Ivanka Trump: Claims That I Will ‘Act as First Lady’ are Inappropriate

Ivanka Trump first lady

During the 2016 campaign, President-elect Donald J. Trump routinely touted how his daughter Ivanka was one of his closest advisers. Just the other day, Ivanka officially quit her job at the Trump Organization as her family relocates to Washington, D.C. to help her father’s administration.

For weeks, many pundits have made speculative claims that Ivanka would take an active role in President-Elect Trump’s White House, assuming many of the responsibilities traditionally left to the First Lady.

Well, now Ivanka is pushing back on that rumor, insisting that any insinuation that she will “serve as First Lady” is inappropriate.

From ABC News:

Ivanka Trump dispelled speculation that she will be filling in as a surrogate first lady or occupying the East Wing office of the White House, traditionally reserved for the president’s wife.

Speculation that Ivanka Trump will fill in for incoming first lady Melania Trump started swirling after Trump transition sources said Melania Trump was not expected to move to Washington, D.C., until the spring, after her and President-elect Donald Trump’s 10-year-old son, Barron, finishes the school year. But Donald Trump’s elder daughter said those speculations were “an inappropriate observation.”

“There is one first lady, and she’ll do remarkable things,” Ivanka Trump told ABC News’ “20/20” in an exclusive interview.

First Lady Melania Trump has already announced she will remain in New York City for the next few months to allow her son Barron to finish out the school year uninterrupted. It is unknown how much of a public role she will assume as First Lady once she and her son officially move into the White House.

Given that Ivanka played a critical role in her father’s presidential run, it seems only logical that she would serve as an influential adviser in the White House. However, only Ivanka’s husband is an official member of the Trump team.

What role should Ivanka play in the White House? Do you think she will be a strong adviser for her father? Share your thoughts below! 

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