Jeff Sessions To Announce Criminal Leak Investigations

In the midst of heavy criticism over how he’s handling his job, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will reportedly make an announcement about several criminal leak investigations within the coming days:

Officials told The Washington Post about the forthcoming news from the Justice Department. The investigations will be centered around news reports containing sensitive material about intelligence, the report said.

Notably, news of the announcement comes just days after President Donald Trump criticized Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation and not taking a stronger stance against leakers.

Trump’s harsh words prompted many Republicans to come to Sessions’s defense, including Rep. Trey Gowdy:

But others think Sessions’s days are numbered:

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It certainly seems like Sessions might only be announcing the criminal leak investigations to get back in Trump’s good graces, but even if that’s the case it’s a win-win: The Trump administration needs to present a strong, united front against would-be leakers and liberal critics. It’s imperative that they get on the same page; and if they can’t, perhaps it’s best that Trump show Sessions the door.

What do you think of Jeff Sessions’s decision to announce criminal leaker investigations? Will it help him or is his job beyond saving at this point? Share your thoughts and comments below! 

By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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