Jennifer Lawrence Thinks Hurricanes Are Nature’s Wrath Against Trump

During any natural disaster, you’re bound to find at least one religious figure who will attribute it to a form of divine judgement.

After Hurricane Sandy struck, the pastor Rev. John McTernan wrote in a now-deleted blog post that “God is systematically destroying America.” The reason God was so ticked off, he claimed, was “the homosexual agenda.” McTernan previously blamed gay Americans for Hurricane Isaac, linking its arrival to the annual Southern Decadence celebration in New Orleans.

In both cases, he was rightly mocked (hence why the aforementioned blog post has since been removed). After all, how do you politicize natural disasters? Evidently, it’s not something the religious right is guilty of exclusively. We did, after all, have the following viral Facebook post claiming Trump is manipulating the weather to kill minorities as exhibit A.

You can relax in knowing that the post went viral because people found the “theory” hilarious – not true.

And it’s not just random nobodies on the internet entertaining delusions of grandeur in politicizing Hurricane Irma. Among those who forgot that “hurricane season” is real and somehow think that President Trump is responsible for the devastation is actress Jennifer Lawrence.

In an interview with the British “Channel 4,” Lawrence said she’s been having “an end-of-days feeling” lately. And, of course, she thinks that her observation is “truer” in the U.S. “than anywhere else” in the world.

Then things veered into conspiracy territory.

After being pushed by the reporter to reveal her disdain for President Trump, Lawrence said, “You know, you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to, not to feel Mother Nature’s rage, or wrath.

She went on: “You know, I’ve heard things and seen things on TV in my own country that devastate me and make me sick, and it’s just really confusing.”

The interviewer asked if Lawrence thought Trump was confusing. She replied “I don’t find him confusing. I think I know exactly what he is.”

She thinks he’s a hurricane conjurer apparently.

Listen below:

Remember, liberals are supposed to be intellectually superior to conservatives. Yet, more often than not, they believe in more zany things than children with big imaginations.

Think Jennifer Lawrence is a loon? Share this story on Facebook and Twitter to expose her for the crazy that she is!

96 thoughts on “Jennifer Lawrence Thinks Hurricanes Are Nature’s Wrath Against Trump”

  1. i wonder if this drugged up elitist thought much about what she said at all. kiberals flock to the east coast and west coast, most hurricanes hit the east coast and the west coast , california in particular is a liberal mecca is plagued by earthquakes, could it be mother natures way of culling unfit genes from the gene pool when a hurricane or earthquake wipes out all those liberals homes and destroys everything they own? i am guessing its darwinism at its finest and mother nature is trying to cull the defective liberal progressive gene from the gene pool!

  2. I absolutely love her acting ability! As well as the movies she’s been in…but, c’mon now! Mother Nature is dropping hurricanes because Trump is in office? Also, isn’t she besties with Lena Dunham, who spoke out and emphatically stated if Trump got elected, she would emigrate to Canada? Did she? No! Just like every other celebrity that said the same!

    1. yeah she is besties with lena dungham who fingered a 5 yr old little girl. what a pair they male both have repulsive attitudes and habits and both should have been abortions the world would not have missed them in the least bit!

  3. I would say to this b**ch dont even go there. If anything its the wrath for the Godliness of her Hollywood cronies. She must have grown up in her Louisville,Ky home without the presence of God in her household

  4. Ah, Mother Nature. The god of the pagans, heathens. So JenLaw is expecting divine retribution. Tell me why we should treat her comment as any less risible then Jen would treat something that Pat Robertson might blurt out. Was Sandy divine retribution for Obama trampling the Constitution? Why not?

  5. What an absolute idiot she is. What does she have to say about what happened to the islands that were obliterated by the hurricane prior to hitting the U.S. which have NOTHING to do with electing President Trump? Her commentary just proves what a brain dead P0S she was raised to be.

  6. I think Trump is not cursed and as for him being President-he has respected us and honors us -he has brought us no ill will from God and both him and Pence are a million times better than those two democrat failures before them-as for this actress-she needs to get religous and thank Trump for giving a damn

  7. G-d does not seek vengeance. If you read your bible, the one thing G-d did not create was WATER.. Where did the water come from? Fast forward to Noah and where G_d said to him ” I will never AGAIN destroy the earth by flood.” The other part of the sentence, which was not recorded was where G-d continued saying ” I will let you destroy yourselves.” Remember the “free will” we were given? Look around you, NKorea, Iran, India ,Pakistan, Chiuna all have Atomic weapons. It won”t be long now….WE can blame ourselves……………

  8. Dos that apply to all those Republicans I read over the years saying God is seeking vengeance for one thing or another pertaining to Democrats. What about those think God sent us trump. To me their just as nuts.

