John Bolton: Claims That Trump Disparaged Fallen Soldiers Are ‘Simply False’

Former national security adviser John Bolton, no friend of President Trump’s, forcefully denied allegations made by anonymous sources in a hit piece published by the Atlantic last week.

Central to the claim of the column are accusations – from four anonymous sources – that Trump had thoroughly disparaged America’s fallen soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.”

Since publication, many on-the-record sources have denied the allegations.

But Bolton’s denial holds some heft simply because he has been railing against this President since he was ousted from the administration, meaning if there were a chance to portray him in a negative light, he’d surely jump on it.

That isn’t that case, however.

Bolton told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum that the story simply wasn’t true.

“According to what that article said, the president made disparaging remarks about soldiers and people buried in the cemetery in connection with the decision for him not to go to the ceremony that was planned that afternoon,” he explained, “and that was simply false.”

RELATED: John Bolton’s Book Refutes Claims In Anonymously Sourced Atlantic Hit Piece Against Trump

Simply False

Bolton also charged that Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, who somehow made the leap in logic that her anonymous sources repeating lies in the Atlantic piece of other anonymous sources was a ‘confirmation’ of the story.

“She’s just flatly wrong,” Bolton said.

President Trump called on Griffin to be fired by Fox for such amateur reporting.

“Jennifer Griffin should be fired for this kind of reporting,” Trump tweeted, noting that her reporting had been “refuted by many witnesses.”

Bolton joins the lengthy list of individuals who have countered such specious claims by anonymous cowards.

On the alleged disparaging of soldiers, Bolton said, “I don’t know who told the author that, but that was false.”

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Trump Thanks Kelly Aide

Bolton’s own book, published well before the Atlantic tried to ‘Swift Boat’ the President, refuted the central theme of the article which claimed President Trump canceled a visit to Aisne-Marne American in Paris, a World War I cemetery which houses many American fatalities, due to concerns over his hair and not the poor weather conditions.

Aside from Bolton, Zachary Fuentes, a former aide who worked under then-chief of staff John Kelly, also denied the Atlantic report.

“I don’t know who the sources are,” he told Breitbart News. “I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”

“Thanks Zach,” the President tweeted Monday. “Just more corrupt Fake News trying to change the course of our most important, ever, Election!”

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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