Rep. Peter King wants the mole, the leaker of sensitive White House news, to know they are treading on very dangerous ground, and I am glad he’s putting it out there.
White House information is hitting the mainstream media, and they are targeting the Trump administration like it’s their weird, liberal version of Christmas. King is not giving former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn a pass on his actions, but he’s serving notice on the leaker.
If you are thinking like me, the narrative of a White House leak leads me to believe there is more than one mole. It seems everyone’s schedule is well known ahead of the event. This could result in some dangerous situations, and they need to clean up the government and staff ASAP.
From Breitbart:
King said, “You go back to the question of the leaks, that is a criminal action. I mean to have a wiretap of anyone, a foreign national, and to have an American come on that, an American citizen come on that tape, there are all sorts of precautions in the law, how that person’s identity has to be masked, how it can’t be made public. It was not only made public; it was leaked to a newspaper. So you have the national security advisor being taped. That could have been a legal wiretap aimed at the Russians. To have that leaked violating the law, it’s clearly wrong. Again, more should be said about that. That should be pursued right to the end, to find out who leaked that and took strong action against them. Also, obviously, the whole situation was General Flynn, that will also be looked into.”
Watch the report below:
Someone had to say it because this is getting ridiculous!
When I served in the military, I had a Top Secret clearance with a Special Background Investigation. While I loved working with the F-117A Stealth Fighter Unit, I was afraid to do anything that would be seen as questionable and never did I think about leaking any information. That could have landed me in jail and that’s something I am not built for.
Leftover Obama people are undoubtedly responsible for a lot of these leaks, but there are many others in Washington both Republican and Democrat that put their selfish agenda ahead of National Security, and they need to be found. They’re playing a very dangerous game with our safety.
How will the Trump administration get a hold on this? Will they be able to locate the mole?
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