California Senator Kamala Harris Raising Money for Possible Presidential Run

Who will face off against President Donald Trump in 2020?

You’ll see a headline every couple of months claiming that Hillary Clinton may give it another shot, but there’s no reason believe these claims (especially when the polls still show voters preferring Trump over her). Perhaps Bernie Sanders would be more likely to give it another shot.

Those who are putting their money where their mouths are and gambling on the 2020 election results are putting their money on Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Of that bunch, Warren and Zuckerberg seem to be the most likely contenders in theory. Warren has been branding herself as a leader in the “resistance,” and can’t seem to go a week without an anti-Trump Twitter tantrum. Zuckerberg on the other hand is in the process of visiting all fifty States this year to get the perspective of life for the “average American.” He’s also made it public that he’s no longer an atheist, which is interesting given that atheists receive the most bias as potential presidential candidates (while 43 percent of Americans wouldn’t vote for an atheist, “only” 40 percent wouldn’t vote for a Muslim candidate. For some contrast, only 4 percent wouldn’t vote for a black candidate, and only five percent wouldn’t vote for a female candidate).

Of the list mentioned, only one has made it nearly official thus far, making her the first to confirm she’d be running in 2020: California senator Kamala Harris.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is “absolutely” running for president, according to one fundraiser, after Harris raised money among former Hillary Clinton supporters at a fundraiser in the posh Hamptons in New York last weekend.

The Hill reported that: The Bridgehampton event, where Harris mingled with top donors and supporters of Hillary Clinton, was the ultimate signal that Harris is “thinking much bigger” than the Senate, one top bundler said. “She’s running for president. Take it to the bank,” another fundraiser said. “She’s absolutely going to run.” Donors say Harris is giving them a glimmer of hope when they need it the most.

They see the former prosecutor-turned-California attorney general as embodying the qualities a Democratic presidential candidate would need to win the White House in 2020.

They also see the 52-year-old African-American woman as a fresh face.

The Hill also describes Harris’s recent viral videos, in which she is rebuked by the chair in Senate committee hearings for interrupting and badgering witnesses, including Cabinet members. Reporter Amie Parnes adopts Democrats’ spin on those exchanges, writing that Harris “was twice shushed by Republican senators.”

H/T Breitbart

Among a handful of other potential Democrat candidates, including Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Corey Booker, Harris polls the worst. In fact, she’s the only candidate on the list that polls within the margin of error of Trump, while the other candidates beat him handily (though take that with a grain of salt – because we all know EVERY poll said the same for Hillary).

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16 thoughts on “California Senator Kamala Harris Raising Money for Possible Presidential Run”

  1. We just got rid of one CARPETBAGGER – we don’t NEED ANOTHER ONE. She cannot even conduct herself in a proper way in committee hearings – she has to be continuously chastised.

  2. This is a very dangerous woman. She ihas been raised thru the Democratic Party like a second Obama, only female. Very nasty and doesn’t take prisoners. I don’t trust her, or anything she has ever done. Look at her Wikipedia page and you will see what I mean.

  3. kamala harris ,mazxine waters bff and a criminal in the eyes of federal law ,hahahahaah she has no chance at all beating trump in 2020 shes an asswipe also.ill send her5 bucks and some letters of encouragement ,all of us will hahaha .

  4. All those who consider running in 2020 should just go ahead and pack it up now cause we want Trump and he is going to win again. The others haven’t got a chance.

  5. This woman is Maxine Waters protege and has already colluded with her in the last 2 election cycles in California. She’s a criminal, all in for the globalists agenda and an all around nasty person. Before she ever ran for office she slept her way up the political chain in CA and was appointed to 2 or 3 of her very high paying jobs by her politically well placed boyfriends.To vote for her would be like voting for a cross between Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton. Everyone needs investigate her political history and the story of her life. Unlike when everyone voted for obama before they voted for him. If America had investigated for obama before he was elected, he would never have been elected. American’s educated yourselves BEFORE you vote.

  6. The democrats do not stand a chance as long as they keep running under the banner of dump Trump. It was a major reason Hillary lost and why they have lose so many spots since.

    1. Liberals live their fantasies. I think they live so many delusions that they’re unstable. I really do. I think these people on the left, from the highest levels on down, are a new kind — a special kind — of stupid.

    1. jeansandjacketrequired you are totally deluded. You’ve drank the poison “kool aid”, brain washed by the communist/democratic/Nazi inspired propaganda machine of the left, and have been duped by all the FAKE NEWS to the point of hysteria. And to suggest ANYTHING about ANY kind of drug abuse by this man is positively criminal. Crawl back down the rat hole you came from and you just might meet your leader, Lucifer.

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