they?

Check out the video report:

H/T: Politico

Will Trump be able to keep the lead he’s built the last week or so or will something happen at the last minute to derail his chances? Will the voters get out to vote or has this all been for naught? Share your comments below and let us know what you think.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree

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