Joy Reid Called Trump ‘Kick Ass Funny’ In Old Blog Posts

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MSNBC host Joy Reid is under fire for a number of homophobic blog posts that have been discovered on her old blog in the mid-to-late 2000s.

Reid quickly had the blog deleted after the old posts were unearthed and began coming under fire, and she claimed that her blog was hacked by right-wingers to make her appear bigoted. She also claimed that a “cybersecurity expert” that she knows confirmed that she was hacked.

This “expert” was revealed to be Jonathan Nichols, a man that’s reportedly bragged about his neo-Nazi sympathies in the past. Wayback Machine, a not-for-profit that archives internet posts, released a statement saying they “found nothing to indicate tampering or hacking of the Wayback Machine versions.” Since Wayback Machine has archives of the posts from the moment they were published, any record of changes from hackers would be visible.

Put simply, Reid is lying.

So far, MSNBC hasn’t addressed the controversy, but a column that she had at The Daily Beast has since been suspended, and an LGBT advocacy group rescinded an award that they’d previously awarded her.

Among the old posts unearthed involves one where Rosie O’Donnell is the target of Reid’s attacks – she appears to be on “Team Trump” when it comes to the mockery of O’Donnell.

As the Washington Free Beacon reported:

“How much longer until that chubbed-out shrew Rosie O’Donnell gets her fat ass canned by Babwa?” Reid asked, in an imitation of “The View” co-host Barbara Walters’ first name.

“How much longer will the freak show that is ‘The View’ continue to darken our television screens?” she continued. “How much more kick-ass funny can Donald Trump be???”

Reid continued to say that unlike Walters, she was not neutral in the debate. “I’m for square for The Donald on this one…” she wrote.

She then linked to a Trump open letter attacking O’Donnell, with the comment. “Here it is, but bigger… heehee…”

In the end, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the pro-Trump posts get her in more trouble among her liberal peers than the homophobia and lying.

Will liberals be more offended by Reid’s homophobic comments or her pro-Trump comments? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below! 

By Matt
Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published ... More about Matt
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