  9. Jennifer Lawrence is suffering from an advanced case of Trump-derangement-syndrome. She should probably seek medical help from a physiatric help care facility as soon as possible.

    1. Dos that apply to all those Republicans I read over the years saying God is seeking vengeance for one thing or another pertaining to Democrats. What about those think God sent us trump. To me their just as nuts.


    1. Hey Al, I agree. By any chance did you see that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has classified the VFW & American Legion as “hate groups.” I posted this article to a couple of veteran’s sites because it really pissed me off. I also made a complaint back to SPLC since you can report
      “hate crimes” on their site. Lol. See article below along with my complaint to them.

      I just reported my “hate crime” to these morons on their own site! Total idiots!!

      To SPLC President J. Richard Cohen,
      Today we read on a couple of different sites that you were classifying the VFW & American Legion as in your words “hate” groups. To say we are appalled does not come close, we are outraged that you would announce something so totally ludicrous! We have personally been to both these organizations & have NEVER witnessed racism, hate, prejudice, white supremacy, or any nazi like behavior of ANY kind. So due to your totally biased & ignorant post, we are reporting YOU & the SPLC as a “hate group.” Turn about is only fair play & we will be encouraging others to do the same while we post this on every social media site until you apologize & remove these organizations as hate groups. You must be a complete moron to do something like this! Incidentally my husband is retired law enforcement & rest assured we will be informing them as your site also suggests.
      Best regards!

  11. WOW ! Some people just don’t get it. Nature doesn’t give crap what is in the way or who is in the way. And it has nothing to do with any one person. If I thought like Lawrence does, I would say it has to do with the tons of chemicals being dumped on our crops that cause cancer and so many other disease and disorders. The FDA, Chemicals and Drug companies only care about profits, not human beings. The Federal government wants all us to be sick from the time we are born until we die, why because of all the corporations who RUN this country. Back to the weather, how do you know this didn’t happen long before humans ? Lawrence is a woman who is trying to blame some one for what she seem to think is wrong about Trump. There is nothing wrong with the President, all you young people have never lived when REAL PRESIDENTS were around like Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy !

  12. Because of Jennifer’s ignorant, asinine, and arrogant remark she has made me realize my scope of being entertained by such people in the entertainment industry and sports is getting smaller and smaller. These people don’t seem to realize that we are the ones who gave them the money and fame. I’ve heard that Hollywood is not doing well at all. They keep this up they won’t be rich and famous anymore because we don’t like such behavior.

  13. Jennifer Lawrence is the poster child for unhinged millennial. One in a million “makes” it in Hollywood and they take up preaching as a hobby. Her followers are as ignorant as she is (with less than a high school education to her credit) and those faithful follow blindly.

  14. Unfortunately, as Unhinged as she is, many on the Left will believe her, especially Snowflakes-in-Training who are especially susceptible to Propaganda as most have suffered from decades of brain-washing in our “mis-education system”.

  15. totally agree with Alana –Mother Nature and GOD are damn pissed — mainly at the snowflake state for all the damn crap they are pulling — look at it OR and WA on fire –CA on fire also– maybe the Liberals should rethink the moral of themselves– the hollywood drama snowflake and all their crap– no wonder God is mad—Time to put God back n the USA and removed the snowflake liberals– I hear the weather is good in Europe

  16. Hey Jennifer, Maybe it’s God’s way of saying he is sick of the immorality of the Hollywood and Global Elitists! And of course, Mother Nature helped! Trump is doing a great job! You have yet to say one intelligent thing so go back to your hole!

  17. Jennifer Lawrence like all other Hollywood stars who have “made it” and musicians like Beyoncé, Jay Z, Katy Perry, Madonna, Taylor Swift & thousands of others are ALL in the Illuminati so they do NOT believe in God. In case you didn’t know, in order to join the Illuminati you have to swear allegiance to Lucifer & make a satanic sacrifice. Don’t take my word for it, do your own research & you will see the truth. That’s why these stars, musicians & liberal politicians all speak so negatively about Trump because they are told to. Killary is also in the Illuminati (she is a high up witch) so all this negativity is directed at Trump because she didn’t win. These are some sick individuals!

