Is Tim Allen’s “Last Man Standing” Returning?

When ABC cancelled Tim Allen’s “Last Man Standing,” it looked like the conservative-flavored sitcom was headed for the grave.

But now the CMT channel is reportedly looking into reviving the popular comedy. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the network is seeing if bringing back the show would be viable. But people with knowledge of the deal say that it is a “long shot” given the price.

Fox and Friends covered the story this morning:

Here are more details:

The Viacom-owned network is in preliminary talks to revive canceled Tim Allen comedy Last Man Standing. Insiders stress talks are in the early stages as CMT is exploring if it can revive the expensive show at a price point that works for the niche cable network. It’s unclear if a deal will be made as insiders cautioned that a renewal at CMT may be a long shot given the price tag on the veteran series. Also unclear is how big of a renewal the show could get as everything from a short order to multiple-season/20-episode run have been rumored. 20th TV, which has already placed calls to writers about a potential revival, and CMT declined comment.

H/T: Hollywood Reporter

It would be a smart move for CMT to bring back “Last Man Standing.” The show was a hit with conservatives, and outperformed other sitcoms in its time slot. The cancellation even took star Tim Allen by surprise:

ABC cancelling the show demonstrated just how deep liberal bias runs in the media. It was a terrible decision, but it’s also an opportunity for a network like CMT to capitalize on conservatives looking for some good quality comedy to watch on TV.

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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