Hollywood Stars Strip ‘Naked’ For Bizarre Election Ballot PSA


Just when we thought the liberal elites of Hollywood could not get any nuttier, they stripped naked for a bizarre PSA about the importance of voting in the upcoming election.

Celebrities Strip Naked For Voting PSA

A list of celebrities that includes Chris Rock, Tiffany Haddish, Amy Schumer, Josh Gad, Sarah Silverman, Mark Ruffalo, Chelsea Handler, Ryan Bathe, and Naomi Campbell all stripped “naked” to participate in a PSA that warns about the dangers of “naked ballots” in next month’s election.

“There isn’t a man behind me, these are my hands,” a naked Silverman said in the video as she held her breasts with her hands. “To be honest, I wish I could cover my hands with my boobs, but here we are.”

“I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking, ‘Ruffalo, put your clothes on,” added Ruffalo, reading ALL of our minds.

“Did you know that ballots could be naked?” questioned Bathe, with Silverman chiming back in to say, “And if you don’t do exactly what I tell you, your ballot could get thrown out.”

The video then switched back to Bathe, who said, “First of all, when your ballot comes, you’re supposed to read the instructions.”

More Celebrities Chime In

“And if they say to use a black pen, use a black pen,” said a naked Handler, which is something none of us wanted to see.

“I know that’s, like, literally the least sexy thing a completely naked person could say,” Gad said.

The PSA only got worse as it went on, with the celebrities resorting to begging.

“Please vote,” begged Rock, before Schumer added, “Take your clothes off, and vote,” added Schumer.

“Everyone’s voice matters in this election,” said Handler.

“America needs you,” Silverman said dramatically, still naked as the day she was born.

Schumer, who is related to Democratic Rep. Chuck Schumer (NY), promoted the deranged PSA on Instagram.

“Hey, I’m naked! Great, now that I have your attention: VOTE! And if you’re voting absentee, make sure you follow ALL of the instructions on your ballot,” Schumer wrote in the caption.

“Don’t just take my word for it, listen to all my naked friends. #NakedBallots,” she added.


This piece was written by James Samson on October 8, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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