  18. Never had this bad of storms UNTIL the LEFT decided to start to remove history and tear down statutes.
    Could THAT be the reason for God’s wrath??
    Hell IF her asinine remark can be made, MY OWN has JUST as much validity.

  19. if there is one person who won’t be affected by this, it’s trump…but on the other hand, little jennies friends live in the area, richard branson has taken a beating, as did oprah and many other liberal socialists…not being very religious, lets all say a pray for the little cupcake, and hope she gets through this trump derangement syndrome!!!

    1. Trump has property in the area so for you to say he won’t be affected is wrong! Trump is a Businessman who handles things from a Business point,not a political one, which is good for America! He is doing a great job!

    2. Trump’s property in St Martin has already been destroyed & Irma is heading for Mar-a-lago so Trump is directly affected by these storms, likely meant to happen that way. The POTUS is an intelligent businessman who undoubtedly has flood insurance on all his properties. He will handle it with grace & courage.

  20. Jennifer…who? This weather is payback to the idiot (D)’s for 8 years of ‘Down-the-Drain’ Obama. We are witnessing the greatest presidency since G. Washington…bar none! Sure hope this Lawrence teenee-bopper is Michelle’s campaign mgr.

    Oh My…!
    Semper Fi…!

  21. Seems Ms Lawrence is a baby-faced loon all right. Like the Native Americans and historical pagans, such as the Muslims, who find a need to believe in dead idols through elevated out of body mysticism. This is the favorite space for satan to send in his demons, and convince individuals, even large masses, as the liberals, that they, and only they know the truth. No record of mother earth or nature ever creating the universe, Ms Lawrence! All of the elements of nature have been created by God. When you leave God out of your hypothesis there is no basis for your comment. Quite obviously, you are ignorant, or afraid to mention God. A hurricane is what it is, a natural occurrence which has been happening since time began. We are informed that the flood that destroyed the world, but saved Noah, the only good man on earth, that God Himself spoke the Word and gave directions to build the Ark. I would say that you are too busy advertising the “help wanted ad” for employment and memorizing lines to have any deep prayer time with God anyway. Very disrespectful and divisive comment which you have no right to load on the American people who are under terrible spiritual attack. In doing so, however, you have revealed yourself as a person that has only meanness and good looks, with no right to, as an English person, to attack our amazing President. Go bow down to your Muslim Mayor in London. He’s probably waiting for you.

  22. Every time she opens her mouth, she leaves no doubt as to how stupid she is. I wish she would go away, along with all the other really stupid liberals (yes, and I know all liberals aren’t stupid, but the ones who are never shut their mouths)

  23. I agree with you AmericanBelle1 about God but you do need to realize that both these hurricanes were caused by man-made geo-engineering through HAARP, Chemtrails & cloud seeding. They have found proof of that & government’s have been controlling the weather & using it to their advantage for decades. Please look at the information I posted below & it is all over the Internet.

    1. Trump had nothing to do with these hurricanes & neither did God but the globalist NWO has the ability & likely did this to do damage to Trump by stopping the border wall if all the money is going to help hurricane victims there won’t be money for a wall. Also, Trump did not want to raise the debt ceiling (globalist’s control the Federal Reserve) & now these events forced him to do that. Trump is NOT part of the Deep State but these hurricanes destroyed his property in Saint Martin & likely will destroy Mar-a-lago too! That’s exactly what they intended & they could care less how many die or are left homeless.

  24. Unfruckingbelievable! Brianna’s tweet is idiotic, but not far from Lawrence’s thinking. What’s wrong with the left? When did they all lose their brain power to think rationally? This is as bad as when the left (most notably Obama) continued to blame Pres. Bush for Katrina!

    What I find hysterically idiotic and hypocritical, is that these same people will skew you as a climate denier (among other things!) for not believing these natural disasters are caused by it. Yet when it actually happens, climate change goes out the window and these people actually believe that Trump is proficient in witch craft and can conjure up the storms of historical note!

  25. Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer, put down your scripts, stop listening to Al Gore’s ( I invented the internet AND the weather) and read a Bible. These times are written about in Revelation, the gospels , Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and the minor prophets, and God is warning the US that HE is not going to deal with the rampant sin taking over this country very much longer at all. Instead of you and your Hollywood hellions sitting around dissing President Trump, why don’t you all throw yourselves on the ground before God and pray for His forgiveness for the wicked lifestyles so carelessly flaunted in His face. Fame , power, beauty, riches, on earth are so minuscule and fleeting compared to what God has prepared for us in the next life. Please accept His plan of salvation- his Son, Jesus Christ. His coming is so very near, but He is coming for His own, not those who have rejected Him !

