Jim Carrey: ‘Americans Support Trump Because He Appeals To Their Basest And Most Primitive Urges’

Carrey Trump

Hollywood star Jim Carrey launched yet another deranged attack on President Donald Trump and his millions of supporters, this time claiming that too many people support him “because he appeals to their basest and most primitive urges.”

Carrey Attacks Trump And His Supporters

“Where did the modern Republican Party’s cruelty come from?” Carrey asked in a new op-ed for The Atlantic.

“Too many Americans support Trump because he appeals to their basest and most primitive urges, through his racism, his misogyny, his mockery of the disabled, and his encouragement of violence during his campaign,” the “Ace Ventura” star continued. “If you consider yourself a patriot, know full well that the direction the Republican Party has taken threatens to obliterate America’s once hopeful experiment in liberty.”

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Not stopping there, Carrey proceeded to compare President Trump’s speech during the Republican National Convention to Michael Corleone declaring his belief in God during the climactic baptism scene in “The Godfather.”

“Watching Trump accept the nomination of the Republican Party in the people’s house during a pandemic he exacerbated was like watching Michael Corleone swear a sacred oath while his underlings settled scores across the city,” Carrey wrote.

In this scene, Corleone is seen presiding over the baptism of his nephew and declaring his belief in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, while his henchmen simultaneously gun down his family’s enemies around the city.


Carrey Doubles Down

Later in the op-ed, Carrey referenced another movie when he wrote, “I was amused to see Trump play the self-made billionaire in Home Alone 2, but the presidency is not performance art. People’s lives depend on him. Our future is at stake.”

Carrey is one of the most vocally anti-Trump actors in Hollywood, and he enjoys making bizarre pieces of “art” that negatively depict the president.

“In November, we must vote in historic numbers, gathering all the ‘snowflakes’ until there’s a blizzard on Capitol Hill that no corrupt politician can survive,” Carrey concluded in his piece. “We must vote for decency, humanity, and a way of life that once again captures the imagination of kids all over the world—kids like me.”

RELATED: Jim Carrey Outrageously Claims That Trump And British PM Boris Johnson Are Responsible For ‘Half’ Of U.S.-U.K. COVID Deaths

This piece was written by PopZette Staff on September 4, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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