    1. Lawrence claims she’s got that “end of days” feeling.

      Trump has nothing to do with the end of days. She’s exaggerating. If she truly believed the end of days was coming, she should get down on her knees and pray for forgiveness of total disregard of the 7 deadly sins, indicative of people going to excess. Dear Jen is certainly off the charts in excess! The sooner she and the rest of the left recognize God works in mysterious ways, the sooner they’ll recognize that Trump isn’t God and has no control over the weather! What dingbats!

  26. Come on RoxyRoxy you’re really not that ignorant are you? God has nothing to do with this so leave him out of it! You’ve been watching too much dumbed-down mainstream media. Yes man-made geo-engineering was involved in both hurricanes but Trump & God had nothing to do with it. Wake up!

    1. For someone trying to make rash judgments of God’s will, you really should recognize that the lame stream media NEVER speaks of God…they don’t believe in Him…they can’t believe in Him because they refuse to answer to a higher authority, thus paving the way for their immoral lifestyles without guilt. This isn’t just a media misunderstanding, but the entire left. But you truly underscore your idiocy when you claim the climate is due to man-made geoengineering.My God, what hole do you people crawl out of?

      Besides, if Trump had the power of God you can be sure ALL of you lefty nutz would simply vanish into thin air, as if YOU were picked out especially for the Rapture. But because you don’t believe in God or the Rapture, you’d simply be gone into a existence of non-existence…because the Trump god said so!

  27. What a loony tune. Why does she not stick to trying to act and shut the hell up. nobody wants to hear her pathetic way of trying to make people thinks she knows what she is doing. What a B****

  28. Is God showing his fury and displeasure? Or is it just the hurricane season? Duh people … get a grip! Anyone with a brain would realize these are common weather patterns. No mortal man could cause or conjure this type of destruction. Dear Lord, please bless and protect those in the path of these storms, America and President Trump for all he has accomplished and will accomplish.

  29. Well now I’ve added Jennifer Lawrence to my list of liberal Hollyweirdo’s that I will never watch again! As young as she is and “she knows exactly how Trump is.” Must be nice to be so intelligent that you know exactly what the POTUS thinks & does. Total loon!

  30. God has nothing to do with it. Bad weather happens. And the God I know damn sure didn’t kill dozens of people just to teach the American voter a lesson! Anyone who believes that, on either side, is nuts. Get a grip, People.

  31. Yes, I too believe that God is showing His anger at Trump and his xenophobic, biased, ridiculous agenda. Heck, it’s either that or could it be…man-enhanced climate change?! DUH, yes! (Stupid article. Has the author ever heard of sarcastic humor?! I guess libs ARE more intelligent cuz THEY get that it’s a tongue-in-cheek remark.)

    1. You are so ignorant Sue that you don’t realize the globalist elite (not Trump) geo-engineered these storms. You’re definitely one of the dumbed down sheeple who believes everything they see on mainstream media. You can hate Trump all you want, nobody cares but to blame him for these hurricanes shows your total ignorance & I doubt you know a thing about God!

      1. Great answer. The global elite theory could certainly be true. After all, President Trump is trying to right the wrongs of the past and that has got to scare them.

      2. Marilyn
        the real story is that god is surely punishing this entire nation and this is one of many calamities to hit us no matter where it strikes next at.
        God has left this nation a long time ago and one of them was when the satanic supreme court made gay and lesbian marriages legal and unfortunately no one knows that this is only mans laws and never gods laws.
        The holy bible has plenty to says about this and other things too.
        You simply can’t change what god instituted anciently a long time ago and this is a biggie with him and his son jesus Christ.
        1Corinthians 6:9 has it in clear detail and yet you get these sick brained people out there and they all think alike by saying that they are or will be in heaven after they die with their partners lying in the graves next to them and that is the common midset they are having and nothing will change them or these satanic concepts both in them and about them.
        Don’t doubt this please it is GOD who will make and decide on the judgements of all of us and not even our courts out in every nation you can think of today.
        Mankind and mans laws = CONDEMNATION & HELL
        As for Jennifer Lawrence ?
        She is not a Christian and nowhere is she a believer in the holy bible.
        Take care GOODBYE………..

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